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해양경찰 법률기반 고도화에 관한 연구

DC Field Value Language 임창수 - 2017-02-22T07:22:27Z - 2017-02-22T07:22:27Z - 2013 - 57016-08-05 -
dc.identifier.uri ko_KR
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.description.abstract As many social environments have rapidly been diversified since industrialization, factors which threat national and human are also becoming more diverse. Many happenings, for instance, like the 9.11 terror, global warming, natural disasters, large-scale killings between ethnics or religions and many frequent disasters have proved to us that the concept and system of crisis management is needed to be changed as well as the necessity of increasing the responsibility of crisis management by governments is, also, needed to be emphasized. Because the changes of social environments lead to increased threats and often end up with causing unexpected disasters, they are resulting in enormous damage to individuals and countries. Moreover, this tendency will be more serious as many technologies are being developed and societies are becoming more complicated. These crisis management activities can be applied not only to countries but also to each individual organization. In order to achieve continuing developments, organizations need many factors. In order to make a productive and energetic organization, it needs to have some factors, such as concrete provisions on which organizations are based or the activity of a member of the organizations, reclosing for persistent research and production, better communication within an organization, and also developments which suit perfectly with the characteristics of an organization and efforts should be followed. In addition, risk management which means analyzing and removing the risk factors which may cause problems in advance is becoming one of the most important factors for the future of an organization. Today, with increasing interest for the ocean in the world , many countries have lots of competition each other about territorial waters and exclusive economic zone and related marine resources and industrial development. We have to respond effectively to Secure and powerful maritime forces and to the establishment of future-oriented land management system for marine maritime policing in our country to keep pace with the changing international situation. Therefore essential marine functions of the police power must be strengthened and we shall prepare the conditions that can be dedicated to the risk of Jersey or prevention activities beyond the dimension of maintaining the peace and order of the country. In terms of crisis management at sea, according to legislation and international law and international conventions, the enforcement of the police power immediately reasonably should be done. Marine Police established under the Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs of Korea and has been operating the government organizational footing unlike athletics police. This Marine ,which is occurring in a specific spatial situations in various risk situations, seems to be a professional and systematic response. Above all, the biggest risks of marine Police will be the organization's existence problem. Along with the history of marine police and the transition of organization, how the marine police will be present in any form in the future, also which government agencies can be engaged in could be one of the most anxious elements and It is a the most urgent controversy to determine the direction of the Marine Police. Survivability needs of the organization for the functions of the Marine Police is much more significant. Furthermore, in terms of the relationship between the marine police and the athletics police, identity and legal independence should be a priority. The legal risks which affected by the environmental factors of external to the organization, internal risks ,such as problems with law enforcement related with the marine police action law of organization's internal and details of all risk factors should be considered together. For this reason, the main purpose of this study is to analyze the risk factors of the whole Korea coast guard organization and to manage for preventing them, and also to consider applying the concept and the components at each phases to Korea coast guard. Finally, analysis and solutions will be proposed, particularly from legal and institutional point of view. -
dc.description.tableofcontents 제1장 서 론 1.1. 연구의 배경 1.2. 연구의 목적 1.3. 연구의 범위 1.4. 연구의 방법 및 구성 2장 해양경찰의 개관 2.1. 해양경찰의 개념 2.1.1. 경찰의 개념 2.1.2. 경찰의 종류 2.1.3. 해양경찰의 정의 2.2. 해양경찰 조직의 변천 2.3. 해양경찰의 업무 2.3.1. 해양경찰 업무의 범위 2.3.2. 해양경찰의 주요업무 2.4. 외국의 해양경찰제도 2.4.1. 미국의 연안경비대 2.4.2. 일본의 해상보안청 2.4.3. 그 외 국가의 해양경찰제도 2.5. 육상경찰과 해양경찰의 비교 2.5.1. 육상경찰과 해양경찰의 유사점 2.5.2. 해양경찰의 특수성 제3장 해양경찰의 법제적 검토 3.1. 행정기관의 법률적 구성 3.1.1. 행정조직법 3.1.2. 공무원법 3.1.3. 행정작용법 3.2. 유사 행정기관의 법령 구조 3.2.1. 경찰(육상경찰) 3.2.2. 소방방재청 3.2.3. 자치경찰 3.3. 해양경찰 관련 법령 제4장 리스크 관리 구축 방안 4.1. 전사적 리스크관리의 등장 및 구성요소 4.1.1. 전사적 리스크관리의 도입 필요성 4.1.2. 전통적 리스크관리와 전사적 리스크관리 비교 4.1.3. COSO 전사적 리스크관리 프레임워크 4.1.4. 리스크관리 구성 요소 및 실행 절차 4.2. 기업 경영에 내재된 리스크 인식 -
dc.description.tableofcontents 행정 4.5.1. 리스크 통제 및 모니터링 4.5.2. 해양경찰청 리스크관리 구축시 주요 고려 요인 제5장 법제적 리스크 요인 및 관리 방안 5.1. 해양경찰 법제의 리스크 요인 5.1.1. 해양경찰 조직법의 미비 5.1.2. 해양경찰 작용법의 미비 5.1.3. 개별 해양경찰작용법 간의 부조화 5.1.4. 해양경찰 조직 내부적 리스크 요인 5.1.5. 해양경찰 조직 외부적 리스크 요인 5.2. 리스크 요인 관리방안 5.2.1. 해양경찰 법적 개념의 명확화 5.2.2. 해양경찰 구성원의 일체감 확보 5.2.3. 해양경찰 조직법의 정비 5.2.4. 해양경찰작용 법령의 규정화 5.2.5. 조직·법령상 모순점 해소 제6장 결 론 -
dc.description.tableofcontents 기법 개발 및 선택 4.4.1. 리스크 통제 및 재무기법 4.4.2. 해양경찰청 리스크관리 구축시 주요 고려 요인 4.5. 기업의 리스크 통제 및 모니터링 -
dc.description.tableofcontents 측정 및 평가 4.3.1. 리스크 빈도 및 심도 분석 4.3.2. 해양경찰청 리스크관리 구축시 주요 고려 요인 4.4. 기업의 리스크 대응방안 모색 -
dc.description.tableofcontents 발견 및 규명 4.2.1. 리스크 발견 및 규명을 위한 정보 및 방법 4.2.2. 해양경찰청 리스크관리 구축시 주요 고려 요인 4.3. 기업 경영 리스크 분석 -
dc.language kor -
dc.publisher 한국해양대학교 -
dc.title 해양경찰 법률기반 고도화에 관한 연구 -
dc.title.alternative A Study on the Advancement of Korea Coast Guard's Law System -
dc.type Thesis - 2013-08 -
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