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한·중 서비스 무역의 국제경쟁력 비교분석에 관한 연구

DC Field Value Language 김영환 - 2017-02-22T07:17:37Z - 2017-02-22T07:17:37Z - 2009 - 56905-02-07 -
dc.identifier.uri ko_KR
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.description.abstract The service industry has been regarded as the one with low productivity, compared with the manufacturing industry because it was characterized by the production with low level of a technical standard and its labor-intensity. However, the importance of this industry begins to be newly recognized. That is because the development of information- communication technology and transportation contribute to the improvement of productivity and enable the commodity to be delivered at long distance. The services previously supplied at the market, with those embodied in goods, is now getting more separate from tangible goods. Compared with the classic manufacturing industry, the service industry is highly value-added. And it also encourages the stable growth of national economy by stimulating other industry like manufacturing, creating jobs and promoting consumption. The service trade in this context is of greater significance. Although the ratio of service trade over world trade is just 20%, the ratio of the value-added which it creates is over 70%. Therefore it is expected to expand further. When it comes to current balance, both of Korea and China enjoy the trade surplus in goods while both countries suffer trade deficit in service. This facts demonstrate that two countries have comparative disadvantage in service industry. In order to identify the international competitiveness of service trade in Korea and China, several indexes such as the Trade Specialization Index (TSI), Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) and International Market Share (IMS) was calculated. However, because the service trade statistics between the two countries is not so far measured, I can't help analyzing it by using the IMF's balance of payments (BOP) statistics as Proxy. The results of this analysis are as follows. Korea has a comparative advantage in four sectors (Transportation, Financial services, Royalties & license fees and Personal&#8228 -
dc.description.abstract recreation), while China has a comparative advantage in six sector (Travel, Communication services, Construction services, Insurance services, Computer & information services and Other Business services). This facts will play a role as good references to understand the international division of labor if the negotiation between two countries for Free Trade Agreement is begun in the future. However the interpretation should be limited because the indirect data in service trade which means the share of Korean service trade and the share of Chinese service trade in the world market, not the service trade between two countries, was used. -
dc.description.abstract cultural&#8228 -
dc.description.tableofcontents 제1장. 서론 = 1 제1절. 연구의 배경과 목적 = 1 제2절. 연구방법 = 3 제3절. 논문의 구성 = 3 제2장. 서비스와 한·중 서비스 무역의 현황 = 5 제1절. 서비스와 서비스 무역 = 5 1. 서비스의 정의와 분류 = 5 2. 서비스 무역의 개념 = 7 3. 서비스 무역의 중요성 = 9 제2절. 한·중 서비스 무역의 현황 = 11 1. 세계 서비스 무역의 추이 = 11 2. 한국의 서비스 무역 현황 = 18 3. 중국의 서비스 무역 현황 = 27 제3장. 한·중 서비스 무역의 국제경쟁력 비교분석 = 37 제1절. 국제경쟁력 비교분석의 방법 = 37 1. 무역특화지수(TSI) = 37 2. 현시비교우위(RCA) 지수 = 38 3. 국제시장점유율(IMS) = 40 제2절. 서비스 무역 부문별 국제경쟁력 비교분석 = 41 1. 운송서비스 부문 = 42 2. 여행 부문 = 43 3. 통신 부문 = 45 4. 건설 부문 = 46 5. 보험 부문 = 48 6. 금융 부문 = 50 7. 컴퓨터 및 정보 부문 = 51 8. 특허권 등 사용료 부문 = 53 9. 기타 사업서비스 부문 = 54 10. 개인·문화·오락 부문 = 56 제3절. 한·중 서비스 무역의 국제경쟁력 평가 = 57 1. 서비스 무역 전체부문 비교분석 = 57 2. 국제경쟁력 산출지수 비교 = 60 3. 국제경쟁력 종합평가 = 62 제 4 장. 요약 및 결론 = 67 참고문헌 = 70 ABSTRACT = 77 -
dc.language kor -
dc.publisher 한국해양대학교 대학원 -
dc.title 한·중 서비스 무역의 국제경쟁력 비교분석에 관한 연구 -
dc.title.alternative A Study on the Comparative Analysis of International Competitiveness for Service Trade between Korea and China -
dc.type Thesis - 2009-02 -
dc.contributor.alternativeName Kim -
dc.contributor.alternativeName Young Hwan -
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