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차세대 해상통합 통신망 도입에 관한 연구

DC Field Value Language 이신걸 - 2017-02-22T07:06:07Z - 2017-02-22T07:06:07Z - 2010 - 56932-07-09 -
dc.identifier.uri ko_KR
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.description.abstract The environment of communications network at sea has been growing rapidly along with the development of relevant technologies including information technology and radio communication technique. The growth of communication network enables people who are at work in the maritime industries to receive technical benefits widely. Regardless of their locations, anyone who is within the service area could get a way to communicate information with the other through telecommunication satellites, several kinds of radio communication stations and other wireless Internet service networks. In the waters around the Korean Peninsula, several types of communication systems, including cellular-phone system, MF/HF/VHF transceiver and satellite's terminals, have been mainly used in order to transmit or receive information necessary for safe navigation. However, those systems have their own limitations on the range of service area, the capacity for communication and the price for using them. The cell-phone could provide high data rates and convenience for data transmission, but it could be usable only near shore or in port areas. The MF/HF/VHF transceiver has wider range than the cell-phone, however the capacity of data transmission is limited. And the satellite is covering the entire ocean surface, but it is rather expensive to use. And because those communication systems were installed separately in the initial stage without considering the efficiency of integration, it was difficult to increase the efficiency in data transmission by exchanging necessary information with each others. And heavy cost of construction was also not evitable to install them. On the one hand, recently a new communication technology, called Next Generation Network, has been introduced and developed rapidly, so as to make communication possible regardless of types of terminal unit. In this paper, a method was proposed for integrating maritime communication systems which help improve the current environment of communications network at sea. With the results of analyzing both current situation of communications at sea and new advanced technology mainly used in the life on land, an architecture and needed functions of the integrated maritime communication system were defined. Also how to introduce such system into the Korean maritime industries and how to provide adequate services with them were presented. The proposed communication system would be expected to help improve not only the efficiency of communication at sea, but also the navigational safety of vessels engaged in shipping and fishing industry. -
dc.description.tableofcontents Abstract ⅶ 약 어 ⅸ 제1장 서론 1 1.1 연구의 배경 및 필요성 1 1.2 연구의 방법 및 구성 3 제2장 해상 통신망 현황 조사 5 2.1 주파수 대역별 통신서비스 현황 조사 5 2.2 국내·외 해상 통신망 현황 및 기술동향 7 2.2.1 국내 해상 통신망 현황 7 2.2.2 국외 해상통신망 동향 17 2.2.3 해상 통신망관련 국외 기술동향 21 2.3 해상 통신망의 분석 및 환경변화 예측 27 2.3.1 해상 통신망의 분석 27 2.3.2 해상 통신망의 환경변화 예측 29 제3장 육상의 차세대 통신망관련 기술동향 31 3.1 차세대 통신망 31 3.1.1 차세대 통신망의 개요 31 3.1.2 차세대 통신망의 구조 34 3.1.3 차세대 통신망의 계층별 주요기능 및 서비스 35 3.1.4 차세대 통신망의 중요기술에 대한 표준화 39 3.2 광대역 통합망 41 3.2.1 광대역 통합망의 제공 서비스 42 3.2.2 각 계층 별 주요 특징 43 3.2.3 소프트 스위치 기술 51 3.2.4 광대역 통합망에서의 주소체계 53 3.3 국가통합지휘무선망 54 3.3.1 국가통합지휘무선망 개요 54 3.3.2 디지털 주파수 공용통신 기술 57 3.3.3 국가통합지휘무선망의 진행 현황 58 3.4 기술동향 분석 59 제4장 차세대 해상 통합통신망 60 4.1 차세대 해상 통합통신망 도입의 필요성 60 4.2 차세대 해상 통합통신망 개요 61 4.2.1 차세대 해상 통합통신망 정의 61 4.2.2 차세대 해상 통합통신망의 구성 및 특징 62 4.2.3 차세대 해상 통합통신망의 서비스 76 4.3 차세대 해상 통합통신망 도입 방안 79 4.3.1 차세대 해상 통합통신망 계층별 도입 방안 81 4.3.2 차세대 해상 통합통신망의 육상 해안국 도입 방안 83 4.3.3 차세대 해상 통합통신망의 해상 선박국 구성 방안 87 4.4 차세대 해상 통합통신망의 활용방안 88 4.4.1 새로운 기술도입에 활용 88 4.4.2 해상 통신망 공동 활용 89 제5장 결론 91 5.1 연구결과 91 5.2 향후 연구 과제 93 참고 문헌 94 감사의 글 97 -
dc.language kor -
dc.publisher 한국해양대학교 대학원 -
dc.title 차세대 해상통합 통신망 도입에 관한 연구 -
dc.title.alternative A Study on the Introduction of an Advanced Integrated Maritime Communication System -
dc.type Thesis - 2010-02 -
dc.contributor.alternativeName Lee Shin Geol -
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