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항만국통제(PSC) 지적방지 방안에 관한 연구

DC Field Value Language 류치형 - 2017-02-22T07:18:44Z - 2017-02-22T07:18:44Z - 2006 - 56850-02-09 -
dc.identifier.uri ko_KR
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.description.abstract The Port States Control(PSC) for ships engaged in international voyages have been on increasing trend worldwide and the deficiencies raised by the PSC, if occur frequently or of serious nature, can cause serious damages to the flag States, classification societies, shipping companies and seafarers concerned. In addition, the results of PSC interventions by various port States and PSC MOUs are statistically reviewed according to the ships, shipping companies and flag States. Once the statistics of PSC MOUs or port States on the certain ships, shipowners, class societies, flag States show unfavorable results(black list), these ships are to receive unfavorable treatments upon calling relevant ports and need to show good records for many consecutive years(normally more than 3 years) to return to white list thereby receiving the normal treatments. Therefore, all these relevant parties should make every endeavor to prepare for the PSC systematically and continuously. The purpose of this study is to suggest short and long term measures and directions for the practical reference of concerned parties such as flag States, shipowners, classification societies, maritime training institutes, seafarers, etc. by examining current environments in general on the Korean fleets in relation to PSC and identifying the areas of improvement and effective and continuous measures for the PSC. This study is unique in that the final conclusion has been derived based on the analysis of the questionnaires gathered from the various working level personnels relevant to the PSC together with the author's own judgements as the experienced field surveyor of classification society. In this study, investigations were firstly carried out in the areas of the PSC outline, relevant International Conventions upon which the PSC is based, regional PSC MOUs, the United States Coast Guard(USCG), the PSC deficiency reports and procedures for the detention of a ship following the deficiencies found during the PSC, etc to understand the PSC in general and analysis of the current PSC trends. In the investigations, the related Conventions, resolutions and the internet home pages of each MOU and USCG were referred. Secondly, various types of categories and causes of main deficiency areas were derived based on the analysis of PSC results of two major MOUs, i.e. Tokyo and Paris MOUs, and USCG, ships registered in Korean Register(KR) and of Korean flag ships. Thirdly, questionnaires covering major nine(9) areas were prepared and answers to these were gathered from PSC related working level personnels such as in shipping companies, ship operators, ship, Korean Register, maritime training institutes. Based on this research, the priorities and degree of need of improvements were drawn for each area. Fourthly and finally, based on the author's experiences of 15 years in the PSC related ship survey works and obtained through the preparation of "Practical instructions for PSC", etc., the instructions for the preparation and reception of PSC inspections were outlined to give practical guidelines to the mariners. Using the data investigated and analyzed as above, final conclusions were made in the following ways -
