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대기중 상대 습도에 따른 테라헤르츠 감쇠연구

DC Field Value Language
dc.contributor.advisor 전태인 - 권재광 - 2022-04-08T17:43:16Z - 2022-04-08T17:43:16Z - 20210311144417 - 2021 -
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.description.abstract In this study, I measured power attenuation in the range of 0–1THz based on different water vapor densities. THz pulses propagated through an 18.61-m humidity control cell. The average relative humidity in the cell was calculated accurately using two hygrometers and was within the maximum error range of 1%. The Radio communication Sector of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU-R) P. 676.11 provides an estimation method for atmospheric attenuation of electromagnetic waves in the frequency band range of 1–1000GHz. I confirmed a discrepancy in the experimental value in ITU-R as water vapor density increased. These results were similar to the results reported at Oklahoma state university in 2018. In the present study, I has, thus, introduced a simple method to reduce inconsistency in the far-wing region. The high strength ITU-R pseudo line 1.780 THz can be effective from 0 to 1THz. The pseudo-line slope can be changed in three ways, i.e. by changing the center frequency, strength, and width of the pseudo-line. A change in the center frequency hardly resulted in any difference from the experimental value of the 1.940 THz pseudo-line. Compared with the existing 1.780 THz line, the 1.940 THz pseudo-line shows a maximum 26dB/km reduction in the W2 region and does not exceed the maximum 8dB/km even with the inclusion of the entire wing regions. Additionally, i defined self and foreign continuum coefficients through three methods and compared the results with those of the other experiments. -
dc.description.tableofcontents 1. 서 론 1 1.1 개요 1 1.2 ITU-R P.676-11 4 2. 실험 구성 7 3. 실험 결과 7 3.1 전력감쇠 계산방법 11 3.2 거리에 따른 전력감쇠 그래프의 측정 한계치 계산 15 3.3 거리 18.61m 와 거리 1m 전력감쇠 그래프 측정 19 3.4 ITU-R Pseudo-line 과 HITRAN database 비교 20 3.5 링크 버짓 계산 방법 22 3.6 ITU-R 시뮬레이션과의 실험값의 차이 결과 및 보정 26 3.7 자기 및 외부 연속체의 흡수 계수 계산 36 4. 결론 39 Reference 42 -
dc.format.extent 45 -
dc.language kor -
dc.publisher 한국해양대학교 대학원 -
dc.rights 한국해양대학교 논문은 저작권에 의해 보호받습니다. -
dc.title 대기중 상대 습도에 따른 테라헤르츠 감쇠연구 -
dc.title.alternative Study of terahertz attenuation according to relative humidity in the atmosphere -
dc.type Dissertation - 2021. 2 -
dc.embargo.liftdate 2021-03-11 -
dc.contributor.alternativeName Kwon, Jae Gwang -
dc.contributor.department 대학원 전기전자공학과 -
dc.contributor.affiliation 한국해양대학교 대학원 전기전자공학과 - Master -
dc.identifier.bibliographicCitation [1]권재광, “대기중 상대 습도에 따른 테라헤르츠 감쇠연구,” 한국해양대학교 대학원, 2021. -
dc.subject.keyword Spectroscopy -
dc.subject.keyword Power Attenuation -
dc.subject.keyword Continuum Absorption -
dc.contributor.specialty 광전자공학 - 000000001979▲200000001935▲200000374374▲ -
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전기전자공학과 > Thesis
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