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정적연소기에서의 LPG 충돌분무확산화염에 대한 연구

DC Field Value Language 蘇秉斗 - 2017-02-22T06:59:27Z - 2017-02-22T06:59:27Z - 2002 - 56797-10-27 -
dc.identifier.uri ko_KR
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.description.abstract The need for more fuel efficient and lower emission vehicles has driven the technical development of alternative fuels such as Liquefied Petroleum Gas which is able to meet the limits of better emission levels without many modifications to current engine design. This study addresses the LPG spray and diffusion flame in a constant volume combustion chamber which has an impinging plate. The spray and flame images are visualized and compared with diesel and gasoline sprays in the condition of wide ambient gas pressure ranges. The high speed digital camera is used to take the flame images. The injection pressure is generated by Haskel air driven pump, and the trap pressure is adjusted by pumping air into a constant volume chamber. The LPG spray and flame photographs are compared with those of gasoline and diesel fuel at the same conditions, then the spray and flame development behavior is analyzed. The LPG spray photos show that the dispersion characteristics depend very sensibly on the ambient pressure soon after injection. In a low trap pressure, LPG fuel in liquid phase evaporates quickly and does not reach down easily to the impinging plate having a hot coil for ignition. Those make the temperature and the equivalence ratio very low near the ignition coil and then make the ignition hard. On the other side, a high trap pressure case, the spray leaving the nozzle is remaining as liquid phase like a diesel fuel spray. The LPG gather around the ignition site on the plate, which makes an intensive flame near the plate. It is considered that the behavior of LPG spray might be more dependent on the gas flow motion than the spray injection velocity in the cylinder with low trap pressure. That phenomenon will be appear easily on the early injection of a direct injection LPG engine. Therefore, the chamber and intake port shape might be careful to get a suitable flow motion for a direct injection LPG engine design. -
dc.description.tableofcontents 목차 ABSTRACT I. 序論 1.1 연구의 배경 및 목적 = 1 II. LPG 연료의 성질 2.1 LPG연료의 물리적 성질 = 5 2.2 LPG연료의 연소 = 8 III. 實驗裝置및 方法 3.1 실험장치의 구성 및 실험조건 = 9 IV. 實驗結果및 考察 4.1 LPG 분무확산연소특성 = 12 4.1.1 분위기압력변화에 따른 연소특성 = 12 4.1.2 분사압력변화에 따른 연소특성 = 15 4.2 가솔린 분무확산연소특성 = 30 4.2.1 분위기압력변화에 따른 연소특성 = 30 4.2.2 분사압력변화에 따른 연소특성 = 32 4.3 디젤 분무확산연소특성 = 46 4.3.1 분위기압력변화에 따른 연소특성 = 46 4.3.2 분사압력변화에 따른 연소특성 = 47 4.4 LPG, 가솔린, 디젤의 분무연소특성 비교 = 67 4.4.1 분무와 착화특성 = 67 4.4.2 연소특성 = 70 V. 結論 = 72 參考文獻 = 74 -
dc.publisher 韓國海洋大學校 -
dc.title 정적연소기에서의 LPG 충돌분무확산화염에 대한 연구 -
dc.title.alternative Analysis of LPG Spray Diffusion Flame in Constant Volume Combustion Chamber -
dc.type Thesis -
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