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濟州海軍機動戰團의 海洋戰略 및 海洋主權 確保에 關한 硏究

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dc.contributor.advisor 이윤철 - 김동희 - 2019-12-16T02:41:40Z - 2019-12-16T02:41:40Z - 2017 -
dc.identifier.uri -
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dc.description.abstract Accounting for 70% of global surface, the sea would never be enough to be emphasized for our everyday life as source of foods and line of communication. Maritime conflicts among Republic of Korea, China, and Japan on Yi-eo Do, southernmost island of the Republic of Korea, and the island-containing South China Sea persist, and, at the same time, national competitions unclearly drawn by regional issues for safeguarding own maritime sovereignty, such as drawing border of Exclusive Economic Zone, continental shelf, and Territorial Seawater Base Line, continue. Especially, the Republic of Korea has failed to setting borders of continental shelf with China and Japan, raising concerns and likelihood of potential conflicts on overlapped jurisdiction over the area among the states. China and Japan have fortified their maritime strategies and strengthened their own naval capabilities mainly for securing maritime hegemony on East and South China Sea. Against the backdrop, the Republic of Korea Navy decided to place a naval base at Gangjeong-Dong, Seoguipo-Si in Jeju Island, in order to exert its best efforts for response to new martime security threats, solidification of national security by maritime activities in vicinity of Southern Jeju Island, and protection of sovereignty rights, thereby stationed Maritime Task Flotilla capable of maritime power projection. Given condition of increasing needs for swift response to various threats in waters, developed countries has put their best efforts to strengthen maritime security and secure national interests through consistent development of naval power. But, the Republic of Korea has failed in understanding significance of maritime security and national interests up to now and undergone many of cacophonies in development of naval base in Jeju island for upholding these values. The issue related to the base construction has been centered on various social conflicts involving the government, military, residents of Jeju island. scholars, politicians, and even religious circle. In order to seek any course of action to overcome these situations, critical meanings of vessels assigned under Jeju Naval Task Flotilla in the aspects of maritime and national securities are defined, and justification of establishment of the naval base and military activities was reviewed by verifying the international maritime law, such as right of visit for inspection and hot pursuit given to jurisdiction. Unlike Chinhae or Busan naval base, Jeju naval base allows the Republic of Korea Navy to shorten responding time against military provocation in vicinity of NLL by North korea and any types of maritime contingency occurred on the South Korean Waters and its near sea. In addition, the base will be very effective to monitor and respond to maritime activities of neighboring countries including China continuing its military presence using Naval Ship, Government ship, and aircrafts at the waters near Yi-eo Do in accordance with its claim of maritime border expansion. The Republic of Korea Navy is capable of conducting swift operations at every waters near the Korean Peninsula, and Naval forces of Jeju Naval Task Flotilla are capable of conducting multifaceted operations including anti-submarine, anti-surface, and anfi-aircraft. With these capabilities, the ROK Navy is possible to have swift and effective response against any escalated tensions over maritime resource development and border setting in related to Yi-eo Do, thereby it can play critical role of securing maritime sovereignty and southern sea lines of communication. -
dc.description.tableofcontents 目 次 Abstract 第1章 序 論 1 제1절 연구의 목적 1 제2절 연구의 내용 및 방법 5 第2章 유엔海洋法協約과 軍事活動 8 제1절 관할수역 내에서의 활동 8 Ⅰ. 해양에서의 군사활동 8 Ⅱ. 접속수역에서의 군사활동 12 Ⅲ. 배타적 경제수역에서의 군사활동 13 제2절 관할수역 밖에서의 활동 15 Ⅰ. 공해상에서의 군사활동 15 Ⅱ. 해양법상 추적권 행사 및 무력사용의 정당성 고찰 19 Ⅲ. 제주해군기동전단 함정들의 군사작전을 통한 공해에서의 관할권 행사 25 第3章 東北亞 國家들의 葛藤과 海洋戰略 29 제1절 한반도 주변국가들의 해양영토분쟁과 갈등 29 Ⅰ. 주변국 해양갈등 29 Ⅱ. 해양자원 개발과 관련한 주변국 갈등 심화 30 제2절 동북아 주요 국가들의 해군력 증강 32 Ⅰ. 주변국 해군력 증강의 해양전략적 의의 32 Ⅱ. 중국의 해군력 증강과 해양전략 34 Ⅲ. 일본의 해군력 증강과 해양전략 36 Ⅳ. 한국의 해군력 증강과 해양전략 39 第4章 濟州海軍機動戰團의 海洋戰略 43 제1절 해군기지와 해군함정의 해양법적 지위와 역할 43 Ⅰ. 해군 함정의 법적 지위 43 Ⅱ. 주변해역에서의 해군함정의 해양법적 근거와 허용범위 46 (1) 배타적 경제수역 46 (2) 공해 52 Ⅲ. 불법행위 차단을 위한 해군함정의 역할 55 제2절 제주해군기동전단의 해양전략 60 Ⅰ. 한반도 지리 특성과 해군력 투사의 필요성 60 Ⅱ. 동북아시아 국가간 해양갈등 및 분쟁 조정 63 Ⅲ. 해양안보 위협 및 주변국 해군력 억제 67 Ⅳ. 해상교통로의 중요성과 보호 필요성 68 Ⅴ. 제주해군기동전단과 북한의 전시 작전계획 차단 72 第5章 濟州海軍機動戰團을 통한 海洋主權 確保方案 75 제1절 주변해역의 중요성 및 전략적 가치 75 Ⅰ. 지리적 위치 및 실체 75 Ⅱ. 주변해역의 중요성과 전략적 가치 78 제2절 경계획정을 통한 해양주권 확보방안 80 Ⅰ. 주변해역 문제와 한-중 관계 80 Ⅱ. 한-중 해양경계획정 문제 82 제3절 해상교통로 보호를 통한 해상주권 확보방안 85 Ⅰ. 주변해역 해상교통로의 중요성 85 Ⅱ. 주변해역 해상교통로의 보호방안 88 제4절 제주해군기동전단을 활용한 해양주권 확보방안 89 Ⅰ. 해군함정 및 항공기를 활용한 해상초계 강화 89 Ⅱ. 기동전단 주요 함정과 해경함정간 합동훈련 추진 90 第6章 要約 및 結論 92 參考文獻 96 -
dc.format.extent 107 -
dc.language kor -
dc.publisher 한국해양대학교 해양군사대학 -
dc.title 濟州海軍機動戰團의 海洋戰略 및 海洋主權 確保에 關한 硏究 -
dc.type Dissertation - 2017-02 -
dc.contributor.alternativeName Kim, Dong hee -
dc.contributor.department 해사산업대학원 해양군사학과 - Master -
dc.subject.keyword 제주해군기동전단 -
dc.type.local Text -
dc.title.translated A Study on Maritime Strategy of the Jeju Naval Task Flotilla and it′s Commitment for Ocean Sovereignty - 000000001979▲000000006780▲000002330003▲ -
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濟州海軍機動戰團의 海洋戰略 및 海洋主權 確保에 關한 硏究.pdf Download

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