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해양오염사고 조사제도 개선방안에 관한 연구

DC Field Value Language 임형준 - 2017-02-22T07:23:15Z - 2017-02-22T07:23:15Z - 2015 - 57071-01-11 -
dc.identifier.uri ko_KR
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.description.abstract Republic of Public of Korea is the Country which has faced sea on East, west and South and Korea's commercial trade is ranked 9th in the world according to the report of UNCTAD so, Korea depends on the sea-borne transportation largely. In particular, the Crude oil carrier and the oil product carrier has large portion of international trade in Korea following Korea's industries type. In this regards, Korea has really high risk on the marine pollution by the marine casualty and pollutant handling. Marine incident which is caused to pollution has 3 of special distinction. First thing is large-scaled impact. Following the characteristic of marine pollutant, the pollutant moves and spreads rapidly and then contaminates the sea and shorelines, this consequently causes the severe damage. Second thing is that this is recognized as catastrophic incident which may be occurred at sea. In case of Korea, there are several serious damage by large-scaled oil spill incident such as M/V Sea Prince incident and Hebei Spirit incident. By these kind of pollution casualty, Significant Spill is clearly defined as national disaster in relevant law. Third thing is pollution damage is easy to become the target of criticism The shore in R. Korea is utilized very much because there is high population as well as fishery and tourism industry is developed so that they are using the shoreline. Plus, it is necessary to focus that general people think that marine environment is public goods which must be possessed by all of people rather than personal property, this means that all of people may have high concerns on the pollution of sea and shoreline as well. In consideration of marine pollution characteristic and past large scaled pollution incident experience, It is really important that pollution investigation should be conducted in order to find the cause of the incident and feedback to the preventive measure as well as response operation. And as a part of preventive measure, it is necessary to consider the method not to happen the incident again by same reason through throughly investigation. However, although Korea government conducts the these kind of pollution investigation by Korea Coast Guard department of Ministry of Public Safety and Security and Regional marine and fishery authority and KMST of Ministry of Ocean and Fishery, Investigation of Korea Coast Guard is focusing on criminal aspect and another organization's operation is focusing on marine transportation and ship's safety aspect. So, feedback to preventive policy and result of investigation is not closely related. So, it is necessary to consider marine casualty investigation scheme of other countries such as United States, United Kingdom and Japan and Other organization's investigation system and regulation. In particular, fire investigation, environmental special police scheme and exclusive accusation right. Pollution investigation need to some condition such as legal decision ability, technical specialty . And in order to determine the method and scale of the incident response operation, it may be reasonable administration investigation rather than criminal investigation. And in consideration of criminal policy on the polluter, it is necessary to introduce the exclusive accusation right. By this scheme, the polluter, who conduct one's fullfilled responsibility, may be taken exemption from accusation. Therefore, in this paper, the pollution investigation scheme which purpose is to identify the pollution cause, is developed by studying the some item. First is the organization that pollution investigation is performed most effect in consideration of the past experience, technical and legal fundamental. Second is the appropriate right to conduct the investigation such as surveying the paper, questioning, surveillance, audit, requesting attendance. In addition to this, these new scheme should develop legal system through establishing the new law or revision of existing marine environment management act including the proper right, reasonable procedure, feedback system and exclusive accusation right. If this new pollution investigation scheme settle down clearly, it will be good practice for marine pollution prevention and rapid response. -
dc.description.tableofcontents 제1장 서 론 제1절 연구 배경 1 제2절 연구 목적 3 제3절 연구 방법 4 제2장 우리나라 해양오염사고의 특성 제1절 해양오염 사고의 특성 5 Ⅰ. 광역성 5 Ⅱ. 재난성 8 Ⅲ. 비난성 10 제2절 우리나라 해양오염 사고의 위험성 12 Ⅰ. 국내 여건 12 Ⅱ. 미래 전망 14 Ⅲ. 상황 분석 16 제3절 국내 해양오염사고의 시사점 17 제3장 국내 해양오염사고 조사제도 현황 및 문제점 제1절 현 황 18 Ⅰ. 국민안전처(해양경비안전본부)의 조사 18 1. 해양오염사고 조사담당 기능 18 2. 선박?해양시설 출입검사 19 3. 불명오염사고 조사 20 Ⅱ. 해양환경특별사법경찰 20 1. 제도도입 배경 21 2. 제도운영 현황 22 Ⅲ. 해양안전심판원의 해양사고 조사 22 1. 연역 및 조직 23 2. 설립목적 및 역할 23 제2절 문 제 점 26 Ⅰ. 인적ㆍ물적 측면 26 1. 전문조직의 미비 27 2. 전문 인력 부족 28 Ⅱ. 기술적 측면 30 1. 해양오염사고조사의 기술적 측면 30 2. 과학기술 기반 현장지원의 필요 31 Ⅲ. 운영 측면 32 1. 해양오염사고 원인조사의 중요성 미인식 32 2. “해양사고 조사”와 “해양오염사고 조사” 구분 33 3. “행정조사”와 “수사”의 이원화 35 Ⅳ. 법ㆍ제도적 측면 37 1. 행정조사?피해조사?수사의 혼재 37 2. 해양환경감시원의 이원화 38 3. 방제공무원의 기능 미흡 39 4. 기타 관련 법령 40 제4장 국내외 조사제도 사례 제1절 국내 제도 현황 42 Ⅰ. 화재 조사제도 42 1. 화재조사와 수사의 의의 42 2. 화재조사와 수사의 법적 근거 44 Ⅱ. 경제범죄에 대한 전속고발권 48 1. 경제사범 조사제도 개요 48 2. 전속고발권 제도 49 Ⅲ. 환경특별사법경찰제도 53 1. 제도적 취지 54 2. 일반 현황 55 3. 환경사범 수사 58 제2절 외국 제도 현황 61 Ⅰ. 주요 해양국가의 해양사고 조사제도 61 1. 미 국 61 2. 영 국 68 3. 일 본 75 Ⅱ. 해양오염사고 기술지원 기능 79 1. 미국의 해양대기청(NOAA) 79 2. 프랑스의 수질환경보호센터(CEDRE) 81 제5장 국내 해양오염사고 조사제도 개선방안 제1절 해양오염사고 조사제도의 목적 및 방향 86 제2절 업무수행에 적합한 기관 87 제3절 해양오염사고 조사제도 법제화 방안 91 제6절 결 론 97 참고문헌 102 -
dc.language kor -
dc.publisher 한국해양대학교 대학원 -
dc.title 해양오염사고 조사제도 개선방안에 관한 연구 -
dc.type Thesis - 2015-08 -
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