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패스트푸드점의 관계마케팅 활동요인이 관계의 질에 미치는 영향

DC Field Value Language 안경환 - 2017-02-22T07:12:19Z - 2017-02-22T07:12:19Z - 2004 - 56823-11-10 -
dc.identifier.uri ko_KR
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.description.abstract The fast food systems have been recently experiencing fierce competition in Korea. In modern society, the relative importance which fast food industry occupies within the whole life of men has been increasing day after day, and the fast food industry is considered a means to create culture as well as to recover or build up better quality of life. Today's fast food industry present a new product and service in order to meet various customer's need and as the new fast food industry has been appeared and the people has used fast food management system freely with one's service that one wants, the competition between fast food industry more has deepened. In the such a competition environment, fast food industry should prevent the customer from breaking away and maintain the Relation-Ship with the existing customer and create the satisfaction of customer and secure the customers in order to enforce the competition power. For the reason, the Relation Marketing to the customer has been appeared at the most essential marketing strategy. However, in spite of the importance of the activity for the Relation Marketing to the customer the study on the fast food industry Relation Marketing is lack at large and a few studied analysed the need of Fast-food industry Relation Marketing. For this reason, this study intended to find about how the interaction between the fast food factor of Relation activity and customer satisfaction, trust of visitors. In the traditional marketing mix model the focus of Marketing activities is primarily directed towards attracting new customer instead of the keeping present once and the underlying assumption in that the market consists of a very large of customers. The model in based on the assumption that the customers(user Fast Food visitors)and their need are more or less homogeneous and that defecting customers. Customers can be replaced with new once. Consequently, the transaction are admitted to be short-term. The predominant marketing theory in placed within this marketing management paradigm. However, a marketing paradigm based on long-term relation ships has arisen an the traditional marketing mix model, ie , product, price, place and promotion marketing up the 4Ps, does not fully take in to the account the characteristics of service, which compared to good one more heterogenous, abstract, process, where consumption, delivery simultaneously and production take place and where there is no ordinary transfer of ownership. Parallel to this development with service marketing and management also industrial marketing has witnessed a shift of focus since the 1970's toward interactions, adaptation, exchanges, commitment, trust, customer satisfaction long-term orientation and industrial networks. The first section of this paper traces a part of introduction in thinking from the traditional marketing concept to the New Relating Marketing concept. The second section described the necessary for Relation Marketing and Relation Marketing Variables (factors of Relation activity, trust, customer satisfaction, etc.) The third section described design of model, and research method. The forth section described hypothesis verification and interpretation of hypothesis results . The fifth section described conclusion and limitation of the study for this paper. To clarify the purpose of study has adopted the both the theoretical approach and the empirical approach. Based on this theoreticals background we have sampled 260 individual for fast food visitors(experienced customers) using a random analyzed the data of this samples statistically. The analysis of data has been computerized with help of SPSS WIN Ver. 10.0. The limitation of the study are fellows. First not all variables are tested in this study. Second only used on Busan area Fast Food store visitors. Third further study should be under taken to be able to establish a basic samples of teenagers. -
dc.description.tableofcontents 제1장 서론 1 제1절 문제의 제기 1 제2절 연구의 목적 4 제3절 연구의 방법 및 범위 5 제2장 이론적 배경 7 제1절 관계마케팅에 대한 접근 7 1. 관계마케팅의 생성 7 2. 관계마케팅의 개념 10 3. 서비스 분야의 관계마케팅 적용 15 제2절 관계마케팅에 관한 선행연구 19 1. 관계마케팅 관련 요인 19 2. 관계마케팅 활동요인 23 제3절 관계의 질에 관한 선행연구 27 1. 관계의 질로서 신뢰의 측정 27 2. 관계의 질로서 만족의 측정 29 제4절 관계마케팅 활동요인과 관계의 질의 관계 31 제3장 연구의 설계 및 조사방법 33 제1절 연구모형의 설계 33 1. 연구모형 33 2. 변수의 개념적 조작화 34 제2절 연구가설의 설정 및 검정방법 35 1. 연구가설의 설정 35 2. 가설의 검정방법 36 제3절 조사설계 37 1. 조사의 실시 37 2. 설문지의 구성 및 내용 37 제4장 가설 검정 및 결과의 해석 39 제1절 연구결과 분석 39 1. 자료의 인구 통계학적 및 일반적 특성 39 2. 측정 변수에 대한 기술통계 41 3. 측정도구의 신뢰도 및 타당도 검정 42 제2절 연구가설의 검정 및 결과의 해석 49 1. 연구가설의 검정 49 2. 연구가설의 채택여부 57 3. 분석결과의 해석 61 제5장 결 론 69 제1절 연구의 요약 및 결과 69 제2절 시사점 71 1. 학문적인 시사점 71 2. 실무적인 시사점71 제3절 연구의 한계 및 향후 연구과제 73 참고문헌 74 국내문헌 74 외국문헌 77 [부록-Ⅰ] 설문지 81 -
dc.language kor -
dc.publisher 한국해양대학교 대학원 -
dc.title 패스트푸드점의 관계마케팅 활동요인이 관계의 질에 미치는 영향 -
dc.title.alternative Relationship Marketing Activities Affecting Relationship Quality in Fast-food Store -
dc.type Thesis - 2004-08 -
dc.contributor.alternativeName Kyung-Hwan Ahn -
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해운경영학과 > Thesis
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