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中國의 반덤핑被訴 現況과 對應方案에 관한 研究

DC Field Value Language HanDi - 2017-02-22T07:02:13Z - 2017-02-22T07:02:13Z - 2013 - 57016-04-17 -
dc.identifier.uri ko_KR
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.description.abstract Antidumping problem is a problem which draws more attention of international society and becomes a hot topic around the world. Since reform and opening up, China's foreign trade, rapid growth, due to domestic protectionist pressures abroad, the Government has to take measures to alleviate the domestic dissatisfaction. Anti-dumping has become the best of contemporary international trade means the trade barriers. "Anti-Dumping Agreement" purporting to some countries in order to prevent abuse of the principles of free trade while the damage caused to his country. However, some countries are using anti-dumping as a trade protection tools, products to stop him entering the country and impede free trade. China is the highest number of anti-dumping by the country, their interests are seriously harmed. The face of such enormous impact. The reasons are manifold, both international as well as domestic -
dc.description.abstract analysizes the evolution of antidumping law system from the angle of domestic law and international law. Second, the author gives an empirical analysis on China’ s antidumping problem from the aspects of outline, characteristics, tendency and cases. Third, the author analysizes the reasons why other countries always take antidumping measures to Chinese export goods and the reasons why China takes antidumping measures to import goods from the angle of internal cause and external cause, fair trade. Finally, the author puts forward the suggestion of dealing with other countries’ antidumping actions towards Chinese goods from the aspects of winning fair treatment, raising the competitive ability of Chinese enterprises, antidumping operation mechanism, enterprises’ initiative, utilizing WTO rules etc. The article is made up of four chapters. In chapter 1 presents research backgrounds, the aim, contributions and structures of the thesis. In chapter 2, the author defines deeply and completely the concept of antidumping from its meaning, procedures, measures. In chapter 3, the author analyzes the reasons why China has become the main antidumping object of foreign countries and the reasons why China takes antidumping measures to import goods. In chapter 4, the author puts forward some significant countermeasures on how to settle the problem of antidumping. -
dc.description.abstract both the impact of economic factors, but also has legal factors. In order to minimize the foreign anti-dumping on China's foreign trade as well as the adverse impact of economic development, we need a new look with new strategies to deal with. On the basis of theories of international economics and international law, with the means of empirical analysis, quantitative analysis, the author has studied the problem of antidumping deeply. First, the author defines deeply and completely the concept of antidumping from its meaning, procedures, measures -
dc.description.abstract both objective as well as subjective -
dc.description.tableofcontents 제1장 서 론 제1절 연구의 배경 및 목적 제2절 연구의 구성 및 방법 제2장 반덤핑제도의 의의와 경제적 효과 제1절 덤핑의 의의와 경제적 효과 1. 덤핑의 의의 2. 덤핑의 경제적 효과 제2절 반덤핑 규범의 이론적 고찰 1. 반덤핑 규범의 발전과정 (1) 반덤핑법의 생성 (2) 반덤핑에 관한 국제규범 2. 반덤핑제도의 의의 3. 반덤핑제도의 정상가격과 제3국의 정의 (1) 일반적 정상가격 (2) 비시장경제국의 정상가격 (3) 제3국의 정의 4. 시장경제지위의 정의 및 주요국의 판정기준 (1) 시장경제지위의 정의7 (2) 비시장경제국에 대한 WTO 및 각국의 규범 제3장 중국산 제품의 반덤핑피소 현황과 원인 분석 제1절 중국산 제품의 반덤핑피소 현황 1. 중국산 제품의 반덤핑피소 분석 2. 중국산 제품의 반덤핑피소 국가별 분석 3. 반덤핑피소 중국산 제품의 종류별 분석 제2절 중국산 제품의 반덤핑피소 원인 분석 1. 내부 원인 (1) 중국의 경제 발전과 수출 확대 (2) 중국의 수출 증가와 부조화 (3) 중국기업의 반덤핑피소에 대한 소극적 대응 2. 외부 원인 (1) 신 보호 무역주의의 강화 (2) 중국산 제품에 대한 차별적 반덤핑정책 제4장 중국기업의 반덤핑피소 대응전략과 관련사례 제1절 반덤핑피소에 대한 중국기업의 대응 1. 미국337조사의 본질과 특성 2. 미국337조사에 대한 중국기업의 분석 제2절 중국기업의 생산지 다변화 전력 1. 구체적 사례 2. 사례에 따른 결론 제3절 중국의 세계 경제시장 지위 확보 제5장 결 론 -
dc.language kor -
dc.publisher 국립 한국해양대학교 -
dc.title 中國의 반덤핑被訴 現況과 對應方案에 관한 研究 -
dc.title.alternative A Study on Solutions of Foreign Countries Anti-dumping to Chinese Products -
dc.type Thesis - 2013-08 -
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