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자율운항선박 도입에 따른 선원직능 변화와 인력양성에 관한 연구

DC Field Value Language
dc.contributor.advisor 신용존 - 임성주 - 2022-06-22T17:38:51Z - 2022-06-22T17:38:51Z - 20210823115521 - 2021 -
dc.identifier.uri -
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dc.description.abstract Today, nations recognize the value and importance of the oceans as a source of national power. In particular, Korea has focused on securing the seafarers who raised and developed the shipping industry, which is a capital-intensive industry. Furthermore, the seafarers was the key to leading the marine industry and the driving force of national development. According to the report “Mattering the Fourth Industrial Revolution” at the 46th World Economic Forum (WEF) in 2016, the Cyber-Physical system, which is a destructive technology, would cause the Fourth Industrial Revolution, changing all fields, such as economy, industry, and society. Furthermore, the world paid attention to the report as it pessimistically predicted that many jobs would disappear due to the replacement of human labor in the following future. The fourth industrial revolution is widely used as the name "Industry 4.0" in many European countries, including Germany and the United Kingdom. To date, there have been few studies on changes in demand and function of seafarers to address the issue of job loss caused by the replacement of human labor as pointed out by the World Economic Forum. Therefore, this study has significant meaning for various theoretical and practical solutions about the change of future employment of seafarers, which is the greatest impact accompanying changes in technological development. Based on Degree of Recognition and AHP surveys for experts, this study investigates changes in the demand of seafarers in response to changes in the shipping industry environment in which Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships(MASS) emerge according to the application of the fourth industrial revolution technology to ships, and it looks into changes in seafarers' skills. It also analyzes and proposes a plan for cultivating seafarers accordingly. As a result of Degree of Recognition and AHP analysis, it is analyzed that a new training system is required because the current training and education system may cover the job competencies of emergency response, caution and danger navigation, general sailing, cargo handling, seaworthiness maintenance, emergency response, and ship maintenance and management, but jobs such as remote control, monitoring diagnosis, device management capability, and big data analysis require competency for unmanned and shore based control. It is expected that this study is meaningful as it systematically derived the duties and competency factors of seafarers of Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships from a practical point of view and analyzed the perception level of each relevant expert to diagnose expert-level responses to the introduction of Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships. By evaluating the importance of change factors in the duties of seafarers in Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships, this study provides information on seafarers educational institutions response strategies for nurturing seafarers and prioritization of resource allocation, etc. The importance of factors was compared and evaluated to suggest changes in the duties of seafarers and methods of nurturing seafarers according to the introduction of Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships. -
dc.description.tableofcontents 제 1 장 서론 1 제 1 절 연구의 배경 및 목적 1 제 2 절 연구의 범위 및 방법 3 제 3 절 연구의 구성 4 제 2 장 제4차 산업혁명과 선박의 기술진보 6 제 1 절 선박의 기술진보와 선원 6 제 2 절 제4차 산업혁명의 정의 8 제 3 절 제4차 산업혁명 기술의 선박에의 적용 11 1. e-Navigation 11 2. IoT 14 3. Cloud Computing 17 4. Big Data 19 5. Mobile 22 6. AI 24 7. 자율운항선박 28 제 3 장 자율운항선박 출현에 따른 선원 역할 및 수요 변화 35 제 1 절 선원인력수요 예측 35 제 2 절 자율운항선박 출현에 따른 선원역할 변화 47 제 3 절 선행연구를 통한 시사점 54 제 4 장 자율운항선박의 해기사 직무와 역량 분석 56 제 1 절 자율운항선박의 해기사 직무 요인 추출 56 제 2 절 자율운항선박의 해기사 역량 요인 추출 72 제 3 절 자율운항선박의 해기사 직무 및 역량에 대한 인식 조사 78 제 4 절 자율운항선박의 해기사 직무 인식 분석 81 제 5 절 자율운항선박의 해기사 역량 인식 분석 85 제 6 절 자율운항선박의 해기사 직무 중요도 분석 88 제 5 장 자율운항선박 해기사 직무 변화에 따른 인력 양성 104 제 1 절 자율운항선박의 해기사 요구 역량 104 제 2 절 자율운항선박 시대의 해기인력 양성 정책 방향 108 제 3 절 자율운항선박 시대에 지향할 해기교육시스템 110 제 6 장 결 론 122 제 1 절 연구의 요약 122 제 2 절 연구결과의 시사점 및 의의 125 제 3 절 연구의 한계 및 향후 연구방향 125 참고문헌 127 □ 국내문헌 127 □ 외국문헌 133 설 문 지 138 -
dc.language kor -
dc.publisher 한국해양대학교 대학원 -
dc.rights 한국해양대학교 논문은 저작권에 의해 보호받습니다. -
dc.title 자율운항선박 도입에 따른 선원직능 변화와 인력양성에 관한 연구 -
dc.title.alternative A Study on Changes in Seafarers Functions and Manpower Training by the Introduction of Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships -
dc.type Dissertation - 2021. 8 -
dc.embargo.liftdate 2021-08-23 -
dc.contributor.department 대학원 해운경영학과 -
dc.contributor.affiliation 한국해양대학교 대학원 해운경영학과 - Doctor -
dc.identifier.bibliographicCitation [1]임성주, “자율운항선박 도입에 따른 선원직능 변화와 인력양성에 관한 연구,” 한국해양대학교 대학원, 2021. -
dc.subject.keyword 자율운항선박 -
dc.subject.keyword 선원 -
dc.subject.keyword 선원교육 -
dc.subject.keyword AHP -
dc.subject.keyword 인식도 조사 - 000000001979▲200000002463▲200000506458▲ -
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해운경영학과 > Thesis
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