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컨테이너터미널과 벌크터미널의 서비스품질에 관한 비교연구

컨테이너터미널과 벌크터미널의 서비스품질에 관한 비교연구
서비스품질, 컨테이너터미널, 벌크터미널, 다중집단구조방정식
Issued Date
한국해양대학교 일반대학원
As the shipping alliance and large-scale shipowner incorporation are steadily established, the importance of the hub port is getting bigger and bigger. All such port customers have become a vital element of the hub port due to their mergers and acquisitions flowing into and maintaining. Therefore, the harbor developing plans should be formulated not only for Busan Port, but also for all national harbors, as a national strategy. This course consists with worldwide trends.

In addition to the changing of port infrastructure, the most important issue will be addressed to the understanding of the port customer satisfaction. It is important to grasp the influence of satisfaction of customer using services provided at the port on the possibility of re-contract and to study the requirements for services imposed by customers.

Hence, this research focuses on these port services. The ports may be classified into container and bulk terminals, according to the types of cargo. The primary purpose of this research is to compare the differences between container and bulk terminals. Basically, there are many different types of cargo and each type has various ways to be handled. So, the prerequisites of quality service are compared and analyzed as there is a difference in customer service as required.

The next objective of this research is comparison between research methods(PZB model and BNC model). There are various research models for measuring service quality. This paper makes an attempt to apply a comparative analysis of the most frequently mentioned models: PZB and BNC models.

At first, the results of confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation analysis are used for the comparison of container terminal and bulk terminal. It was found out that both the group of container terminal users and bulk terminal users satisfied with acceptance criteria which are usually utilized. Therefore, conformity of the research was secured. This has been made possible by the analysis of measurement identity. Measurement identity allows to check does respondents in both groups equally understand each attribute. The results of the measurement identity analysis were also recognized as significant. Thus, the comparison between groups is possible.

In order to compare populations, path coefficients were used. In the case of container terminals, most respondents are carriers. The carrier generally select the terminal according to its internal/external condition and internal situation. Furthermore, in the process of choosing a terminal type, the geographical conditions and punctuality, such as cargo handling time compliance, are considerable.

In the case of bulk terminals, the shippers exercise a significant influence. Assuming bulk cargo, the requirements imposed on cargo handling can vary. Therefore it is important to understand the characteristics of the cargo or whether cargo handling equipment is available. It appears that the pass coefficient reflects the reasons like abovementioned.

The results follow from comparison between objectives of PZB and BNC model are presented below.First, analysis revealed that GFI and AGFI of the PZB model are better than those of the BNC model. However, the other Degrees of Conformity were found to be excellent for the BNC model. The BNC model has a lot of attributes related to the PZB model. Therefore, there are many information was obtained by using BNC model.

The existing results were observed with research, based on industry. The superiority of each model may be different. So, we conducted research, based on port service. It can be seen that BNC model were evaluated as better. In this research, we proved this empirically.

There are various models used during analysis of quality of service. Thence, the comparing and verifying more fully evolved models can be impactful for future researches. As well, it is worth noting that same model results may vary depending on the industry being applied. So, it is meaningful for research to investigate the difference between findings of the analysis, based on industry.
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물류시스템학과 > Thesis
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컨테이너터미널과 벌크터미널의 서비스품질에 관한 비교연구.pdf Download

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