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컨테이너항만의 경쟁구조에 관한 연구

DC Field Value Language 이지훈 - 2017-02-22T07:10:03Z - 2017-02-22T07:10:03Z - 2008 - 56879-03-02 -
dc.identifier.uri ko_KR
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.description.abstract According to growth of world economy, container volume increases over 10% every year. Above all, China and Korea in Far East Asia are handling over a half of the world trade volumes. As a result of growing traffic, Carriers are promoting large vessels and trying to diversify shipping networks. Both Port Authorities and GTOs(Global Terminal Operators) also make efforts to create synergy through M&A and Joint Venture in order to adapt the changing environment. Busan port, which had ranked at 3rd busiest port following Singapore and Hong Kong in 2002, has been nudged out of 5th place. Growth of China ports threatens Korea ports to be a hub port in Far East Asia. Therefore, Korea ports are needed to establish competitive strategies to overcome a crisis of local ports. In this paper, The question, 'Who is my competitor ?' will be examined. There is different between this thesis and many studies that had been done before. Because, fore studies focused on the competitive factors or port efficiencies. Prior to study, the meaning of competition among ports had been summarized through existing literatures. Next based on import-export traffic of five local ports including Busan, competition structure among ports is researched. Futhermore, competition among Busan, Gwangyang, Shanghai and Shenzhen port could be revealed by transshipment volume. As a result, Busan and Gwangyang port are competing each other on the basis of import-export volume and growth of Incheon port affects Busan negatively. On the basis of transshipment, main competitor of Busan is not Shanghai or Shenzhen but Gwangyang. Comprehensively, the fact that Busan and Gwangyang are competing each other is more important than competition among Chinese ports. Marketing which was used to carry out independently such as incentive program makes ports compete each other. These competitions in local market can affirmatively secure shipment. With regard to serious competition and the weakness of increase rate of volume, however, it is assumed that cutthroat competition among local ports will happen. Accordingly, it is necessary to expand cooperation with port authorities and discuss detailed matters such as incentive program. Then it is expected that serious competition among local ports can be avoided through cooperation with port authorities and they can increase continuously volume and attract carriers. -
dc.description.tableofcontents 제 1 장 서 론 1 제 1 절 연구의 배경 및 목적 1 1. 연구의 배경 1 2. 연구의 목적 2 제 2 절 연구의 방법 및 구성 3 제 2 장 항만을 둘러싼 환경변화 5 제 1 절 해운 환경의 변화 5 1. 세계 컨테이너 물동량의 변화 5 2. 선사의 변화 7 3. 컨테이너항만의 변화 9 제 2 절 국내항만의 변화 11 제 3 장 이론적 배경 16 제 4 장 항만의 경쟁구조분석 24 제 1 절 연구의 범위 24 제 2 절 경쟁구조 분석을 위한 연구방법론 26 1. 기초분석(상관관계분석) 26 2. 단위근 검정(Unitroot test) 28 3. 오차수정모형(Error correction model) 35 4. 항만간 인과관계(Causality) 검정 40 제 3 절 실증 분석 44 1. 항만간 경쟁분석(수출입 물동량모형) 44 2. 항만간 경쟁분석(환적 물동량모형 I) 59 3. 항만간 경쟁분석(환적 물동량모형 II) 71 제 4 절 결과 종합 89 1. 수출입 화물 기준 경쟁구조 89 2. 환적 화물 기준 경쟁구조(모형I) 91 3. 환적 화물 기준 경쟁구조(모형II) 93 4. 분석결과 종합 95 제 5 장 경쟁구조를 고려한 항만운영 102 제 6 장 결론 및 향후 연구방향 112 제 1 절 결론 112 제 2 절 연구의 한계 및 향후 연구방향 113 참 고 문 헌 115 -
dc.language kor -
dc.publisher 한국해양대학교 대학원 -
dc.title 컨테이너항만의 경쟁구조에 관한 연구 -
dc.title.alternative A Study on Competition Structure among Container Ports -
dc.type Thesis - 2008-08 -
dc.contributor.alternativeName Lee -
dc.contributor.alternativeName Ji Hoon -
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동북아물류시스템학과 > Thesis
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