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한국 몽골간의 복합운송경로 선택과 신규경로 평가에 관한 연구

DC Field Value Language GanbatEnkhtsetseg - 2017-02-22T07:15:35Z - 2017-02-22T07:15:35Z - 2016 - 57097-01-20 -
dc.identifier.uri ko_KR
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.description.abstract According to the globalization of world economy on distribution and sales, logistics and transportation parts are playing an important role. Especially, they have to decide what is the key factor of route choice model and how to choose the right transport route in multimodal transport system. By considering the key factors in rote choice model for freight forwarders between Mongolia and Korea, this thesis propose 4 main factors: Cost, Time, Freight and Logistics service with 13 sub factors. Factors' importance level surveyed through interview with Mongolian freight forwarders, analyzed by AHP analysis. In results, Time is most important factor to choose transport route, Cost factor is second, and then Freight and Logistics service factors. And the empirical insights about current status of Mongolian forwarders are provided with different factors between transportation modes. Therefore this thesis also considering about new transportation line, as follow as government information, there will be open 7 new routes(5 of shipping and rail line, 2 of air line) in nearest 5 years. Thus, the purpose of this thesis is determining efficiency and suggest activation plan for those new route between Korea and Mongolia. In result, new lines 4 and 8 were expected higher utilization in shipping and rail route, and new line 9 was expected higher utilization in air route. The case of new line 4 is railway route through North Korea and China’s railway. This route distance is 233km shorter, transportation time is 10 hours shorter and transfer number is 2 times lower than existing route. Case of new line 8 is multimodal route with shipping and railway through China. This route transportation time is 5 hours shorter and transfer number is 1 times lower than existing route, but transport distance is 653kim longer than existing route. Next case of airway line 9 is almost every elements are similar with existing air route. However, new airport have more developed infrastructure and capacity than existing airport. For this reason this thesis suggesting 3 kind of activation plan of systemical activation plan, infrastructural activation plan and connectional activation plan of new routes between Korea and Mongolia. First, Systemical activation plan of new lines -
dc.description.abstract need to finish construction of Asian highway road and new railway plan. Also one important issue is usage of North Korean railway. Especially, connection of Korea and North Korea railway. Lastly, this thesis have supplying significant information to next empirical study of Korea and Mongolian trade relationship, logistics, transportation route and new line implementation. -
dc.description.abstract need to improve important terminal and facilities, construct the new terminal and custom in the new railway route on border point. And more important thing is solve the transfer technology and transfer facility of railway gauge in Mongolia. Third, Connectional activation plan of new lines -
dc.description.abstract need to investment for railway and highway construction and planning of professional manpower training policy. Second, Infrastructural activation plan of new lines -
dc.description.tableofcontents 목 차 List of Tables IV List of Figures V Abstract VII 1. 서 론 1.1 연구 필요성 및 목적 1 1.2 연구의 방법 및 구성 3 2. 복합운송 선행연구 고찰 2.1 복합운송의 개요 6 2.1.1 복합운송의 정의 6 2.1.2 복합운송 주체별 유형 7 2.1.3 국제복합운송 개요 8 2.2 복합운송 경로선택 선행연구 9 2.2.1 복합운송 경로선택 선행연구 9 2.2.2 몽골물류에 관한 선행연구 14 3. 한국․몽골 물류현황 및 복합운송 경로 3.1 몽골의 일반적 현황 17 3.1.1 몽골경제 및 무역현황 19 3.1.2 몽골 물류인프라 현황 및 물동량 22 3.2 한국․몽골 물류 현황 33 3.2.1 한국․몽골 교역 현황 33 3.2.2 한국․몽골 물류현황 34 3.3 한국․몽골간의 운송경로 및 예상경로 36 3.3.1 복합운송노선 개발현황 및 계획 36 3.3.2 한국․몽골간의 현재경로 및 예상경로 38 4. 한국․몽골간의 복합운송경로 선택요인 중요도 평가 4.1 AHP 분석 방법 49 4.2 설문조사 구성 51 4.2.1 설문문항 선행연구 검토 및 조작적 정의 51 4.2.2 설문 구성 52 4.3 AHP 분석결과 54 4.3.1 일반적 분석결과 54 4.3.2 상위 및 하위요인 분석결과 56 4.3.3 해운운송 및 항공운송 분석결과 비교 58 5. 한국․몽골간의 복합운송경로별 이용도 평가 5.1 복합운송경로선택 모형 60 5.2 복합운송경로 이용률 분석 64 5.3 복합운송경로 민감도 분석 68 5.4 한국․몽골간의 복합운송경로 평가 결과 79 5.4.1 한국․몽골간의 예상운송경로 선정 79 5.4.2 한국․몽골간의 예상경로 활성화 방안 80 6. 결론 6.1 연구결과 요약 82 6.2 연구시사점 83 6.3 연구 한계 및 향후 연구방향 84 감사의 글 85 참고문헌 86 부록 A 한국설문조사 91 부록 B 몽골설문조사 95 -
dc.language kor -
dc.publisher 한국해양대학교 대학원 -
dc.title 한국 몽골간의 복합운송경로 선택과 신규경로 평가에 관한 연구 -
dc.title.alternative Multimodal Transport Route Choice and Evaluation of New Route between Korea and Mongolia -
dc.type Thesis - 2016-02 -
dc.contributor.alternativeName Ganbat Enkhtsetseg -
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