海上運送狀에 관한 硏究
DC Field | Value | Language |
dc.contributor.author | 孔得認著 | - |
dc.date.accessioned | 2017-02-22T07:21:33Z | - |
dc.date.available | 2017-02-22T07:21:33Z | - |
dc.date.issued | 2003 | - |
dc.date.submitted | 56797-10-27 | - |
dc.identifier.uri | http://kmou.dcollection.net/jsp/common/DcLoOrgPer.jsp?sItemId=000002174082 | ko_KR |
dc.identifier.uri | http://repository.kmou.ac.kr/handle/2014.oak/10686 | - |
dc.description.abstract | The purpose of this paper is to study Sea Waybill, the new transport document replacing the traditional Bill of Lading in international trade. In a word, Sea Waybill is considered as a type of shipping document by revolution of transport and communication. The high speed of ship and delay of document delivery occurs in international Trade and is named by ‘The Crisis of Bill of Lading by Sea'. It results in the appearance, increase and use of Sea Waybill. After 1970, the use of Sea Waybill have been increased step by step. Sea Waybill was used at first in Europe. In North Atlantic line and Europe line, Sea Waybill use was 80% in 1996. However, Sea Waybill use of east Asian Line including Korea is sluggish at about 15%. What does make a difficulty in the use of Sea Waybill? In the middle of various problems, the problem handling in this paper is concerned with the legislation of Sea Waybill. In Korea, Any law about Sea Waybill is non-existed. So it is important to investigate this matter and find a lawful solution. This paper is composed of 5 chapters as follows | - |
dc.description.abstract | ChapterI introduces the purpose and scope of this research. ChapterII reviews a general outline and kind of Bill of lading by Sea. It also shows the character of Sea Waybill and compares Sea Waybill and other transport document by Sea. ChapterIII review the lawful situations of other countries and compare various conventions about Sea Waybill. ChapterIV discuss the problems in using Sea Waybill on the commercial law and investigate the solutions of those problems. As the conclusion, ChapterV summarizes the contents of each chapter and emphasizes the requirement of legislation relating to Sea Waybill. | - |
dc.description.tableofcontents | 목차 Abstract = v 第1章 序論 第1節 硏究의 背景 및 目的 = 1 第2節 硏究의 範圍 및 方法 = 3 第2章 船荷證券의 限界와 海上運送狀 導入의 必要性 第1節 海上運送證券의 種類 = 5 I. 船荷證券 = 5 1. 船荷證券의 意義와 種類 = 5 2. 船荷證券의 法的 性質 = 6 II. 複合運送證券 = 9 1. 複合運送證券의 意義와 種類 = 9 2. 複合運送證券의 法的 性質 = 15 III. 海上運送狀(Sea WayBill) = 16 1. 海上運送狀의 意義와 種類 = 16 2. 海上運送狀의 法的 性質 = 24 第2節 船荷證券의 限界와 海上運送狀의 利用效果 = 29 I. 船荷證券의 危機 = 29 II. 船荷證券의 危機에 대한 旣存의 對策과 限界 = 31 1. 船荷證券 原本 1통의 船長託送 = 31 2. 保證渡 = 32 3. 受荷人에 대한 船荷證券 直送 = 36 4. 船荷證券의 元地回收 = 37 5. 船荷證券의 目的地·第3地 發行(on line B/L) = 38 6. 電子式 船荷證券 = 39 (1) 電子式 船荷證券의 意義 = 39 (2) 電子式 船荷證券의 問題點 = 44 7. 스탠드바이 信用狀 = 46 (1) 스탠드바이 信用狀의 意義 = 46 (2) 스탠드바이 信用狀의 問題點 = 51 III. 海上運送狀 利用의 效果 = 54 第3章 海上運送狀에 관한 比較法的 硏究 第1節 各國의 海上運送狀에 관한 立法動向 = 59 I. 英國 = 59 II. 美國 = 60 第2節 海上運送狀에 관한 國際運送規則과 國際協約 = 63 I. 헤이그規則(헤이그 비스비規則) = 63 II. 함부르크規則 = 64 III. UN國際物品複合運送協約 = 65 IV. 國際海法會 海上運送狀 統一規則 = 66 1. 海上運送狀 統一規則의 制定 必要性과 頸圍 = 66 2. 海上運送狀 統一規則의 內容 = 67 V. Incoterms 2000 = 72 VI. 信用狀統一規則 = 73 第4章 海上運送狀 利用을 위한 商法의 解釋 및 立法方案 第1節 解釋論的 解決方法 = 75 I. 解釋論的 方法 = 75 1. 船荷證券 및 貨物相換證 關聯 條項의 準用 範圍 = 75 2. 船荷證券 關聯 條項의 準用 範圍의 檢討 = 75 II. 解釋論的 方法의 限界 = 76 1. C.I.F. 條件에서 運送物轉賣의 問題 = 76 2. 航海 中의 運送物 轉賣의 問題 = 79 3. 擔保力不在의 問題 = 80 4. 送荷人의 運送物處分權 問題 = 81 5. 運送人特定과 保險者代位權行使의 問題 = 83 第2節 立法論的 解決方案 = 84 I. 適用法規 不在의 問題 = 84 II. 立法原則 = 86 III. 商法改正案의 提案 = 88 第5章 結論 = 92 | - |
dc.publisher | 한국해양대학교 대학원 | - |
dc.title | 海上運送狀에 관한 硏究 | - |
dc.title.alternative | A Study on Sea Waybill | - |
dc.type | Thesis | - |
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