dc.description.abstract - The instructions for the preparation and reception of PSC inspections were made in the format that can be used as practical guide by the onboard crew in Chapter 5 "A study on preparation and reception of PSC inspections and key points to deal with follow-up actions for the PSC interventions". - Both individual and common reference points were summarized based on the PSC results according to each PSC MOU, USCG, ships in KR registry and Korean flag. Questionnaires used in this study were analyzed using an electronic program specialized for statistical analysis. The analyzed data were prioritized for degree of importance and necessity of improvement in general and according to the questioned groups, main question items and fleet sizes. In addition, the short and long term measures were separately suggested for the prevention of PSC deficiencies relevant to each question. As this study was focused on the measures in general aspects, some of the questionnaires used in this study are specific and some of them are comprehensive. Therefore, to practice the suggested measures, further in-depth study is necessary for each measure. Lastly, it is highly desirable that this study helps increase safety of onboard crews and keep the reputation of Korean fleets. -
dc.description.tableofcontents 제 1 장 서 론 1 1-1 연구의 배경 및 목적 1 1-2 연구의 내용 및 방법 3 제 2 장 항만국통제(PSC) 5 2-1 항만국통제(PSC의) 개요 5 2-2 PSC의 시행근거가 되는 국제협약 6 2-3 PSC 협의체(MOU) 및 USCG 7 2-3-1 Tokyo MOU 9 2-3-2 Paris MOU 13 2-3-3 기타 MOU 16 2-3-4 USCG 18 2-4 PSC 점검/지적 보고서 및 출항정지 절차 22 2-4-1 PSC 점검/지적 보고서 22 2-4-2 PSC 출항정지 절차 28 제 3 장 MOU별, KR 및 한국적 선박의 PSC 결과 30 3-1 Tokyo MOU PSC 30 3-1-1 전체 MOU, 국가별 점검 및 출항정지 비율 30 3-1-2 선종별 점검 및 출항정지 비율 37 3-1-3 주요 항목별 결함 비율 40 3-2 Paris MOU PSC 43 3-2-1 전체 MOU, 국가별 점검 및 출항정지 비율 43 3-2-2 선종별 점검, 결함 및 출항정지 비율 47 3-2-3 주요 항목별 결함 비율 49 3-3 USCG PSC 51 3-3-1 전체 점검 및 출항정지 비율 51 3-3-2 선종별 점검, 결함 및 출항정지 비율 53 3-3-3 주요 항목별 결함 비율 55 3-3-4 보안(Security) PSC 결함 및 출항정지 비율 56 3-4 한국선급(KR) 등록선의 PSC 실적 58 3-4-1 MOU별 실적 58 3-4-2 선종, 선령, 톤수 및 국적별 실적 60 3-4-3 주요 항목별 결함 비율 64 3-5 한국적 선박의 PSC 실적 69 3-6 각 MOU, USCG, 한국선급(KR) 및 한국적 선박의 PSC 결과 분석에서... 70 3-6-1 Tokyo MOU PSC 결과 분석에서 추출된 유의 사항 70 3-6-2 Paris MOU PSC 결과 분석에서 추출된 유의 사항 72 3-6-3 USCG PSC 결과 분석에서 추출된 유의 사항 74 3-6-4 한국선급(KR) 등록선의 PSC 실적에서 추출된 유의 사항 74 3-6-5 한국적 선박의 PSC 실적에서 추출된 유의 사항 75 제 4 장 PSC 지적방지를 위한 설문 분석 77 4-1 설문조사 77 4-2 응답자 분포 77 4-2-1 전체 77 4-2-2 해운선사 및 관리선사 근무자 78 4-2-3 본선 근무자 80 4-2-4 KR 검사원 82 4-2-5 교육기관 근무자 83 4-3 결과 분석 84 4-3-1 분석 방법 84 4-3-2 세부 항목별 86 4-3-3 개선필요정도 86 4-3-4 중요도 94 4-3-5 개선필요정도와 중요도의 상관 관계 100 4-3-6 장래 예측 106 4-3-7 설문응답자의 기타 의견 발췌 110 제 5 장 PSC 점검대비 및 지적방지 방안 113 5-1 PSC 수검 준비 113 5-2 비치하여야 할 문서, 증서 및 보고서/성적서 등의 목록 118 5-2-1 문서 일반 119 5-2-2 선급 관련 122 5-2-3 협약 관련 증서 123 5-2-4 국내법 관련 증서 124 5-2-5 기타 필요한 증서(선주 관련) 125 5-2-6 개인 관련 증서 / 교육증서 등 125 5-2-7 ISM 관련 문서 및 기록 126 5-2-8 ISPS 관련 문서, 기록 및 식별 126 5-3 PSC 지적사항 조치 방법 134 5-4 PSC 지적방지 방안 135 제 6 장 결론 142 참고 문헌 146 부 록 148 1. PSC 지적방지를 위한 설문 조사(양식) 149 2. 세부항목별 설문 조사결과 분석 162 3.‘개선필요정도' 순위에 따른 결과 분석 203 4.‘중요도' 순위에 따른 결과 분석 210 5. 합산 순위 217 -
dc.language kor -
dc.publisher 한국해양대학교 대학원 -
dc.title 항만국통제(PSC) 지적방지 방안에 관한 연구 -
dc.title.alternative A Study on the scheme for the reduction of deficiency raised by the Port States Control -
dc.type Thesis - 2006-08 -
dc.contributor.alternativeName Chi-Hyung Lyu -
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