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한국조선기자재산업의 경쟁력 위치분석

DC Field Value Language 이진화 - 2017-02-22T07:16:20Z - 2017-02-22T07:16:20Z - 2012 - 56987-11-06 -
dc.identifier.uri ko_KR
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.description.abstract Korea shipbuilding were made possible by rapid growing in moment of world economy development. Shipbuilding industry make development with connection industries, which for become the large assembly industries. Especially, marine equipment industry is general industry related from steel to electronical and electronics industry. Marine industry has to analyse the importance of affecting factor and status by Gap analysis which for increase the competitive edge. We need to analyse the competitive position and seek for the solution of set up an effective manufacturing system and quality improvement plan. For this, I measured marine equipment competitive necessity awareness of four keys. (Four key: classified by balanced product valuation model) In this paper, I measured the competitive criticality of marine equipment and present condition by Gap analysis. I look to ways of improving competitiveness development by analyzed the knowledge competitiveness position of marine equipment industries key factor. In result of analysed, the obey ability for payment is most important factor in competitive effect. Also, it showed that equipment international standard and trend has most competitiveness. It has sought development by efforts of high value equipment development which for accumulate core-technology, but compensation are inadequate to support with technical development. For the development, it is required to motivation of development in basic steps applies to any industry. Marine equipment industry has the band width to get development competitiveness by satisfying and improving competitive factors. -
dc.description.tableofcontents 표 차 례 ⅲ 그림 차례 ⅵ Abstract ⅶ 제1장 서 론 1 제1절 연구의 배경과 목적 1 제2절 연구의 내용 및 방법 7 제2장 이론적 고찰 및 선행연구 8 제1절 경쟁력의 이론적 고찰 8 1. 경쟁력의 개념과 정의 8 제2절 균형성과모형의 선행연구 10 1. 해외선행연구 10 2. 국내선행연구 12 제3장 조선기자재산업의 현황 15 제1절 조선기자재산업의 특성 및 파급효과 15 1. 특성 및 파급효과 15 제2절 국내외 조선 및 조선기자재산업의 현황 19 1. 세계의 조선산업 구조변화와 전망 19 2. 국내의 조선산업 및 조선기자재산업의 현황 29 제4장 조선기자재산업의 경쟁력 분석 39 제1절 균형성과모형 39 1. 균형성과모형의 활용 39 2. 균형성과모형의 4관점 요인 40 3. 핵심성공요인 및 핵심성과지표 도출 42 제2절 측정방법 및 연구대상 45 1. 측정방법 45 2. 자료수집과 연구대상 47 제3절 실태 및 차이 분석 53 1. 조선기자재산업의 경쟁력 요인 실태 및 차이분석 53 제4절 4관점 요인의 신뢰성 분석 83 1. 신뢰성 분석 83 제5장 결 론 86 제1절 연구결과의 요약 및 시사점 86 제2절 연구의 한계 및 향후 과제 88 -
dc.language kor -
dc.publisher 한국해양대학교 -
dc.title 한국조선기자재산업의 경쟁력 위치분석 -
dc.type Thesis - 2011-08 -
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