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OLAFOAM에 의한 해안구조물의 주변에서 파랑특성의 수치시뮬레이션

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dc.contributor.advisor 김도삼 - 배주현 - 2019-12-16T02:48:01Z - 2019-12-16T02:48:01Z - 2018 -
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.description.abstract 본 연구는 OpenFOAMⓇ을 기반으로한 OLAFOAM을 적용하여 해안구조물의 모델링과 그의 적용을 다루며, 구조물로는 투과성 구조물을 대표하는 잠제와 격자블록으로 결속된 방파제인 원형유공방파제를 대상으로 하였다. 따라서 본문에서는 크게 2가지 주제를 다루며, 첫 번째 주제는 잠제를 대상으로 (1) 파와 흐름의 공존장내 2차원투과성잠제 주변에서의 파랑특성의 수치해석, (2) 3차원투과성잠제 주변에서 수면변동과 내부유속변동의 특성에 관한 수치해석 그리고 (3) 파와 흐름의 공존장내 3차원투과성잠제 주변에서 수면변동과 내부유속변동의 특성에 관한 수치해석과 같이 3개의 부분으로 구성 하였으며, 두 번째 주제는 3차원불규칙파동장하에서 원형유공케이슨 방파제를 대상으로 월파량, 반사율, 파압분포 및 그들의 상호연관성에 대한 수치시뮬레이션이다. 첫 번째 주제의 (1)에서는 먼저 1) 단파하 투과성구조물에서 파의 변형, 2) 규칙파하 잠제에 의한 파의 변형과 모래지반내 과잉간극수압변동 및 3) 흐름하 규칙파의 변형과 연직유속분포에 대해 기존의 각 실험결과와 비교⋅검토하고, 불규칙파를 조파하여 목표한 파의 재현과 주파수스펙트럼을 비교⋅검토하여 OLAFOAM의 타당성을 검증한다. 이로부터 지금까지 거의 검토되지 않은 규칙파와 흐름의 공존장 및 불규칙파와 흐름의 공존장에 설치된 2차원투과성잠제에 대해 배후사면을 모래 혹은 자갈로 고려한 경우 흐름방향 등에 변화에 따른 잠제 주변에서 파고 및 , 주파수스펙트럼, 쇄파, 평균유속 및 난류운동에너지 등의 변동특성을 면밀히 검토하였다. (2)에서는 OLAFOAM의 3차원수치해석의 타당성을 검증하기 위해 1) 3차원투과성직립벽에 의한 파의 변형과 파압변동 및 2) 규칙파동장하에서 3차원불투과잠제에 의한 파의 변형 및 흐름에 대한 기존의 실험결과와의 비교⋅검토를 하였다. 이로부터 규칙파, 불규칙파 및 설상사주 형성조건하에 투과성잠제 주변에서 형성되는 파고 및 분포와 같은 수면변동의 특성과 배후에서 형성되는 설상사주의 주요외력으로 평균유속, 연안류 및 난류운동에너지 등을 포함한 유속장의 특성을 수치적으로 검토하였다. 또한, 연안류에 의한 수송유량으로부터 해안선의 지형변동도 예측하였다. (3)에서는 (1)과 (2)를 확장하여, 파와 흐름의 공존장 및 설상사주의 형성조건하에 설치된 3차원투과성잠제에 관해 흐름방향에 따라 변화되는 잠제 주변에서 파고 및 분포와 같은 수면변동의 특성 및 설상사주의 주요외력으로 작용하는 평균유속, 연안류 및 난류운동에너지 등을 포함한 유속장의 특성을 수치적으로 검토하였으며, 대상파랑은 규칙파와 불규칙파로 하였다. 또한, 연안류에 의한 수송유량으로부터 해안선의 지형변동도 예측하여, 흐름방향에 따른 설상사주의 형성과정에 미치는 영향을 검토하였다. 두 번째 주제에서는 먼저 규칙파랑하 3차원슬리트케이슨방파제에서 파의 파압변동에 대해 기존의 실험결과와 비교⋅검토하여 OLAFOAM의 원형유공케이슨 방파제와 같은 특수방파제에 대한 수치해석의 타당성을 검증하였다. 이로부터 슬리트케이슨제와 유사한 원형유공케이슨 방파제가 설치된 일정수심의 3차원수치파동수조에 불규칙파를 조파하여 유수실 폭과 유의파고 및 유의주기의 변화에 따른 원형유공케이슨 방파제에서 월파량, 반사율, 파압분포 및 그들의 상호연관성을 면밀히 검토⋅분석하였다. 또한, 파압분포는 불투과연직벽체에 대한 Goda 식 및 슬리트케이슨제에 대한 Takahashi 식과 비교하였으며, 반사율은 Tanimoto 식과 비교하였다. |This study deals with the modeling and application of the coastal structures using OLAFOAM based on OpenFOAMⓇ, and the structures were submerged breakwater representing permeable structure and circular perforated caisson breakwater consisting of a bundle of latticed blocks. This paper consists of the two topics. The first topic includes 3 parts: (1) numerical analysis on wave characteristics around 2-dimensional permeable submerged breakwater in wave and current coexisting field, (2) numerical analysis on variation characteristics of water surface and velocity around 3-dimensional permeable submerged breakwater, and (3) numerical analysis on variation characteristics of water surface and velocity around 3-dimensional permeable submerged breakwater in wave and current coexisting field. The second topic is numerical simulation on wave overtopping, reflection, wave pressure acting on circular perforated caisson breakwaters and the interconnectivity between them in a 3-dimensional numerical irregular wave tank. In the first part of the first topic, OLAFOAM was validated for 1) wave transformation inside porous structure under bore conditions, 2) wave transformation and fluctuation of excess pore-water pressure in sand bed by submerged breakwater under regular wave condition, and 3) regular wave transformation and resultant vertical velocity distribution under current by comparison with existing laboratory measurements and the performance for irregular waves was examined from the reproducibility of the target irregular waves and frequency spectrum analysis. Hereafter, this part, which is almost no examination carried out until now, analyzed closely variation characteristics of wave height or , frequency spectrum, breaking waves, averaged velocity and turbulent kinetic energy around 2-dimensional porous submerged breakwater in the wave and current coexisting field for the case of sandy or graveled rear beach. In the second part of the first topic, the comparisons are made with available experimental results on 1) wave transformation and fluctuation of wave pressure by a 3-dimensional permeable upright wall and 2) wave transformation and fluctuation of wave velocities by a 3-dimensional impermeable submerged breakwater to verify its applicability to the 3-dimensional numerical analysis. Hereafter, the characteristics of the water surface variations like wave height or distribution and velocity fields including the average flow velocity, longshore current and turbulent kinetic energy acting as the main external forces formed around the 3-dimensional permeable submerged breakwaters are investigated under regular or irregular waves and salient formation. Shoreline response is also predicted by the longshore-induced flux. The third part of the first topic is expanded first