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해수농도 변화를 고려한 역삼투 해수담수에 관한 실험적 연구

DC Field Value Language 양근모 - 2017-02-22T07:21:52Z - 2017-02-22T07:21:52Z - 2013 - 57014-05-25 -
dc.identifier.uri ko_KR
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.description.abstract Fresh water scarcity is becoming a serious problem in many regions of the world. Desalination is an common solution to supply fresh water. Desalination is a process that removes dissolved ions from sea water, brackish water and waste water. There are many technologies of desalination including multi-effect desalination(MED), multi- stage flash desalination(MSF), electro-dialysis(ED) and Reverse osmosis(RO). Reverse osmosis is widely known technology for the production of fresh water from sea water. The performance of sea water reverse osmosis(SWRO) desalination is influenced by several factors including feed water properties and operation variables such as sea water salinity, temperature, pressure etc. In this paper, Outside-in hollow fiber ultra filtration(UF) membranes were adopted as the pretreatment prior to SWRO process. First of all, the experiments of pretreatment were preceded to find proper operating condition of UF membranes. The trans membrane pressure(TMP) and permeability were calculated, turbidity and silt density index(SDI) at input and output of UF membranes were measured. After that, the experiments were carried out to investigate the influence of sea water salinity on SWRO membranes performance. Sea water salinity of SWRO membranes was changed from 33,000ppm to 47,000ppm. The experimental results indicate that SWRO membranes were sensitive to sea water salinity -
dc.description.tableofcontents Abstract 그림목차 표 목차 제 1 장 서론 ··················································································· 1 1.1 연구배경 ············································································· 1 1.1.1 역삼투 해수담수 플랜트 ··········································· 2 1.1.2 역삼투막의 성능에 영향을 미치는 인자 ················ 4 1.1.3 UF 전처리 시스템 ······················································ 5 1.2 연구목적 ············································································· 8 제 2 장 막 분리 ············································································· 10 2.1 막 분리의 개요 ·································································· 10 2.1.1 막의 이론적 정의 ······················································ 10 2.1.2 막 여과 공정의 특성 ················································· 11 2.1.3 여과 공정의 기본개념 ·············································· 12 2.1.4 막의 분류 ···································································· 15 2.2 역삼투막 ············································································· 19 2.2.1 삼투와 역삼투 현상 ··················································· 19 2.2.2 역삼투 공정과 관련용어 ··········································· 20 2.2.3 역삼투막의 성능에 영향을 미치는 요소들 ············· 21 2.2.4 역삼투막이 가져야 할 조건 ····································· 23 2.2.5 역삼투막의 오염과 세정 ··········································· 23 2.3 취수설비 ············································································· 26 제 3 장 실험장치 및 방법 ···························································· 29 3.1 실험장치 구성 ··································································· 29 3.1.1 취수부 ········································································· 29 3.1.2 전처리 시스템 ··························································· 32 3.1.3 역삼투 시스템 ··························································· 37 3.2 실험방법 ············································································ 43 3.2.1 전처리 성능실험 ······················································· 43 3.2.2 역삼투막 농도 변화실험 ·········································· 44 3.2.3 중공사형 UF막의 운전 ············································· 45 제 4 장 실험결과 및 고찰 ··························································· 50 4.1 전처리 성능실험 ······························································ 50 4.1.1 차압과 투수율 ··························································· 50 4.1.2 해수, UF생산수의 탁도와 SDI ································ 55 4.2 역삼투막 농도 변화실험 ················································· 56 4.2.1 운전압력 ···································································· 57 4.2.2 생산수 농도 ······························································· 58 4.2.3 염 배제율 ··································································· 60 4.2.4 회수율 ········································································ 61 4.2.5 전력 소비량 ······························································· 62 제 5 장 결 론 ·············································································· 63 참 고 문 헌 ···················································································· 64 · -
dc.language kor -
dc.publisher 한국해양대학교 대학원 -
dc.title 해수농도 변화를 고려한 역삼투 해수담수에 관한 실험적 연구 -
dc.title.alternative The experimental study on sea water reverse osmosis(SWRO) desalination considering the change of sea water salinity -
dc.type Thesis - 2013-02 -
dc.contributor.alternativeName KeunMo Yang -
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기계공학과 > Thesis
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