高齡化에 대응한 中國 經濟政策에 관한 研究
DC Field | Value | Language |
dc.contributor.author | 마란 | - |
dc.date.accessioned | 2017-02-22T05:23:05Z | - |
dc.date.available | 2017-02-22T05:23:05Z | - |
dc.date.issued | 2014 | - |
dc.date.submitted | 57044-06-27 | - |
dc.identifier.uri | http://kmou.dcollection.net/jsp/common/DcLoOrgPer.jsp?sItemId=000002174579 | ko_KR |
dc.identifier.uri | http://repository.kmou.ac.kr/handle/2014.oak/8631 | - |
dc.description.abstract | Population aging is not a problem country in a region but the whole world of problems. In the four hundred years of human history, the characteristics of population represents a high birth rate, high mortality and low growth rate. China is the most populous country in the world. In 1950s Mao Zedong made a prolific policy,which had contributed to rapid population growth in the country by the then 300 million to 1 billion in 1980. At that time, These rapid growth of China 's population has produced many burdens in Chinese society. The last century in the late 1970s and early 1980s ,China began to implement the population policy of family planning which has effectively changed China's population structure to a low birth rate , low death rate and low growth trend. However, due to the accelerated process of population aging, 2000 China has formally entered the aging society. With the formation of a series of problems, Chinese government has gradually manifested adjustment of family planning policy which aims at slowing aging population··· | - |
dc.description.tableofcontents | 제1장 서론·······················1 제1절 연구 배경 및 목적···············1 제2절 연구 방법과 구성···············3 제2장 중국 인구 노령화의 현황 및 원인·········4 제1절 노령화의 정의················4 제2절 중국노령화의 실태 ··············4 1. 노령화의 지역적 차이··············4 2. 노령화의 성별 차이···············9 3. 노령화의 불균형 상태·············11 제3절 중국 인구 노령화의 원인···········13 1. 중국의 산아제한 정책·············13 2. 인구 평균 수명의 연장·············17 제3장 중국 인구 노령화가 경제에 미치는 영향······19 제1절 소비에 대한 영향··············19 1. 소비인구와 생산인구·············19 2. 인구노령화가 소비률에 대한 영향········21 3. 소비구조에 대한 영향·············22 제2절 경제의 저성장················23 1. 노동력 공급의 실태··············23 2. 노동력공급과 질량에 대한 영향·········27 (1)노동력인구 비중 감소············27 (2) 노동력 내부노령화 ·············29 (3) 가정 노동력 공급에 대한 영향········32 (4) 인구노령화와와 노동참가율·········32 3. 중국의 노동력 공급수요예측에 대한 분석····34 (1) 중국의 노동력공급 예측···········34 (2) 중국의 노동력의 수요예측··········38 제3절 노동생산력의 감소··············40 1. 노동생산율과 고령화 관계···········40 2. 중국의 노동생산율의 대한 예측·········43 제4장 인구노령화의 대책················45 제1절중국정부의 노령화에 대한 정책·········45 1.중국 인구 정책·················45 2.정책발전 동향·················47 제2절 인구노령화와 경제발전 대책··········57 1. 노동생산율의 증가···············57 2. 노동력자원의 조정···············58 3. 소비증가···················59 4. 출산정책의 조정················60 5. 인구구조의 조정················61 제5장 결론······················63 | - |
dc.language | kor | - |
dc.publisher | 한국해양대학교 | - |
dc.title | 高齡化에 대응한 中國 經濟政策에 관한 研究 | - |
dc.title.alternative | A Study on the Economic Policy on Aging Problems in China | - |
dc.type | Thesis | - |
dc.date.awarded | 2014-08 | - |
dc.contributor.alternativeName | MA LAN | - |
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