and second parts. This part, which is almost no examination carried out until now, analyzed closely the characteristics of the water surface variations like wave height or distribution and velocity fields including the average flow velocity, longshore current and turbulent kinetic energy acting as the main external forces formed around the 3-dimensional permeable submerged breakwaters are investigated under wave-current coexisting field and the formation condition of salient. The target waves were regular and irregular waves. Shoreline response is also predicted by the longshore-induced flux, and the effect on formation process of salient is investigated as existing current and current direction. In the second topic, to investigate the applicability of OLAFOAM to the specialized breakwater like the circular perforated caisson breakwater, the variations of wave pressure acting on the 3-dimensional slit caisson breakwater were compared to the previous experimental results under the regular wave conditions. As a result, a series of numerical simulations for the circular perforated caisson breakwaters, which is similar to slit caisson breakwater, was carried out under the irregular wave actions. The hydraulic characteristics of the breakwater such as wave overtopping, reflection, and wave pressure distribution were carefully investigated respect to the significant wave height and period, the wave chamber width, and the interconnectivity between them. Also, the wave pressure distribution was compared with the Goda equation for the impermeable vertical wall or Takahashi equation for the slit caisson breakwater, and the reflection coefficient was compared with the Tanimoto equation. -
dc.description.tableofcontents ABSTRACT ·························································································································(i) 요약 ·································································································································(iii) 목차 ··································································································································(v) LIST OF FIGURES ·············································································································(viii) LIST OF TABLES ···············································································································(xii) LIST OF PHOTOS ··············································································································(xiii) 제1장 서론 1.1 연구의 배경 및 목적 ·······················································································(1) 1.2 연구의 구성 ·····································································································(9) References ···········································································································(10) 제2장 수치해석이론 2.1 지배방정식 ····································································································(17) 2.2 수치파동수조에 의한 불규칙파 조파 ·······························································(19) References ···········································································································(20) 제3장 파-흐름 공존장내 2차원잠제 주변의 파랑특성 3.1 수치해석의 검증 ··························································································(21) 3.1.1 다공성매질을 통과하는 단파의 수위변화에 대한 검증 ·····························(21) 3.1.2 잠제 주변의 파랑변동과 잠제 내 및 지반 내에서 과잉간극수압변동에 관한 검증 ···(22) 3.1.3 파랑과 흐름의 공존장에 있어서 수위변화와 평균유속변화에 대한 검증 ·····(25) 3.1.4 불규칙파의 조파검증 ·········································································(27) 3.2 계산조건 ········································································································(28) 3.3 규칙파-흐름 공존장내 잠제 주변의 파랑특성의 수치해석 ································(30) 3.3.1 수위변동과 주파수스펙트럼 ·······························································(30) 3.3.2 쇄파형상 ··························································································(34) 3.3.3 파고의 분포 ·····················································································(37) 3.3.4 평균유속 및 평균난류운동에너지의 분포 ···············································(38) 3.4 불규칙파-흐름 공존장내 잠제 주변의 파랑특성의 수치해석 ······························(41) 3.4.1 수위변동과 주파수스펙트럼 ·······························································(41) 3.4.2 쇄파형상 ··························································································(45) 3.4.3 의 분포 ·····················································································(48) 3.4.4 평균유속 및 평균난류운동에너지의 분포 ···············································(49) 3.5 결언 ···············································································································(52) References ···········································································································(53) 제4장 설상사주 형성조건 하에 있는 3차원투과성잠제 주변에서 수면변동 및 내부유속변동의 특성 4.1 수치해석의 검증 ·····························································································(54) 4.1.1 3차원투과성직립벽 주변에서 수위 및 파압에 대한 검증 ···························(54) 4.1.2 3차원불투과성잠제 주변에서 수위 및 유속에 대한 검증 ···························(57) 4.2 계산조건 ········································································································(60) 4.3 규칙파랑하 수면변동 및 내부유속변동의 특성 ··············································(62) 4.3.1 파고의 분포 ·····················································································(62) 4.3.2 평균유속의 공간분포 ··········································································(69) 4.3.3 연안류의 분포 ···················································································(74) 4.3.4 평균난류운동에너지의 분포 ·······························································(77) 4.4 불규칙파랑하 수면변동 및 내부유속변동의 특성 ·········································(81) 4.4.1 의 분포 ·····················································································(81) 4.4.2 평균유속의 공간분포 ··········································································(86) 4.4.3 연안류의 분포 ···················································································(90) 4.4.4 평균난류운동에너지의 분포 ·······························································(91) 4.5 결언 ···············································································································(93) References ···········································································································(94) 제5장 파-흐름공존장 및 설상사주 형성조건 하에 있는 3차원투과성잠제 주변에서 수면변동 및 내부유속변동의 특성 5.1 계산조건 ········································································································(96) 5.2 규칙파-흐름공존장하 수면변동 및 내부유속변동의 특성 ································(97) 5.2.1 파고의 분포 ·····················································································(97) 5.2.2 평균유속의 공간분포 ········································································(101) 5.2.3 연안류의 분포 ··················································································(102) 5.2.4 평균난류운동에너지의 분포 ······························································(104) 5.3 불규칙파-흐름공존장하 수면변동 및 내부유속변동의 특성 ·····························(106) 5.3.1 의 분포 ····················································································(106) 5.3.2 평균유속의 공간분포 ········································································(108) 5.3.3 연안류의 분포 ··················································································(109) 5.3.4 평균난류운동에너지의 분포 ······························································(111) 5.4 결언 ·············································································································(112) References ··········································································································(113) 제6장 원형유공케이슨 방파제의 월파량, 반사율 및 작용파압에 관한 3차원시뮬레이션 6.1 슬리트케이슨에 작용하는 파압(동압)의 검증 ················································(114) 6.2 계산조건 ·······································································································(117) 6.3 수치해석 결과 ·······························································································(119) 6.3.1 월파량의 비교 ··················································································(119) 6.3.2 반사율의 비교 ·················································································(120) 6.3.3 파압분포의 비교 ···············································································(123) 6.4 결언 ·············································································································(131) References ··········································································································(132) 제7장 결론 7.1 제3장 : 파-흐름 공존장내 2차원잠제 주변의 파랑특성 ································(133) 7.2 제4장 : 3차원투과성잠제 주변에서 수면변동 및 내부유속변동의 특성 ···········(135) 7.3 제5장 : 파 -흐름 공존장내 3차원잠제 주변에서 수면변동 및 내부유속변동의 특성 ········(135) 7.4 제6장 : 원형유공케이슨 방파제의 월파량, 반사율 및 작용파압 ····················(136) -
dc.format.extent 152 -
dc.language kor -
dc.publisher 한국해앙대학교 대학원 -
dc.rights 한국해양대학교 논문은 저작권에 의해 보호받습니다. -
dc.title OLAFOAM에 의한 해안구조물의 주변에서 파랑특성의 수치시뮬레이션 -
dc.type Dissertation - 2018-02 -
dc.contributor.alternativeName Bae Ju Hyun -
dc.contributor.department 대학원 토목환경공학과 -
dc.contributor.affiliation 한국해양대학교 토목환경공학과 - Master -
dc.subject.keyword OLAFOAM,submerged breakwater, circular perforated caisson breakwater -
dc.title.translated Numerical Simulation of Wave Characteristics around Coastal Structures by OLAFOAM -
dc.contributor.specialty 해안 및 항만공학 - 000000001979▲200000000139▲200000009834▲ -
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