중국IT산업의 세계화전략에 대한 연구
DC Field | Value | Language |
dc.contributor.author | JiaFangFang | - |
dc.date.accessioned | 2017-02-22T07:00:58Z | - |
dc.date.available | 2017-02-22T07:00:58Z | - |
dc.date.issued | 2011 | - |
dc.date.submitted | 56959-08-21 | - |
dc.identifier.uri | http://kmou.dcollection.net/jsp/common/DcLoOrgPer.jsp?sItemId=000002175831 | ko_KR |
dc.identifier.uri | http://repository.kmou.ac.kr/handle/2014.oak/10146 | - |
dc.description.abstract | 중국은 지난 20여년 동안 눈부신 경제성장을 이룩하였으며 그 중 IT산업의 성장은 경외로웠다. 2008년 IT산업생산액은 세계에서 미국 다음으로 2위이며 수출액에서는 세계1위를 차지하고 있다. 이 논문은 이러한 중국 IT산업이 어떤 발전전략을 사용하여 세계화에 대처해왔는가를 중국의 대표적인 IT회사인 Hwawei사의 사례연구를 통해서 분석하는 데 초점을 맞추고 있다. 먼저 중국IT기업들은 넓은 국내시장의 이점인 규모의 경제를 활용하여 경쟁력의 기초를 다졌다. 세계화가 진전됨에 따라 서구의 우수한 기술을 가진 다국적기업들이 OLI(ownership specific advantage, location specific advantage, internalization specific advantage)이점을 활용하여 직접투자 형태로 중국시장에 진출하자 중국시장 내에서 IT산업의 경쟁은 격화되었다. 지금까지 대체적으로 선진국에서 개도국에 직접투자하는 것이 일반적이었고 경쟁이 격화되면 국내기업들은 다국적 기업과 전략적 제휴하는 선에서 마무리되었다. 그러나 이런 세계화흐름에 적응하기 위해 중국IT산업은 신시장을 개척과 신기술 유입을 촉진하고 장기적인 이윤추구를 위해 다각적인 글로벌 전략을 사용하여 오히려 선진국에 직접 투자하는 새로운 투자형태를 보여주었다. Hwawei사로 대표되는 중국IT산업은 적극적으로 대내외적인 네트워크를 형성하고 FDI를 통해서 기술뿐만 아니라 세계시장에서 마케팅능력 향상, 세계화를 리드하는 인재양성 등 다각적인 목적을 실현하기 위해 세계화를 적극적으로 활용하고 있는 것으로 분석된다. | - |
dc.description.abstract | In the end is the conclusion of this paper. This study advances our understanding of the role of globalization in the catch-up race of IT firm. The firms in emerging economies usually have weak technological capabilities or limited resources compared to the firms in developed economies. | - |
dc.description.abstract | This paper aims at analyzing the globalization strategy of Chinese information technology (IT) industry. Based on industry trends, analyzes the development of IT in China and compares its level with that of other countries. It is well known that the high-tech industry in China plays a important role to that nation's development and to the global technological relationship. China, as a latecomer, has relatively low market share in the world market. But Chinese market is expanding rapidly so that it cannot be ignored in the global market. This paper is summarized as follows. The first chapter gives a overview of the paper including the purpose the plan of this paper. The second chapter introduces the theoretical methodology of the study. The theory of FDI used here provides a more adequate understanding of companies' operational modes as well as business strategies, especially in an extremely competitive high-tech market. The third chapter analyses the globalization strategies and processes of Chinese IT industry. It attempts to link these strategies and processes to the changing contexts of global competition and national institutions. The fourth chapter aims at providing more insights into the strategies and development of IT industry by conducting an case study of a Chinese high-tech company, Huawei Company, in the communications equipment industry. This study proposes that IT industry tend to nurture their capability in the domestic market as a base before globalization. By taking advantage of conventional FDI theories we may explain the globalization of Chinese MNEs. In terms of entry modes, it would appear that Chinese IT industry among emerging economies focuses on obtaining advanced technology only to build up global strategic linkages and seek to acquire new markets by attracting foreign ventures and buying out the foreign company through M & A. It prefers to enter markets with fewer barriers in cultural, technological, economic area and uses inward and outward linkages to complement their strengths and offset their weaknesses in the global market. This study on the globalization patterns of Chinese IT industry enriches and broadens the horizon of understanding the current IT industry | - |
dc.description.tableofcontents | Contents Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 The background and purpose 1 1.2 The purpose 3 1.3 The plan of the paper 5 Chapter 2 A Theoretical Survey 8 2.1 Theoretical background 11 2.2 Study Methodology 15 2.3 Complement theory 17 Chapter 3 Overview of Chinese IT industry 19 3.1 Chinese Development of IT Industries 19 3.2 China and International Comparative Analysis 27 3.3 The Digital Divide of China 32 3.31 Large Gaps Exist Along Regional Development 33 3.32 Unbalanced Development 33 3.4 Research questions 34 3.41 Why are globalization theories concerned with the motives behind FDI? 34 3.42 Where do IT firms competitive advantages originate? 36 3.43 What constraints do IT firms face in their globalization? How do they deal with them and make themselves successful against the sometimes fierce resistance of DE MNEs? 38 Chapter 4 The case Study on Huawei Company 41 4.1 Overview of HuaweiCo. 41 4.2 Huawei's Motives of globalization 47 4.3 Domestic Market to Overseas Market (Establish MNE in foreign country) 50 4.31 Huawei's Pain in the U.S.EE and EU 53 4.32 Linkage, Leverage, and Learning 58 4.4 Case analysis 60 4.41 Home Country Market: Nurture Capability 62 4.42 Market Entry Sequence: Huawei's MNE in American 65 4.43 Inward-Outward Linkages: Build Up Capability 66 4.5 limitations 68 Chapter 5 Contribution and Conclusion 71 5.1 Contributions and Implications 71 5.2 Conclusion 73 References 77 Acknowledgement 79 | - |
dc.language | eng | - |
dc.publisher | 한국해양대학교 대학원 | - |
dc.title | 중국IT산업의 세계화전략에 대한 연구 | - |
dc.title.alternative | A study on the globalization strategy of Chinese IT industry :The case of Huawei | - |
dc.type | Thesis | - |
dc.date.awarded | 2011-02 | - |
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