This study simulated the sea ice in the northern East Sea and investigated its effects on low salinity waters transported along the Primorye coast using an ice-coupled Ocean General Circulation Model, ROMS(Regional Ocean Modeling System). The model area covers the region 126.5°E - 142.5°E, 33°N - 52°N with grid resolution of 1/10° (about 10 km) in latitude and longitude. There are 50 generalized S-coordinate levels. The atmospheric forcing is obtained from the monthly meaned ECMWF forecast data with 0.5° resolution and ERA interim reanalysis data with 1.5° resolution during the period 1999-2008. Heat and fresh water fluxes are computed with a bulk formula without any relaxation of SST and SSS. Four major tidal forcing (M2,S2,K1,O1) are included along the open boundaries based on TPXO7.
The modeled sea ice in the Tatar Strait shows a maximum extent in February and is disappeared in April. Although its duration time is similar to the observed one, the model appears to underestimate the sea ice concentration and area. The melting of sea ice in the Tatar Strait seems to be responsible for low temperature and salinity waters along the Primorye coast in spring as suggested by Park et al. (2006).