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실선 운항 데이터 기반 LNG 운반선 추진장치 성능 평가에 관한 연구

DC Field Value Language
dc.contributor.advisor 이재웅 - 서강현 - 2022-06-23T08:58:24Z - 2022-06-23T08:58:24Z - 20220308093428 - 2022 -
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.description.abstract In the rapidly changing LNG market, securing a stable energy source has become a very important part due to political instability in the Middle East and Africa and the after-effects of the nuclear power crisis in Japan amid the continuous rise in oil prices in 2013. Accordingly, in Korea, stable LNG supply and demand is in progress through long-term LNG contract projects with the US and Australia. In the initial project stage, the size and number of vessels were determined according to the LNG cargo contract volume, and the performance characteristics of each propulsion system that can be mounted on the LNG carrier were compared and reviewed. In addition, the economics, eco-friendly, and ship operation stability in consideration of the CAPEX, OPEX, and fuel consumption were analyzed together. Through the analysis results, it was verified that the economics and eco-friendly evaluation results were different according to the difference in fuel consumption in the design stage and the operating ship. As a result of analyzing fuel consumption for economic evaluation of the propulsion system, TLDFE showed similar fuel consumption as a result of the design and the operating ship analysis. And TLDFE was consumed a fuel about 230-240% less fuel than UST and FMDFE. Air pollutant emission, which is an eco-friendly evaluation factor, showed relative emission in a similar pattern at the design stage and the ship in operation. As for the amount of CO2 emission, UST with the lowest fuel efficiency showed the highest amount, and as for NOx emission, TLDFE, which uses a lot of liquid fuel as pilot oil, showed the highest. In the case of NOx, the newly changed emission factors for each engine type were applied in the operating ship. The factors from the IMO are in consideration of the characteristics of dual-fuel engines using LNG. The derived value was reduced than the results which are applied the emission factors for each fuel type. And the SOx was analyzed as the highest in TLDFE, which also uses a lot of liquid fuel. In terms of stability, FMDFE has an advantage over other engines in that, although there is a risk of periodic generator maintenance, FMDFE is possible to conFig a redundant system to prepare for the loss of propulsion due to major equipment of the ship. Due to the characteristics of the engine, the UST has a large engine room, so UST was difficult to realize the duplication of the propulsion system. Many repair work due to leakage in the operating ship for TLDFE with the high-pressure gas(300 bar) injection method, which was a potential risk factor analyzed during the design stage. -
dc.description.tableofcontents 1. 서 론 1 1.1 연구의 배경 및 목적 1 1.1.1 연구의 배경 1 1.1.2 연구의 목적 4 1.2 연구의 범위 및 방법 5 1.2.1 연구의 범위 5 1.2.2 연구의 추진방법 6 2. 신규투입 LNG선 크기 및 항로특성 8 2.1 대상항로의 특성에 대한 검토 8 2.1.1 인천-Sabine Pass 8 2.1.2 인천-Gladstone 9 2.1.3 인천-싱가포르 9 2.2 입항대상 터미널의 기초 사항 검토 11 2.2.1 국내 터미널 기초 사항 11 2.2.2 해외 터미널 기초 사항 12 2.3 선적물동량에 따른 신규선박 발주 검토 13 2.3.1 신규선박 발주 검토 요인 13 2.3.2 운항 일수 검토 요인 14 2.3.3 소요 선박 수 추정 16 2.4 확장 파나마 운하의 제한 조건에 대한 검토 29 2.4.1 파나마 운하 확장 개요 29 2.4.2 파나마 운하 확장이 LNG선에 미치는 영향 32 2.5 운항 및 발주 LNG선의 주요제원에 대한 검토 33 2.5.1 운항 및 발주 선박 크기의 변화추이 33 2.5.2 운항 중 LNG선의 주요 제원 34 2.6 대상 선박에 대한 선가 검토 34 3. LNG선 추진장치별 특성 및 성능 평가 요소 36 3.1 엔진타입별 특성 36 3.1.1 UST(Ultra Steam Turbine) 37 3.1.2 FMDFE(Four-stroke Medium speed Dual Fuel Engine) 49 3.1.3 TLDFE(Two-stroke Low speed Dual Fuel Engine) 60 3.2 추진장치 성능 평가 고려사항 71 3.2.1 경제성 71 3.2.2 친환경성 76 3.2.3 안정성 76 3.2.4 기타 77 3.3 추진장치 장단점 비교 77 4. 추진장치 성능 평가 79 4.1 설계단계에서의 경제성 평가 79 4.1.1 일반사항 79 4.1.2 경제성 평가 82 4.2 설계단계에서의 친환경성 및 안정성 평가 88 4.2.1 친환경성 평가 88 4.2.2 안정성 평가 90 4.3 실선 운항데이터 기반 경제성 평가 92 4.3.1 경제성 평가 92 4.4 실선 운항데이터 기반 친환경성 및 안정성 평가 97 4.4.1 친환경성 평가 97 4.4.2 안정성 평가 101 5. 결 론 103 참고문헌 105 국문초록 108 -
dc.format.extent 121 -
dc.language kor -
dc.publisher 한국해양대학교 대학원 -
dc.rights 한국해양대학교 논문은 저작권에 의해 보호받습니다. -
dc.title 실선 운항 데이터 기반 LNG 운반선 추진장치 성능 평가에 관한 연구 -
dc.title.alternative Performance evaluation of propulsion system for LNG carrier based on data obtained from ships in operating -
dc.type Dissertation - 2022. 2 -
dc.embargo.liftdate 2022-03-08 -
dc.contributor.department 대학원 해사IT공학과 -
dc.contributor.affiliation 한국해양대학교 대학원 해사IT공학과 - Master -
dc.identifier.bibliographicCitation [1]서강현, “실선 운항 데이터 기반 LNG 운반선 추진장치 성능 평가에 관한 연구,” 한국해양대학교 대학원, 2022. -
dc.subject.keyword Propulsion system -
dc.subject.keyword LNG carrier -
dc.subject.keyword Operating ship -
dc.subject.keyword Economics -
dc.subject.keyword Eco-friendly -
dc.subject.keyword Stability -
dc.contributor.specialty 스마트기관공학 - 000000001979▲200000002763▲200000603097▲ -
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