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국적취득조건부 나용선 선박의 법적 연구

DC Field Value Language 진호현 - 2017-02-22T05:52:39Z - 2017-02-22T05:52:39Z - 2012 - 56989-07-02 -
dc.identifier.uri ko_KR
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.description.abstract According to the Shipping Yearbook for 2010 published by the Korea Shipowners’ Association, there are a total of 333 vessels under bareboat charters vessel for hire-purchase with the option of Korean registration(here in after -
dc.description.abstract 'BBCHP' system) to secure vessels, relying on the method of mortgaging vessels to utilize foreign capital. At the time, the 'BBCHP' system was widely used internationally. However, even in cases where a vessel was purchased through this method, the provisions of Korean law during this period imposed various regulations on foreign vessels, such as restrictions on crew manning, strict control over exchange of foreign currency and the waiver system. The severity of this problem was urgently discussed with government representatives at the time, and as a result, the relevant regulations were eased with the rationale that the use of foreign vessels facilitated the development of Korea’s shipping industry, the relevant regulations were eased. However, such deregulation was conditioned on the requirement that such vessels must be registered for Korean nationality at the time of acquiring ownership. This was the origin of the system for 'BBHCPOK', and this system continues to be implemented today. The consequences of the 'BBCHPOK' differ according to how the legal characteristics of this system is defined. There are divergent views in the debate over the legal characteristics of such contracts, including the view that the charter constitutes a sale on a deferred payment basis, the view that it constitutes a lease agreement, the view that it constitutes a lease agreement with the option of ownership acquisition, etc. This paper analyzes these aspects in detail. In addition, in order to understand vessels under 'BBCHPOK', it is first necessary to establish an understanding of the legal characteristics of the ships. This study therefore examines the concept of a ship’s nationality, the legal effects of the nationality of ships and the definition of the nationality of a ship under international law. As a result, this study establishes that the flag state of the ship has “exclusive jurisdiction” on the high seas over ships under bareboat charters for hire-purchase with the option of Korean registration. Therefore, since the bareboat charters vessel for hire-purchase with the option of Korean registration cannot be classified as Korean ships in accordance with Article 2 of the Republic of Korea’s Ships Act, it must be concluded that the Republic of Korea can not exercise“exclusive jurisdiction” on the high seas over such vessels. Therefore, since there is no existing foundational law that offers provisions regarding the issue of a ship’s nationality in the case of bareboat charters vessel for hire-purchase with the option of Korean registration, attempts to exercise jurisdiction over such bareboat charters vessel for hire-purchase with the option of Korean registration under Korea law, despite the fact that such foreign vessels lack relevance to the related laws, naturally emerged as a problematic issue. As a solution, the author proposes a legal model in which Korea would maintain its conventional method of ship registration under the existing ship laws while adopting the International Ship Registration Act and implementing the system of designating ‘Jeju’ as a Special Zone for Ship Registration and simultaneously introducing a new registration system for bareboat charters. It is believed that this proposed legislation will be able to resolve the legal conflicts under Korea law that has been described above. -
