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자어기 조피볼락용 과립형 미립자 사료내 적정 단백질 요구량

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dc.contributor.advisor 조성환 - 장복일 - 2019-12-16T02:51:29Z - 2019-12-16T02:51:29Z - 2018 -
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.description.abstract The object of this study is to determine protein requirement in granulated microdiet for larval rockfish. Rockfish broodstocks were stocked into a 20-ton fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP) circular tank that was filled with seawater sterilized by ultraviolet radiation. Broodstocks were taken out after parturition from the tank and newborn larvae were held in the tank until 9-DAP. 7,200 larvae were randomly transferred to 24, 80-L square plastic tanks (300 larvae per tank) at 9-DAP for the feeding trial. Rotifer were fed for 1-DAP to 6-DAP larval rockfish, Artemia nauplii and granulated microdiets (#3 and #4) were fed for 6-DAP to 10-DAP and for 10-DAP to 29-DAP larval rockfish, respectively as larval fish grew. Five granulated microdiets (CP42, CP46, CP50, CP54 and CP58) containing different levels of crude protein ranging from 42% to 58% with 4% increments at the expense of dextrin and fish oil at constant estimated energy level (4.42 kcal/g diet) were prepared in two size (0.31-0.48, 0.48-0.63 μm). Fish meal, soluble fish protein concentrate, krill meal, wheat gluten and taurine were used as the primary protein sources in the experimental diets. Alpha-starch and dextrin and fish oil were used as the carbohydrate and lipid sources in the experimental diets. Granulated microdiets were carefully hand-fed to larvae 8-12 times a day between 06:00 and 18:00 h. In the granulated microdiets, as the protein levels increased, all essential and nonessential amino acids (EAA and NEAA) contents increased. The survival of larval rockfish was not significant (P > 0.05) different among the experimental diets. Weight gain and growth rate of larval rockfish fed the CP54 diet were significantly (P < 0.05) higher than that of larval fish fed the all other diets (CP42, CP46, CP50 and CP58 diets). Broken-line model [Y = 198.4 – 2.18 (R – XLR), R=54.0 ± 1.77 (SE)] showed that dietary protein requirement was estimated to be 55.4% based on weight gain of larval rockfish. Amino acid profiles of the whole-body of larval rockfish fed the experimental diets at the end of the feeding trial were not significantly (P > 0.05) affected by protein levels in the granulated microdiets, except for histidine. Moisture, crude protein and crude lipid content of the whole-body of larval rockfish were not significantly (P > 0.05) different among the experimental diets except ash. according to these results, protein requirement for larval rockfish was estimated to be 54.0% based on the broken-line model. |본 연구는 산출 후 자어기 조피볼락용 과립형 미립자 사료내 적정 단백질 요구량을 규명하였다. 20톤의 유수식 Fiber glass reinforced plastic (FRP) 수조에 어미 조피볼락을 수용한 뒤 산출 후 9일령까지 자어기 조피볼락을 20톤 FRP 수조에서 사육하였다. 총 7,200 마리의 자어기 조피볼락을 무작위로 24개의 유수식 80-L 사각수조에 수용하였다. 산출 후 1일령부터 6일령까지 로티퍼를 먹이로 공급하였고, 산출 후 6일령부터 10일령까지 알테미아를 공급하였고, 산출 후 10일령부터 실험의 종료시(산출 후 29일)까지 제조한 조피볼락용 과립형 미립자 사료를 공급하여 주었다. 단백질 함량을 달리한 총 5종류(조단백질 함량: 42%, 46%, 50%, 54%, 58%)의 실험사료(CP42, CP46, CP50, CP54, CP58)를 2종류 크기(0.31-0.48, 0.48-0.63 μm)로 준비하였다. 실험 사료내 정어리, 가수분해 농축분, 크릴분, wheat gluten과 taurine을 주요 단백질원, α-전분과 덱스트린을 주요 탄수화물 및 어유를 주요 지질원으로 각각 사용하였다. 실험사료는 1일 8~12회까지 공급하였으며, 총 실험기간은 산출 후 29일령 자어기까지이었다. 실험사료내 단백질 함량이 증가함에 따라서 필수아미노산과 비필수아미노산 함량이 증가하였다. 사육실험 종료시 생존한 조피볼락의 생존율은 실험구간에 유의적인 차이를 보이지 않았다. 실험 종료시 생존한 조피볼락의 어체중 증가(Weight gain)와 성장률(Growth rate)은 단백질 함량이 54%인 사료(CP54)를 공급한 실험구에서 다른 사료 공급구보다 유의적으로 높게 나타났으며, 그 다음으로 CP58, CP50, CP46 및 CP42의 순으로 높게 나타났다. 실험종료시 생존한 조피볼락 자어기의 전장도 CP54를 공급한 실험구에서 유의적으로 길었다. 조피볼락 자어기의 적정 단백질 요구량은 Broken-line model에 의하여 54.0%인 것으로 평가되었다. 조피볼락 자어기 전어체의 아미노산 조성은 Histidine을 제외하고 실험사료내 단백질 함량에 따른 차이를 보이지 않았다. 자어기 전어체의 일반성분 분석 결과, 회분을 제외하고 수분, 조단백질과 조지질 함량은 차이가 없었다. 이상의 결과를 고려하면 조피볼락 자어기용 과립형 미립자 사료내 단백질 요구량은 54%인 것으로 판단된다. -
dc.description.tableofcontents Contents ⅰ List of Tables ⅱ List of Figures ⅲ Abstract ⅳ Abstract (in Korean) ⅵ 1. Introduction 1 2. Materials and Methods 4 2.1 Spawning and larval rearing conditions 4 2.2 Feeding schedule for larval fish 4 2.3 Preparation of the experimental diets 6 2.4 Experimental conditions 8 2.5 Analytical procedures for the microdiets and larval rockfish 8 2.6 Statistical analysis 9 3. Results 10 3.1 Amino acid profiles of the experimental diets 10 3.2 Growth performance of rockfish 12 3.3 Proximate composition of the whole-body of rockfish 18 3.4 Amino acid profiles of the whole-body of rockfish 20 4. Discussion 22 5. Conclusion 29 6. Acknowledgements 30 7. References 31 -
dc.format.extent 41 -
dc.language eng -
dc.publisher 한국해양대학교 대학원 -
dc.rights 한국해양대학교 논문은 저작권에 의해 보호받습니다. -
dc.title 자어기 조피볼락용 과립형 미립자 사료내 적정 단백질 요구량 -
dc.type Dissertation - 2018-02 -
dc.contributor.alternativeName Bok-Il Jang -
dc.contributor.department 대학원 해양생명환경학과 -
dc.contributor.affiliation 한국해양대학교 대학원 해양생명환경학과 - Master -
dc.subject.keyword Rockfish (Sebastes schlegeli) larvae 조피볼락 자어기, Granulated microdiet 과립형 미립자 사료, Protein requirement 단백질 요구량 -
dc.title.translated Optimum dietary protein level in granulated microdiet for larval rockfish Sebastes schlegeli Hilgendorf 1880 -
dc.contributor.specialty 해양생물공학전공 - 000000001979▲200000000139▲200000013322▲ -
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