The paper discusses about the performances of the constructed affine transformation based tomographic PTV algorithm. Before commencing the performance tests on the tomographic PTV, the performance tests were carried out for the artificial images of which data were numerically generated for the two-dimensional Taylor-Green Vortex. The two-dimensional vector fields were calculated for these artificial images by changing several factors such as, particle maximum movement(PM), particle neighbors(PN), particle number of density and particle diameter. For the tests of the two-dimensional cases, two-dimensional affine transformation was used.
Three-dimensional vector fields were also calculated by using the artificial images of a three-dimensional ring vortex, in which three-dimensional affine transformation was used. For the reconstruction of the artificial particles, the MART(multiplicative algebraic reconstruction technique) was used for the tests the tomographic PTV algorithm. The three-dimensional distribution of the particles and their locations were reconstructed by the use of this MART method.
After confirming the performances, the constructed algorithm was tested for the wake flows of a circular cylinder(Reynolds number = 630), through which the flow features obtained by the conventional tomographic PIV and by the constructed tomographic PTV were compared, and eventually the performances of the constructed algorithm was evaluated qualitatively.