dc.description.abstract 'BBCHPOK' vessel), and their total tonnage is approximately 16.9 million tons, comprising 60.7% of the total tonnage operated by Korean entrepreneurs. This study was initiated to address the perceived problem regarding the issue of Korean legal jurisdiction over these foreign vessels classified as 'BBCHPOK' vessel. The objective of this study is to understand the legal concepts governing these 'BBCHPOK' vessel and to review their legal status under Korean law. Furthermore, this study seeks to identify solutions to the legal problems posed by the system of 'BBCHPOK' vessel, a problem that have continued to be a subject of debate since 1960s to 1970s, and aims to thereby contribute to the growth of Korea’s maritime and shipping industry. The definition of 'BBCHPOK' vessel has been stated in various laws. Based on a comprehensive review synthesizing these definitions, 'BBCHPOK' vessel can be defined as “bareboat charters are foreign vessels chartered by Korean citizens or corporations, under the condition that the charterers shall simultaneously acquire owner ship and nationality of the vessel at the end of the charter period.” The history of the system for the 'BBCHPOK' is as follows. From the late 1960s to the early 1970s, Korea underwent rapid industrialization which resulted in expanding the scale of its shipping market, and the availability of many skilled crewmen at low labor costs created favorable conditions for conducting shipping business in Korea. However, Korea’s shipping entrepreneurs lacked the ability to mobilize sufficient capital for purchasing vessels. For this reason, Korean businesses sought methods to utilize foreign capital, but it was difficult to obtain loans of foreign capital since Korea still lacked credibility in the international business community at the time. Therefore, Korean businesses used the Bare Boat Charter of Hire Purchase system(here in after -
dc.description.tableofcontents 제1장 서 론 1 제1절 연구의 배경 및 목적 1 제2절 연구의 범위 및 방법 5 제2장 국적취득조건부 나용선 선박의 개념 9 제1절 국적취득조건부 나용선 선박의 의의 및 연혁 9 Ⅰ. 국적취득조건부 나용선 선박의 의의 9 Ⅱ. 국적취득조건부 나용선 선박의 연혁 10 제2절 국적취득조건부 나용선계약의 법적 성질 13 Ⅰ. 용선계약의 개념 13 Ⅱ. 나용선계약의 개념 14 Ⅲ. 국적취득조건부 나용선계약의 법적 성질 18 제3장 선박의 국적 및 관할권 27 제1절 선박국적의 개념 27 Ⅰ. 선박국적의 의의 27 Ⅱ. 선박국적의 효과 29 Ⅲ. 선박국적의 연혁 32 제2절 국제협약상 선박과 기국의 ‘진정한 연계’ 37 Ⅰ. 1982년 유엔해양법협약상 ‘진정한 연계’ 38 Ⅱ. 1986년 유엔선박등록조건협약상 ‘진정한 연계’ 43 Ⅲ. ‘진정한 연계’에 대한 각국의 입장 48 제3절 선박의 관할권 54 Ⅰ. 관할권의 개념 54 Ⅱ. 관할권의 유형 55 Ⅲ. 선박에 대한 관할권 57 제4장 국적취득조건부 나용선 선박의 선박등록제도 61 제1절 선박국적의 등록방법과 선적제도의 종류 61 Ⅰ. 선박국적의 등록방법 61 Ⅱ. 선적제도의 종류 63 제2절 선박국적등록에 관한 각국의 입법주의 66 Ⅰ. 전통적 선박등록주의 국가 67 Ⅱ. 개방등록주의 국가 79 Ⅲ. 대한민국 국적 82 제3절 나용선 선박등록제도 84 Ⅰ. 나용선 선박등록제도의 이점 84 Ⅱ. 나용선 선박등록제도의 유형과 특질 87 Ⅲ. 각국의 나용선 선박등록제도 91 제4절 개방등록제도 93 Ⅰ. 편의치적선의 의의 및 연혁 93 Ⅱ. 편의치적제도의 이점 97 Ⅲ. 편의치적제도의 문제점 99 Ⅳ. 우리나라 법원의 입장 102 Ⅴ. 국적취득조건부 나용선 선박과 편의치적선과의 관계 105 제5절 제2선적 제도 106 Ⅰ. 제2선적 제도의 의의 및 연혁 106 Ⅱ. 제2선적 제도에 대한 국제적 입장 107 Ⅲ. 각국의 제2선적 제도 107 제6절 선박부가등록제도 109 Ⅰ. 선박부가등록제도의 의의 109 Ⅱ. 각국의 선박부가등록제도 109 제5장 국적취득조건부 나용선 선박의 문제점 및 개선방안 116 제1절 해사공법상 국적취득조건부 나용선 선박의 문제점 116 Ⅰ. 선박안전법 116 Ⅱ. 해사안전법 119 Ⅲ. 선원법 125 Ⅳ. 국제선박등록법 129 Ⅴ. 선박법 및 선박등기법 133 제2절 세법상 국적취득조건부 나용선 선박의 문제점 137 Ⅰ. 지방세법 등 137 Ⅱ. 관세법 142 제3절 국제사법상 국적취득조건부 나용선 선박의 문제점 147 Ⅰ. 선적국법의 준거법 지정원칙 및 문제점 148 Ⅱ. 선원관련 준거법 지정 및 문제점 157 제4절 기타 국내법상 국적취득조건부 나용선 선박의 법적 지위 162 Ⅰ. 도선법 162 Ⅱ. 해운법 163 Ⅲ. 외국환거래법 163 제5절 입법론적 개선방안 164 Ⅰ. 우리나라 나용선 등록제도의 도입 방향 164 Ⅱ. 법률시행문의 제안 166 제6장 결 론 170 참고문헌 173 -
dc.language kor -
dc.publisher 한국해양대학교 -
dc.title 국적취득조건부 나용선 선박의 법적 연구 -
dc.title.alternative 국적취득조건부 나용선 선박의 법적 연구 -
dc.type Thesis - 2012-08 -
dc.contributor.alternativeName Jin Ho Hyun -
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