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건축의 지속가능한 디자인의 의미와 실천에 관한 연구

DC Field Value Language 엄민호 - 2017-02-22T05:22:07Z - 2017-02-22T05:22:07Z - 2011 - 56961-10-28 -
dc.identifier.uri ko_KR
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.description.abstract This thesis focus on the meaning of ‘SUSTAINABILITY’ received attention in Contemporary Society. ‘SUSTAINABILITY’ have Discussed today in Architecture. We can cognize the meaning of relation of ‘ARCHITECTURE’ and ‘SUSTAINABILITY’ through this thesis. Consumption, trend, commercial advertising are characters in contemporary society. This thesis have discovered that meaning and practice in sustainable architecture. The result of this research could prospect the possibilities of sustainability in architecture. What is ‘Sustainable Architecture’ ? It be generally used these days. Some Architects often say about sustainable architecture. It feels like Ideal Realm rather than application in architecture. Essentially, Architecture has a limit that damages nature, so Sustainable Architecture begun from environmental problems also has a similar limit. Despite some arguments on environmental problems are continued, Architecture develops only technologies for ‘SUSTAINABILITY’ without practical tests. For this reason, ‘Sustainable Architecture' is not enough to develop as design yet. Practicing sustainable architecture is not logical essentially. After the Industrial Revolution 18C, World is changed with science technology development, industrialization, population growth, life style of mass consumption. These kind of things caused an exhaustion of natural resources, the destruction of ozone layer, ecology destruction, photochemical smog, etc. Because of sustain development, human faced a crisis of survival. For this reason, the movements to find practical solution of environmental problems started and they were mentioned in UIA ‘Copenhagen Climate Council’ on 2009 after Kyoto Protocol on 1997. And the Sustainable Architecture is being focused in 21C Architecture. Not only Architecture but also Friendly-Environment Buildings have been together with the latest technology. Abstraction and Practice should be combined in order to have value for order in architecture realm. Buildings's meaning that applied ‘SUSTAINABILITY’ reflect the spirit of the age. And It have new possibilities of architecture. Sustainable Architecture's definition is not clear. Also discussion about environment is not over yet. Because thinking of architects that cognize Sustainable Architecture is various and range of concept on ‘SUSTAINABILITY’ is expansive. Articles and works is increasing since in the past 10 years. But only technology of Sustainable Architecture is developed in the practice. Sustainable Architecture would be distorted by consumption. Applications of ‘SUSTAINABILITY’ in Architecture cast a long shadow to us. And we could watch new possibilities of architecture. So ‘Sustainable Architecture’ will be the foundation to new possibilities of architecture. -
dc.description.tableofcontents Abstract 1. 서 론 1.1 연구의 목적 1 1.2 연구의 배경 1 1.3 연구의 방법 2 2. 현대사회의 요구와 지속가능한 개발 2.1 지속가능한 개발이 이슈가 된 배경 5 2.2 지속가능성의 3가지 속성 8 2.2.1 환경적 지속가능성 9 2.2.2 경제적 지속가능성 10 2.2.3 사회적 지속가능성 11 2.3 지속가능한 개발이 적용된 분야 12 3. 지속가능한 건축에 대한 논의 3.1 지속가능한 건축이 요구된 배경 17 3.2 지속가능한 건축의 정의에 대한 논의 19 3.3 지속가능한 건축의 실천적 노력 24 3.3.1 첨단기술의 활용을 통한 지속가능한 건물 24 3.3.2 디지털 기술이 표현하는 건물의 지속가능성 30 3.3.3 사회적 맥락으로서 지속가능한 건물 31 3.3.4 재생을 통한 지속가능한 도시 34 3.3.5 캠퍼스에 적용된 지속가능한 개념 36 3.3.6 친환경 건축 인증제도 41 3.4 소결 45 4. 기술 발전에 대한 건축의 대응 4.1 고딕건축의 구조와 장식의 통합 47 4.2 기술에 대한 건축가의 인식 65 4.2.1 르 꼬르뷔지에: 기계의 은유 65 4.2.2 프랭크 로이드 라이트: 기계생산 방식의 차용 66 4.3 르 꼬르뷔지에의 도미노 이론 68 4.4 소결 77 5. 지속가능한 건축의 문제점과 의미 5.1 환경문제에 대한 대립된 논의와 적용의 실태 79 5.2 지속가능한 건축의 실천적 문제점 86 5.2.1 전략적 도구로서 지속가능성 86 5.2.2 에너지 절약으로 편중된 지속가능한 건축 87 5.2.3 친환경 건축의 이미지적 소비 89 5.2.4 친환경과 불편한 현상 89 5.3 소결-지속가능한 건축의 의미 92 6. 결론-지속가능한 건축의 실천과 전망 93 참 고 문 헌 -
dc.language kor -
dc.publisher 한국해양대학교 대학원 -
dc.title 건축의 지속가능한 디자인의 의미와 실천에 관한 연구 -
dc.title.alternative A Study on Meaning and Practice of Sustainable Design in Architecture -
dc.type Thesis - 2011-08 -
dc.contributor.alternativeName Mino Aum -
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해양건축공학과 > Thesis
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