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한국해운의 적정선대 규모에 관한 연구

DC Field Value Language 김경식 - 2017-02-22T07:16:51Z - 2017-02-22T07:16:51Z - 2007 - 56850-02-09 -
dc.identifier.uri ko_KR
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.description.abstract Korean Shipping Industry is a key factor for the economic development of Korea as Korean focus on the external economic development policy. About 99.7% of trading in Korea must be transported by ships. Thus shipping transportation is a core of the industrial and economic development in Korea. There are many factors to affect the continuous growth of shipping industry. In this dissertation the purpose of the research is to make a development model of Korea shipping industry and to get an optimal scale of merchant fleet in Korea by investigating and analyzing. In this study seven factors which affect on the development of shipping industry are found, and the seven factors are follows: 1st: Improvement of the system in shipping industry 2nd: Construction of advanced shipping and logistics infrastructure 3rd: Stabilization of supplying Korean nationality fleet 4th: Security of supplying the power of crew 5th: Activation of related industry of shipping 6th: Construction of global networks in shipping 7th: Enlargement international shipping cooperation To analyze more details about the seven factors affecting shipping industry we used AHP, and I can achieve the weigh of factors. The 1st important factor is the construction of global networks in shipping, 2nd is the enlargement of international shipping cooperation, 3rd is the construction of advanced shipping and logistics infrastructure, 4th is the stabilization of supplying Korean nationality fleet ,and so on. With this result we tried to make a Korean development model of shipping industry. Even though the 1st is most suitable factor to make Korean development model, the 1st-3rd have been operating by companies and already accepted as the shipping development model by the advanced shipping countries. So we have chosen the 4th factor as Korean development model of shipping industry after analyzing the factor through AHP. The increase of shipping capacity in Korea is the model and we have used DEA to find the optimal shipping amount out at last chart. We have selected input and output variables and compared the economic status and shipping capacity among 22 countries. The selected input variables are import-export amount and GDP, and outputs are the real owned shipping capacity of each country. The desirable fleet of Korean shipping is more than twice of current amount after analyzing DEA. Finally this dissertation could suggest that Korean shipping industry would be developed by increasing the capacity of fleet and the optimal amount of shipping is more than twice of current amount through analyzing DEA & AHP. -
dc.description.tableofcontents 제1장 서론 = 1 제1절 연구배경과 목적 = 1 제2절 연구의 방법 및 구성 = 2 제2장 한국해운산업의 경쟁력과 전망 = 4 제1절 한국해운산업의 현황과 과제 = 4 1. 한국해운산업의 발전과정과 현황 = 4 2. 한국해운산업산업의 과제 = 10 제2절 한국해운산업의 발전전망 = 12 1. 한국해운산업의 시장 환경 = 12 2. 한국해운산업의 발전목표와 전략 = 16 제3절 한국해운산업발전을 위한 주요 요인 = 19 1. 한국해운산업발전 요인 개괄 = 19 2. 주요요인 특성분배 = 20 제3장 한국해운발전의 주요요인분석 = 22 제1절 AHP를 활용한 한국해운산업연구 = 22 1. 해운산업관련 기존연구 = 22 2. AHP분석을 위한 한국해운산업발전의 요인 계층도 = 23 제2절 한국해운산업발전의 주요 요인 분석 = 24 1. 발전요인 중요도 설문조사 = 24 2. 발전요인 중요도 결과분석 = 26 3. 한국해운산업발전요인 분석결과 및 해운발전지수 = 32 제3절 AHP 분석을 통한 한국해운산업의 발전 모델 구성 = 34 1. 요인 별 특성과 한국형 발전모델 = 35 2. 선대확대를 통한 한국해운산업 발전전략 = 38 제4장 한국해운산업발전을 위한 적정선대규모 추정 = 40 제1절 해운수요 분석을 통한 선박수급분석 = 40 1. 해운수요와 적정선대규모 = 40 2. 선박수급 전망 및 소요자금 = 43 제2절 DEA를 통한 적정선대규모분석 = 47 1. DEA 및 모형 = 47 2. 적정 선대규모에 대한 DEA분석 = 50 제3절 한국해운산업의 적정선대 규모 = 72 1. DEA분석결과와 한국해운산업의 효율적인 선대규모 = 72 2. 기존정량적 해운수요예측과 DEA분석 선대규모 비교 = 76 3. AHP분석 및 DEA을 통한 적정선대규모 추정 = 79 4. 선대규모 확대를 위한 재원 조달방안 = 80 제5장 결론 = 85 제1절 연구의 요약과 전망 = 85 제2절 연구의 한계점 및 향후 연구과제 = 87 참고문헌 = 89 부록: 설문지 내용 = 94 -
dc.language kor -
dc.publisher 한국해양대학교 대학원 -
dc.title 한국해운의 적정선대 규모에 관한 연구 -
dc.title.alternative A Study on the Scale for Korean Shipping Fleet -
dc.type Thesis - 2007-02 -
dc.contributor.alternativeName Kim -
dc.contributor.alternativeName Kyung-Sig -
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무역학과 > Thesis
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