海上物件運送法의 改正方向에 관한 硏究
DC Field | Value | Language |
dc.contributor.author | 黃淳榮著 | - |
dc.date.accessioned | 2017-02-22T07:20:57Z | - |
dc.date.available | 2017-02-22T07:20:57Z | - |
dc.date.issued | 2003 | - |
dc.date.submitted | 56797-10-27 | - |
dc.identifier.uri | http://kmou.dcollection.net/jsp/common/DcLoOrgPer.jsp?sItemId=000002174079 | ko_KR |
dc.identifier.uri | http://repository.kmou.ac.kr/handle/2014.oak/10670 | - |
dc.description.abstract | The purpose of this study is to contribute to the adequate and reasonable revision of the Korean Maritime Commercial law 1991 in the Korean Commercial Code. The first modern legal system was introduced into Korea by Japan when Japan started to occupy Korea into 1910. Although there had been a system of law before that it dealt mainly with administrative and criminal matters and did not cover commercial matters on any significant scale. Trade and commerce, therefore, were regulated by customs and commercial usage. During the Japanese occupation, the applicable Korean law was, unless otherwise prescribed, presumed to be identical with Japanese law. After the independence in 1945, relations with Japanese law were completely severed at least in a technical sense. In the course of introducing new legislation, however, many new statutes were in practice modeled on previous Japanese laws. Like Japanese law, Korean law is based upon codified law. In this sense, it resembles what is called the Continent Civil law. In theory, cases, whatever courts pronounced the decision, do have no binding effect upon future cases and each court is entitled to decide the case before it on it merit based upon the law pronounced in the code. In practice, previous decision relating to the case are usually cited by counsels and consulted by judges. The previous decisions of higher court are bound to influence the case since the decision is inevitably subject to the subsequent review of higher court. Unlike under common law, legal theories expounded by scholars in law books in law carry great weights under civil law. The Korean Maritime Commercial Law is contained in Book V of the Korean Commercial Code. In a structural sense, the provision is a part of the Commercial Code. The Commercial Code lays down in Book I and Book II the general principles of Commercial Law applicable to all commercial cases. Therefore, these provisions apply to maritime cases where no special express provision is found applicable to maritime cases in Part V. In cases where no appropriate provision is found in the Commercial Code as a whole, relevant provision is found in the Civil Code apply to the case because the Commercial Code is a special act applicable over and above the general act of the Civil Code. The code of Civil Procedures is also an important source of law governing the procedure for maritime dispute settlement. The Korean Maritime Law has been revised twice up to date to be developed and reflected by the shipping practices. However, some problems have been pointed out for a long time in the interpretation of some provisions and its entire constitution. First of all, there have been no effective provisions relating to the charter parties i.e time charters and voyage charters. These types of shipping business quite frequently are done and made between the Korean shipping companies. However, it is a kind of non-sense that there are no effective provisions to govern the legal relationship between the parties. In addition, there have been many developments in the studies and practices relating to the changes of shipping circumstances over the world. These are exampled by the electronic bills of lading and sea waybills, on which there also are no provisions to govern. Besides the above, it has been pointed out that there are serious problems in interpreting the provision as to when is the timing of delivery of goods at discharge ports and why a charterer are responsible for damages to the third party to the extent that the fulfillment of the contract belong to the duties of the master even under the fact that he is not bound with the contract evidenced by the bills of lading as a carrier. The above is just presented as some examples to describe the issues which have the respective problems. This study deals with several arguable aspects in the Korean Maritime Law. For the purpose of the adequate and reasonable revision, the deep studies and research is required at this moment. First of all, the main trend of the international discussion for revision of International Transport Law and other conventions / rules and the general practices in the shipping businesses should be taken into account for it. Such trend, the comparative studies on foreign laws, and practical advice are described in this thesis to present the general principles for the adequate and reasonable revision. | - |
dc.description.tableofcontents | 목차 제1장 序論 = 2 제1절 硏究의 目的 = 2 제2절 硏究의 範圍와 方法 = 3 I. 硏究의 範圍 = 3 II. 硏究의 方法 = 4 제2장 國際海上物件運送法에 관한 考察 = 4 제1절 傳統的인 海上物件運送人의 責任 = 5 I. 레?툼責任 = 5 II. 普通法上의 責任 = 6 III. 免責約款의 發達과 濫用 = 7 제2절 하터法 = 9 I. 成立背景 = 9 II. 內容 = 10 III. 歷史的 意義와 그 影響 = 11 제3절 1924년 헤이그 규칙 및 1968년 헤이그 비스비 규칙 = 12 I. 1924년 헤이그 규칙 = 12 II. 1968년 헤이그 비스비 규칙과 運送人責任規定의 改正 補完 = 15 제4절 1978년 함부르크 규칙 = 20 I. 成立背景 = 20 II. 主要內容 = 20 제5절 1980년 UN國際複合運送條約 = 23 I. 성립배경 = 23 II. 1980년 UN複合運送條約의 내용 = 25 III. 1980년 UN複合運送條約에 대한 評價 = 31 제3장 現行 海上物件運送法의 問題點 = 33 제1절 海上物件運送契約 = 34 I. 裸傭船契約(船舶賃貸借契約) = 34 II. 定期傭船契約 = 35 III. 航海傭船契約 = 37 IV. 個品運送契約과 複合運送의 發展 = 38 V. 一部船腹傭船契約(slot charter 혹은 space charter)의 문제 = 40 제2절 1991년 海上物件運送法의 改正 內容 = 41 I. 海上運送關係의 主體 = 41 II. 定期傭船契約에 관한 規定의 新設 = 42 III. 海上運送人의 損害賠償責任 = 42 제3절 現行 海上物件運送法의 問題點 = 49 제4장 海上物件運送法의 改正方向 = 50 제1절 海上物件運送責任法에 관한 最近의 論議動向 = 50 I. 運送條約의 適用範圍 = 51 II. 電子的 通信手段 = 51 III. 運送人 및 送荷人의 責任原則 = 52 제2절 海上物件運送法 總論規正 = 53 I. 個品運送契約과 傭船契約의 분리 = 53 II. 貨物의 引渡時點의 문제 = 55 III. 運送人의 留置權의 문제 = 56 제3절 傭船契約에 관한 規正 = 57 I. 通則 = 58 II. 航海傭船契約 = 61 III. 定期傭船契約 = 62 제4절 個品運送契約과 複合運送契約 = 64 I. 複合運送人의 意義 = 65 II. 複合運送人의 責任 = 65 III. 海上運送人의 責任規定의 準用 = 65 제5절 船荷證券 = 65 I. 電子船荷證券의 問題 = 66 II. 海上運送狀의 문제 = 68 제4장 海上物件運送法 이외 規定의 問題點과 改正方向 = 71 제1절 "船舶의 押留, .押留" = 72 I. "航海準備完了船舶"에 대한 押留·假押留의 制限 = 72 II. 假押留의 解放 = 75 제2절 "海上企業主體"에 관한 規定 = 77 I. 船舶所有者의 責任制限 = 78 II. 船長에 관한 規定 = 88 제3절 海上危險에 관한 規定 = 91 I. 共同海損 = 91 II. 船舶衝突 = 94 III. 海洋事故(海難)救助 = 96 제5장 結論 = 99 參考文獻 = 100 ABSTRACT = 106 | - |
dc.publisher | 한국해양대학교 대학원 | - |
dc.title | 海上物件運送法의 改正方向에 관한 硏究 | - |
dc.title.alternative | A Study on Adequate Revision of Law of Carriage of Goods by Sea | - |
dc.type | Thesis | - |
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