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북극항로 허브항으로서의 부산항의 역할과 발전전략

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dc.contributor.advisor 신용존 - 정민기 - 2024-01-03T16:09:48Z - 2024-01-03T16:09:48Z - 2022-09-06 - 2022 -
dc.identifier.uri -
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dc.description.abstract Due to the recent thawing of ice in the Arctic region, the commercial value of the Northern Sea Route(NSR) has increased remarkably. Accordingly, the strategic importance of Busan Port, which is located at the starting point of the NSR, is being highlighted in terms of maritime transportation and port logistics. In order to take advantage of this geographical advantage, this study considered the role and development plan of Busan Port in the development of arctic region and the revitalization of the NSR. First, the concept of the Arctic Ocean and the NSR was reviewed, the development status was examined, and the change and prospects of maritime transport volume through NSRt were considered. The cargo volume of the Russian NSR is 34 million tons in 2021 and is expected to exceed 100 million tons in 2030, so its growth potential is evaluated as very high. As a hub port for the starting point of the NSR, Busan port should be responsible for the collection of transport volumes and the provision of feeder services linked to East Asia. In addition, as the various ships sailing through the NSR call in, it will have to play a role as a port logistics station that provides services such as ship supplies, bunkering, and ship repairs. In order for Busan Port to become a hub port in response to the revitalization of the NSR, it is necessary to increase the cargo volume of the NSR through Korea-Russia trade. The strategic importance of Busan Por as the gateway to the NSR, which is economically efficient in terms of transportation distance and cost will be further increased by transporting the increased trade volume in between Korea and Russia. The Arctic region is attracting attention from the world as a future development area because oil, natural gas, coal, iron ore, and non-metallic minerals are abundant. Russia has established the Arctic development policy and is promoting the development of the Arctic region including Far East Asia and Siberia. Because the maritime transportation through the NSR will be activated by the development of the Arctic region, it is necessary for Korean companies to actively participate in the construction of ports and logistics facilities for the NSR. In addition, Busan Port will have to build a port infrastructure and port logistics service system to handle the increasing volume of cargo such as bulk, LNG and oil on the NSR. In order for Busan Port to function as a hub port for the NSR, it must be able to provide comprehensive shipping and port logistics services such as ship repairing, shipping business, bunkering, ship supplies, shipping finance, trade, and logistics. Furthermore, Korean shipyards, which boast the world's best technological prowess, will be able to play a leading role in the development of the NSR by jointly participating in Russia's icebreaker construction project. Moreover, Moreover, a repair shipyard in Busan Port should be established urgently so that it can provide services such as ship inspection, repair, and parts procurement to ships using the Arctic Route calling at Busan Port. This study presented a development strategy for Busan Port in response to the activation of the Arctic Route, which will bring enormous economic benefits to Korea. It is very meaningful study at the time when the NSR is being developed due to the thawing of the Arctic Ocean. The results of this study will greatly contribute to Korea's advancement into the NSR and strengthening the status of Busan Port as a hub port in Northeast Asia. -
dc.description.tableofcontents 목 차 제 1 장 서론 1 제 1 절 연구의 배경 및 목적 1 제 2 절 연구방법 및 구성 2 제 2 장 이론적 배경 4 제 1 절 북극항로의 의의 4 1. 북극해의 정의 4 2. 북극항로의 정의 및 중요성 5 제 2 절 북극항로의 개발 6 1. 북극항로 개발 과정 6 1) 러시아 6 2) 미국 7 3) 캐나다 8 4) 노르웨이 9 5) 일본 10 6) 중국 10 7) 덴마크 11 8) 한국 12 2. 북극항로 해상운송의 발전 및 인프라 12 제 3 절 북극항로에 대한 선행연구 15 제 3 장 북극항로 현황 18 제 1 절 북극항로 해상운송 현황 18 1. 북극항로 선박운항 현황 및 기술 18 2. 북극항로 운송 물동량 현황 21 제 2 절 북극항로 항만물류 현황 23 1. 해외 선용품산업의 사례현황 23 1) 로테르담항 사례 23 2) 싱가포르항 사례 24 3) 고베항 사례 25 2. 북극항로 선박 수리 현황 26 제 4 장 부산항의 북극항로 허브항 발전 전략 29 제 1 절 북극항로 허브항으로서의 부산항의 역할 29 1. 북극항로 기종점 항으로서의 역할 29 1) 북극항로 부산항 모선의 기항 29 2) 북극항로 부산항 운송 물동량 집화 30 3) 북극항로와 세계항만과 부산항의 피더선 연계 서비스 제공 33 2. 북극항로의 항만물류서비스 공급기지로서의 역할 35 1) 북극항로 선용품 공급기지 역할 35 2) 북극항로 유류 공급기지 역할 41 3) 북극항로 선박수리기지 역할 43 제 2 절 북극항로 허브항으로서의 부산항의 발전전략 46 1. 한-러 교역 증대를 통한 북극항로 활성화 46 2. 북극지역에 대한 한-러 연계 개발 및 협력을 통한 북극항로 활성화 50 3. 북극항로의 항만물류서비스 경쟁력 제고 및 산업 발전 방향 54 4. 북극항로와 연계된 조선 및 수리조선 산업 발전 57 제 5 장 결론 61 제 1 절 연구결과의 요약 61 제 2 절 연구의 한계 및 향후 연구방향 65 참고문헌 66 -
dc.format.extent 72 -
dc.language kor -
dc.publisher 한국해양대학교 대학원 -
dc.rights 한국해양대학교 논문은 저작권에 의해 보호받습니다. -
dc.title 북극항로 허브항으로서의 부산항의 역할과 발전전략 -
dc.title.alternative A Study on the Development Strategy of Busan Port as the Hub for Northern Sea Route -
dc.type Dissertation - 2022-08 -
dc.embargo.terms 2022-09-06 -
dc.contributor.department 대학원 해운경영학과 -
dc.contributor.affiliation 한국해양대학교 대학원 해운경영학과 - Master -
dc.identifier.bibliographicCitation 정민기. (2022). 북극항로 허브항으로서의 부산항의 역할과 발전전략. - 000000001979▲200000002983▲200000642518▲ -
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