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港灣生産性․附加價値生産性․收益性 間의 關聯性 實證硏究

DC Field Value Language 현승훈 - 2017-02-22T07:19:19Z - 2017-02-22T07:19:19Z - 2016 - 57097-01-20 -
dc.identifier.uri ko_KR
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.description.abstract Abstract An Empirical Study on the Relationship of Port Productivity and Value-added Productivity & Profitability by the Busan Port Seung Hoon, Hyun Department of Port Logistics Graduate School of Marine Finance & Logistics Korea Maritime And Ocean University Recent global economy recession and China's moderate economy growth pose the threat of a financial crisis. However, the trading volumes are rapidly increased amid fears the economic crisis making international trade have its significance and values gradually. Against the backdrop, shipping lines make all out effort to improve trade competitiveness with ultra large container vessels and ultra speediness in response to potential demand in the future. When it comes to vessel operation, the punctuality is a critical element of shipping lines operating liners. In order to achieve punctuality, unloading process should proceed smoothly and without interruption in container terminals. Therefore, container terminals put relentless effort to increase productivity seeking continuous improvement in punctuality. Through a management analysis between Busan New Port and North Port, this study clarified correlation among port productivity, value-added productivity and profitability of terminal operators. It showed us the fact that port productivity is critical indicator to determine the value of a business, terminal operation. In addition, this study aimed to put forward methodologies to enhance port productivity with correlation between development indicators. With analyzing indicators among port productivity, value-added productivity and profitability, it performed T-Test analysis and conducted a Pearson correlation coefficient in order to verify the hypothesis. In short, the result of the analysis as shown hereunder. First, as the result of correlation analysis on port performance indicators, it proved that the indicators have closer correlations among them. Second, by clarifying the correlation between port productivity and value- added productivity, it confirmed that there are numerous similar productivity indicators since the port productivity and value-added productivity are partially related as well. Third, in accordance with the result of analysis on the correlation between port productivity and profitability indicators, the profitability indicator has only close correlation with NBP (Net Berth Productivity) and GBP (Gross Berth Productivity) indicators. Therefore, this analysis tells us the fact that the profitability indicator doesn’t directly affect port productivity of terminal operators. It is significant and meaningful research to lay a foundation to find correlation with port productivity through analysis on port productivity and management indicators that have not been explicitly and theoretically studied ever before. It is a priority for terminal operator to increase port productivity in order to enhance profitability. This study showed us that traditional port productivity indicators don’t incorporate business value of terminal operators. Especially, it confirmed that it is necessary to replace or improve traditional port productivity indicator focusing on volume with suggesting new performance indicator incorporated value-added productivity for evaluating port value. This study presented results from comparison between port productivity and value-added productivity indicators in Busan port, which the issue had never been studied before. Through comparison and analysis, it clarified that port productivity is critical to evaluate value of terminal operation in Busan port. However, limits in this study are as follows. First, this study was performed by taking 9 container terminals only as the study object, so, therefore, the possibility cannot be excluded that selection bias of sample distribution might have influenced the research results. Second, it also cannot be denied that business analysis used in this study is still insufficient to cover all matters. The business analysis stemmed from the financial statements based on only quantitative factors amid turmoil in the container terminal operating industry in Busan New Port and North Port. In addition the figures and ratio involved in financial statements is just a part of information on financial status. Third, there is a limit in this study to include comprehensive results causing from the selection bias of sample distribution as major indicators such as value-added productivity and profitability indicators used for business analysis on terminal operators. It is considered that, for the time to come, an additional or supplementary study should be carried out to supplement the limits of this study, by performing multilateral analyses on decisive factors of the finance of Korean ports including Gwang-yang and In-cheon ports, while reflecting more numerous productivity indicators and financial ratio analysis to put forward effective methodologies for increasing productivity. -
dc.description.tableofcontents 目 次 第1章 序 論 第1節 硏究의 背景과 目的 第2節 硏究內容과 硏究方法 第2章 컨테이너터미널 生産性의 理論的 背景과 先行硏究 第1節 컨테이너터미널 槪要 第2節 컨테이너터미널 生産性 槪念과 測定指標 第3節 港灣生産性에 關한 先行硏究 檢討 第3章 國內外 港灣環境變化와 釜山港 컨테이너터미널 現況 第1節 國內外 컨테이너 物動量 推移 1. 世界 컨테이너港灣 物動量 2. 國內 컨테이너港灣 物動量 第2節 釜山港 컨테이너터미널 現況 1. 年度別 處理 物動量 2. 施設 裝備 現況 3. 生産性 現況 4. 世界 主要 港灣 生産性 現況 比較 第3節 釜山港 컨테이너터미널 經營實態 分析 1. 財務狀態 推移分析 2. 年度別 經營實態 分析 第4章 釜山港 컨테이너터미널의 港灣生産性 ․ 附加價値生産性 ․ 收益性과의 關聯性에 關한 實證分析 第1節 分析模型의 設計와 方法論 1. 分析模型과 假說 設定 2. 變數의 操作的 定義와 測定 3. 資料蒐集과 分析方法 第2節 分析結果와 假說檢定 1. 港灣生産性 差異檢定 2. 附加價値生産性 差異檢定 3. 財務比率 差異檢定 4. 港灣生産性 指標 間의 相關關係 分析 結果 5. 港灣生産性과 附加價値生産性 間의 相關關係 分析 結果 6. 港灣生産性과 收益性 間의 相關關係 分析 結果 7. 假說檢定結果 第5章 結論과 示唆點 第1節 分析結果의 要約 第2節 硏究結果의 示唆點 第3節 硏究의 限界와 向後 硏究課題 參考文獻 -
dc.language kor -
dc.publisher 한국해양대학교 해양금융 물류대학원 -
dc.title 港灣生産性․附加價値生産性․收益性 間의 關聯性 實證硏究 -
dc.title.alternative 港灣生産性․附加價値生産性․收益性 間의 關聯性 實證硏究 -
dc.type Thesis - 2016-02 -
dc.contributor.alternativeName Seung Hoon -
dc.contributor.alternativeName Hyun -
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