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전체 결과 6건 중 2-6 번을 표시중입니다.

Issue Date Title Author(s)
1999 Panoramic-PIV system and its application to tandem oil fences Hyun Kobayashi TS et al
1998 Visualization of vortical flow around breaking waves generated by a submerged cylinder using particle image velocimetry Hyun Kyung-Shin Choi et al
2004 총 운송비용 평가를 통한 전대사용료 산정 김현 Kim Hyun
2007 컨테이너터미널의 RFID 효과 분석 김현 Kim Hyun
2016 港灣生産性․附加價値生産性․收益性 間의 關聯性 實證硏究 현승훈 Seung Hoon Hyun
