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한반도 안정과 평화번영을 위한 남북 경제협력 활성화방안에 관한 연구 : 해운협력을 중심으로

DC Field Value Language 이철민 - 2017-02-22T07:17:16Z - 2017-02-22T07:17:16Z - 2005 - 56823-03-29 -
dc.identifier.uri ko_KR
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.description.abstract Nowadays, globalization to stand for free market economy order has been rapidly progressing in the world, and each country is devoting her efforts to maximize her economic profits. In that regard, it is desired that interdependence & cooperation and security & peace be steadily kept in the world via mutual compromise and reconciliation. Faced with such a transition period, the South and North have to promote the following two important assignments preponderantly for the purpose of converting conflict and tension among them for the time being to reconciling and cooperating relation and aiming at unification in the long term. First, we are to promote the policy for peace and prosperity to build up the basis of the Korean Peninsula's security and the South & North's peaceful unification, Second, we are to enhance the South and North's economic cooperation. The said two assignments are not independent from each other but closely correlated. In particular, exchange & cooperation between the South and North has a great meaning in aiming at the balanced development and peaceful unification through the South and North's mutual cooperation at the same time of settling the North's economic crisis. The South and North's economic cooperation has been activated with the summit meeting in June, 2000 last, but the result is, in actuality, far under our expectation for it. Therefore, this study is to grope for a more positive plan for activating the South and North's economic cooperation, and the purpose of this study is as follows. First, promoting the present government's policy for peace and prosperity and analysing the result. Second, analysing the actual situation of the South and North's economic cooperation and the plan for its expanding & developing. Third, analysing a plan for building up a South-North marine cooperation system. In order to fulfil the purpose of this study, literature survey and In-depth interview was carried out. First of all, the present government's unification policy related with the promoting background, concept, object & principle of the policy for peace and prosperity was reviewed. The actual conditions of the South and North's economic cooperation project and South-North marine exchange & cooperation was analyzed to draw a plan of expanding & developing South-North's economic cooperation. And an activation plan was made out. The result of this study are summarized as follows -
dc.description.abstract First, the policy for peace and prosperity set up its two objectives of 'the Korean Peninsula's peace promotion' and 'realizing the South and North's community prosperity. 'The Korean Peninsula's peace promotion' is aimed for promoting the actual cooperation between the South and North on the basis of settling the pending security problems with the North's nuclear problem and converting unstable cease-fire system through building up military reliance. Second, the South and North's great 3 economic cooperation projects including railway·road connecting construction, Gaesung industrial center construction project and Geumgangsan tour project are steadily promoted, and expanding these great 3 projects invites the contact with other fields, thereby enabling the North to get over its pending economic difficulties and designing a good plan for getting their citizens's life in stability. Third, the South and North put its 4 economic cooperation agreements such as double tax avoidance agreement, firm dispute settlement, investment guarantee and liquidation settlement into effect as of Aug. 20, 2003, and 'the 9th the South and North Economic Cooperation Promotion Committee' made its signature on & exchanged the South and North Marine Agreement on June 05, 2004. Finally, the main assignment to promote in short term for activating the South-North exchange is as follows. In the marine field, To set up the R&D plan for the North's harbor is strongly needed, And, the plan for the North concerns's visiting the South & mutual cooperation is to be discussed. The Seminars for the South and North joint coastal marine development is to be held. The South and North's concerned parties need to share with the principal knowledge of the object and expectation effect of the South and North marine cooperation. In conclusion, expansion of the South-North exchange is to be the means to anchor down security and peace & prosperity in the South and North. In this regard, economic cooperation between the South and North is not only the means to tie up the South and North to one unity but also the driving force for their unification. The more frequent and diversified are economic exchange and cooperation between the South and North, the less is heterogeneousness between them, thereby enabling them to relax their mutual tension and recover our national homogeneity. Conclusively, economic exchange & cooperation between the South and North is to draw the North's change, that is, its opening and reformation, which serves a stepping-stone to settle down peace in this Korean Peninsula and, further, leads to its peaceful unification. -
dc.description.tableofcontents Abstract v 제1장 서 론 1 제1절 연구의 배경 및 목적 1 제2절 연구의 방법 및 구성 2 제2장 한반도 평화번영정책의 주요내용 및 성과 4 제1절 평화번영정책의 내용 4 1. 개념 및 추진배경 4 2. 목표 및 추진원칙 5 3. 추진전략 7 4. 특징 및 의의 9 제2절 평화번영정책의 성과 10 1. 북한 핵문제의 평화적 해결 여건조성 10 2. 남북관계의 진전과 북한의 변화 11 제3장 남북 경제 및 해운협력 현황 13 제1절 남북 경제협력사업 13 1. 경제협력사업 추진현황 13 2. 경의선ㆍ동해선 철도ㆍ도로 연결 17 3. 개성공단 개발사업 20 4. 금강산 관광사업 활성화 24 5. 대북 식량차관 제공 26 제2절 남북교류협력 기반조성 29 1. 남북간 물자교역 29 2. 위탁가공교역 34 3. 남북경협합의서 36 제3절 남북 해운 현황 39 1. 남북 해상운송 현황 39 2. 남북 해상운송의 문제점 43 제4절 남북해운합의서 서명·교환 48 1. 해운합의서 서명의 의의 48 2. 해운합의서 주요내용 49 3. 해운합의서 기대효과 53 제4장 남북 경제 및 해운협력 활성화방안 54 제1절 경제협력 활성화방안 54 1. 위탁가공 교역분야 54 2. 공단설치 55 3. 관광사업분야 57 제2절 중·장기 경제활성화방안 59 1. 북한의 대남투자 59 2. 제3국 공동진출 60 3. 대단위 장치산업 육성 61 제3절 남북 해운협력방안 62 1. 해운협력분야 62 2. 해운관련 사업분야 64 제5장 결론 66 제1절 연구결과의 요약 66 제2절 연구의 시사점 및 한계점 69 참고문헌 71 <국내문헌> 71 <외국문헌> 72 -
dc.language kor -
dc.publisher 한국해양대학교 해사산업대학원 -
dc.title 한반도 안정과 평화번영을 위한 남북 경제협력 활성화방안에 관한 연구 : 해운협력을 중심으로 -
dc.title.alternative A Study on Peaceful Prosperity and Stabilization of Korean Peninsula through Economic Cooperation between South and North Korea : Primarily on Shipping Cooperation -
dc.type Thesis - 2005-02 -
dc.contributor.alternativeName Lee -
dc.contributor.alternativeName Chul Min -
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