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韓國海運企業의 經營特性이 危險에 미치는 影響에 관한 實證硏究

DC Field Value Language 金德一 - 2017-02-22T07:16:40Z - 2017-02-22T07:16:40Z - 2001 - 56797-10-27 -
dc.identifier.uri ko_KR
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.description.abstract Generally speaking, shipping companies need enormous funds to purchase or build ships which are their most important assets. Particularly Korean shipping companies which have difficulties in raising funds have high risk because their debt level is very high in relation to the acquisition of the vessels. And besides, it is very difficult for the shipping companies to expect stable freight revenue as shipping market is a complete competition market in which all the prices including freight rate are decided according to the theory of demand and supply between shippers and ship owners not in the domestic market but in the global market. Consequently, the risk of shipping companies is even higher than that of other industries because it is very uncertain for them to obtain stable revenue and sustain their growth rate. Higher return can be achieved when the risk is high in accordance with conventional economic and financial theory. However, the conventional theory regarding the relationship between profit and risk does not always apply to Korean shipping companies as they cannot get high return despite the high risk confronting Korean shipping companies when compared to other industries. Therefore, it is very useful to analyse factors which have impacts on shipping companies and to take measures to enhance competitiveness of Korean shipping companies. The purpose of this study is to select the shipping-related risk factors and to analyse the relationship between shipping-related risk and those factors in Korean shipping companies for the development of Korean shipping industry. The field data on the 32 ocean-going shipping companies′ financial statements have been used to get the empirical evidence. Coastal shipping companies were excluded as most of them are too small in size to make reasonable decisions and it is very difficult to collect the related data. Previous books or documents have been referred to research the conventional theories as to the relationship between risk and return. Statistics analysis has been made based on the collected data to choose factors which influence shipping-related risk. T-test and multiple regression analysis have also been used to test relationship between risk and those factors. This study has set six hypotheses and research model to examine the shipping -related risk factors and the relationship between shipping-related risk and those factors. Six hypotheses are the followings : Four factors(fluctuation of vessel volume, fluctuation of debt, fluctuation of operation profits, fluctuation of cash flow) have a negative correlation with the shipping risk whereas two factors(fluctuation of charter cost, fluctuation of interest) have a positive correlation with the shipping risk. These hypotheses have been adopted as a result of multiple regression analysis with a significance level less than 0.01. These results represent that Korean shipping companies′ managers tend to make conservative decisions as to vessel volume if the shipping risk becomes high: Fluctuation of debt becomes low if the shipping risk becomes high -
dc.description.abstract Management techniques and systematic provisions have to be prepared to avoid an exchange rate risk when funds are raised by foreign currency debt. -
dc.description.abstract Vessel acquisition contract should reasonably be made in terms of interest -
dc.description.abstract Charter related decision should be made reasonably and conservatively to manage the shipping-related risk -
dc.description.abstract Korean ocean-going shipping companies have to reduce their debt ratio and increase their equity capital ratio to avoid shipping risk -
dc.description.abstract If the shipping risk becomes high, decision-making regarding cash flow becomes conservative and so Korean ocean-going shipping companies tend to make a reasonable decision to avoid the risk. Finally, the results of this study hint that Korean ocean-going shipping companies relatively make a non-aggressive and non-offensive but reasonable and conservative decision in preparation against possible shipping risk in their cash flow, vessel volume etc -
dc.description.abstract Interest becomes higher when shipping market is depressed -
dc.description.abstract Korean shipping companies do not get high profits even if they are faced with relatively high risk when compared to other industries -
dc.description.abstract The bigger the charter cost, the higher the shipping risk -
dc.description.tableofcontents 表 目次 그림 차례 英文 抄錄 (Abstract) 第1章 序論 = 1 第1節 問題의 提起 = 1 第2節 硏究의 目的 = 3 第3節 硏究의 方法 = 4 1. 硏究對象과 資料蒐集 = 4 2. 分析方法 = 4 第4節 硏究의 範圍와 內容 = 5 第2章 韓國海運産業의 變遷過程과 經營特性 = 6 第1節 韓國海運産業의 變遷過程 = 6 1. 韓國海運의 準備期 (1945년부터 1960년) = 7 2. 韓國海運의 高度 成長期 (1960년부터 1984년) = 11 3. 韓國海運의 現況 (海運自由化 또는 國際化) = 15 4. 韓國海運의 未來展望 = 19 第2節 海運産業과 市場 特性 = 21 1. 海運自由가 海運市場에 미치는 影響 = 21 2. 需給調節機能의 不安全과 市場의 補完裝置 = 27 3. 世界經濟의 變化와 海運業의 構造的 不況 = 32 第3章 危險要因에 관한 理論的 背景과 先行硏究 = 42 第1節 危險과 관련된 意思決定理論 = 42 1. 企業危險에 대한 經營行態理論 = 42 2. 危險에 대한 經營戰略的 接近 = 44 第2節 海運危險과 海運産業의 特性 = 48 1. 海運經營의 意思決定 分野 = 48 2. 海運危險과 관련된 海運産業의 特性 = 50 第3節 海運經營에 따른 企業危險 = 54 1. 海運企業과 企業危險의 種類 = 54 2. 海運市場別 危險의 具體的 形態 = 57 3. 海運企業의 經營多角化와 危險 = 62 4. 海運危險에 따른 海運産業의 競爭力 强化 必要性 = 63 第4章 韓國海運企業의 經營實態分析과 診斷 = 66 第1節 外航海運의 經營環境 分析 = 66 1. 外航海運企業의 現況 = 66 2. 外航海運産業의 經營環境 = 71 3. 外航船 保有現況 = 73 第2節 韓國海運企業의 經營實態分析 = 78 1. 收益性 分析 = 78 2. 財務構造 分析 = 81 3. 資産 및 資本의 效率性 分析 = 83 4. 生産性 分析 = 85 第5章 海運危險의 關聯要因에 관한 實證硏究 = 88 第1節 變數選定과 硏究假說 設定 = 88 1. 變數選定과 測定 = 88 2. 資料蒐集과 分析方法 = 91 3. 硏究模型과 假設設定 = 92 第2節 外航海運企業의 危險要因分析 및 製造業과 比較 = 98 1. 外航海運 關聯變數들의 趨勢 分析 = 98 2. 外航企業과 製造業間의 危險關聯要因 比較 分析 = 108 第3節 海運危險과 關聯要因間의 關聯性分析과 結果 = 118 1. 分析模型과 分析結果 = 118 2. 假說檢定結果 = 121 第6章 結論 = 123 第1節 分析結果의 要約 = 123 第2節 硏究結果의 示唆點 = 126 第3節 硏究의 限界와 向後 硏究課題 = 128 參考文獻 = 129 1. 國內文獻 = 129 2. 國外文獻 = 132 -
dc.publisher 한국해양대학교 대학원 -
dc.title 韓國海運企業의 經營特性이 危險에 미치는 影響에 관한 實證硏究 -
dc.title.alternative (An) Empirical Study on the Impacts of Management Characteristics of Korean Shipping Companies on the Risk -
dc.type Thesis -
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