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항만국통제의 성과 및 한계성에 관한 연구

DC Field Value Language 서승준 - 2017-02-22T07:18:49Z - 2017-02-22T07:18:49Z - 2009 - 56932-07-09 -
dc.identifier.uri ko_KR
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.description.abstract As a general rule, the flag state has exclusive jurisdiction for a ship and all kinds of marine accidents such as ship's collusions, stranded vessels and marine pollution are considered only as a matter of flag state. However, the large accident that the ship named as Torry Canyon was stranded in 1967 caused changes of thinking about flag state. It means that the marine accidents were not only related to flag state but also coast country. So, IMO(International Marine Organization) started to enhance international safety standards of vessel, environmental safety, and qualification criteria for crew. And then, several large accidents that happened again on the sea caused intervention of port state and since then, Port State Control(hereinafter refers to as "PSC") which is the inspection of foreign ships in national ports to verify that the condition of the ship and its equipment comply with the requirements of international regulations and that the ship is manned and operated in compliance with these rules appeared was to be an important part for safety of the sea. In initial steps by individual countries, the effectiveness of PSC was very low which led to the cooperation among neighbor nations in European Region. At this point, local cooperation known as the Paris MOU(Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control) was adopted in January 1982 by fourteen European countries. It entered into operation on 1 July 1982 and was the first case to carry out PSC by local cooperation. Meanwhile, IMO has encouraged the establishment of regional port state control organization and agreements on port state control called MOU. Now we are running nine MOUs all over the world and it covers all parts of the world's oceans. As mentioned above, Paris MOU already took root in PSC and that is because the members of this MOU have lots of experience in PSC, moreover most of them are ranked high national level in the world. In contrast to Paris MOU, other MOUs which belong to low regional level, a wide gap of economy and policy between countries within the same group, being established recently can't take efficiently and systematically the PSC yet. Therefore they are making an effort to develop their own organization. As a matter of fact, the regional port state control regime contributes to prevention of marine accidents and pollution through elimination of the sub-standard ships by inspecting foreign ships in accordance with international conventions wherever they are. However, there are still remaining problems such as the legal limitation, the disparity of the system between regional cooperations, and the difference of application a way to the port state control. This paper aims to analyze about achievements and limitations of Port State Control by nine MOUs from Paris MOU that was adopted the earliest thirty years ago to GCC MOU was established the latest just five years ago. -
dc.description.tableofcontents 목 차 Abstract 제1장 서론 1 제1절 연구의 목적 1 제2절 연구의 내용 및 방법 3 제2장 항만국통제제도의 일반적 고찰 5 제1절 항만국통제의 개념 5 1. 항만국통제의 의의 5 2. 기준미달선에 대한 항만국통제 7 3. 항만국통제제도의 정착 8 4. 국가 관할권으로서의 항만국통제 10 제2절 항만국통제에 관한 법적근거 11 1. 환경보호에 관한 국제기준 11 2. 선박의 물적안전분야 16 3. 선박의 인적안전분야 20 제3절 항만국통제 집행절차 23 1. IMO 항만국통제 절차 23 2. 항만국통제관의 자격 및 지침 25 3. 항만국통제 관련 행정절차 27 제3장 지역별 MOU 체결 현황 및 성과 30 제1절 지역별 MOU 체결 현황 30 1. MOU 체결 연혁 30 2. 파리 MOU 31 3. 라틴-아메리카 협정 34 4. 도쿄 MOU 35 5. 카리비얀 MOU 37 6. 지중해 지역 MOU 38 7. 인도양 MOU 39 8. 아부자 MOU 40 9. 흑해 지역 MOU 41 10. GCC MOU 42 11. USCG 43 제2절 MOU 체결에 따른 성과 45 1. 선박점검 분야 46 2. 관련 국제협약 적용 분야 47 3. 범세계적 추진 분야 48 제4장 지역별 MOU 체제의 한계성 51 제1절 법적 한계 51 1. 조약의 의의 51 2. 양해각서의 국내적·국제적 효력 52 3. 국제협약 미비준 국가에 의한 선박검사 53 4. 편의항만국의 등장 54 제2절 지역별 MOU 운영체제의 상이 55 1. 선박점검 목표율과 기국평가제도 55 2. 주요 MOU의 선박 표적점검시스템 56 3. 특정 MOU의 국제협약 미적용 62 4. 정보교환시스템의 제한 63 5. 미국의 독자적인 시행 64 제3절 동일 MOU내 국가별 적용의 차이 64 1. 지역특성에 따른 항만국통제의 수준 65 2. 항만국통제관의 자격기준 66 3. 구제제도 68 제5장 MOU 체제의 한계성 극복방안 제1절 조약을 통한 법적 한계성 극복 73 1. 조약체계의 당위성 73 2. 조약의 구성내용 74 제2절 지역 MOU간 항만국통제 운영체제 표준화 75 1. 지역별 점검절차 통일화 75 2. Equasis 운영체제의 적극적인 활용 76 3. 선진 지역협력체에 의한 운영체제 공유 및 지원 77 제3절 동일 MOU내 국가간 시행격차 완화 78 1. 경제협력체제와의 공동위원회 개최 78 2. 항만국통제관의 국제적 기준마련 79 3. 구제제도를 통한 항만국통제의 합리화 79 제6장 결론 81 참고문헌 85 -
dc.language kor -
dc.publisher 한국해양대학교 -
dc.title 항만국통제의 성과 및 한계성에 관한 연구 -
dc.type Thesis - 2009-02 -
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