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多國籍企業의 M&A問題點과 中國 國有企業의 對應方案에 관한 硏究

DC Field Value Language 김봉란 - 2017-02-22T05:56:29Z - 2017-02-22T05:56:29Z - 2006 - 56824-08-21 -
dc.identifier.uri ko_KR
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.description.abstract After China's entry into WTO, Foreign direct investment (FDI) has been flooding to China on a large scale with marketization and legalization improved further, and the cross-border merges & acquisitions (M&As) has been taken action and launched quietly. According to the government's deregulating, the reforming of the capital, financial market and SOEs which go deeply, M&A's tide to the state-owned enterprises (SOEs) will be launched by multinational corporations (MNCs). It is necessary to evaluate the influence of this impact on our national economics, SOEs and cope with the questions at present. After analyzing the problems of the M&As of SOEs by MNCs, this thesis discusses the causes, influence, obstacle factors and other relevant problems of the processing of M&As, and puts forward some win-win countermeasures from the perspective of SOE's. There are two goals in my thesis. One is to analysis the pattern of the M&As of SOEs by MNCs, and the questions faced by MNCs in the processing of its M&A. The contents above can offer solutions on both sides of M&As and help to drive the development of domestic takeovers. The other purpose of this thesis is to put forward some measures from the perspective of enterprises management. In the opinions of the author, the M&As of SOEs by MNCs is inevitable, so we should treat and analyze dialectically of this problem and the effect caused, and then we can get its benefits and avoid its disadvantages. On one side, the government should build a favorable investment environment for the M&As, which means improving the competence of regulating, perfecting relevant laws and regulations, setting up and developing various kinds of agencies including investment banks to reduce the cost of trade -
dc.description.abstract On the other hand, SOEs should not only analyze the influence on our national economy caused by the M&As, but also form and implement win-win countermeasures according to their own situations. SOEs should make clear strategic position, make use of inside and outside resources, exert their own advantages, and improve the competence of participating into M&As in order to get a better bargaining position. There are five parts in this thesis. The first and second parts carry through the prologue and environmental analysis respectively and elucidate the reason of the cross-border M&A. The third part analyzes motivations and patterns of the M&A of SOEs by MNCs. Then, the description of the problems existing in M&As of MNCs to SOEs follows. In the fourth part, the countermeasures of SOEs to the cross-border M&As are discussed. At the end of the thesis, it gives a brief conclusion and the summary of further researches. -
dc.description.tableofcontents 제1장. 서론 = 1 제1절. 연구의 배경 및 목적 = 1 1. 연구배경 = 1 2. 연구목적 = 2 제2절. 연구방법 및 구성 = 2 1. 연구방법 = 2 2. 연구구성 = 3 제2장. 다국적기업의 M&A 환경 분석 = 4 제1절. 국제환경 분석 = 4 1. 기술의 변혁 = 5 2. 정부투자정책과 규제환경의 변화 = 5 (1) 대외투자정책의 변화 = 5 (2) 세계적인 사유화와 규제의 약화 = 6 3. 자본시장의 변화 = 7 4. 다국적기업의 전략변화 = 7 제2절. 중국 국내환경 분석 = 11 1. 경제의 고속발전 = 11 2. 중국 국내정책의 개방 = 13 3. 중국 산업구조의 고도화 = 13 4. 투자환경의 개선 = 14 5. 중국 국내시장의 경쟁 = 14 6. 국유기업의 재산권개혁 = 14 제3장. 다국적기업 M&A의 문제점 = 17 제1절. 다국적기업 M&A의 새로운 특징 = 17 1. 거액 = 19 2. 통제권요구강화 = 19 3. 범위확대 = 19 4. 체계성강화 = 20 제2절. 문제점 = 20 1. 국가정책법규의 부재 = 20 2. 재산권 = 21 3. 회사관리구조 = 22 4. 문화차이 = 22 5. M&A쌍방의 목적차이 = 23 6. 중개기구의 부재 = 25 제3절. 중국경제에 미치는 부정적인 영향 = 31 1. 거시적 경제에 미치는 영향 = 31 (1) 국가경제안전위협 = 31 (2) 국유자산유실 = 32 (3) 산업독점형성 = 32 (4) 실업문제 = 33 (5) 사회안정충격 = 33 2. 미시적 경제에 미치는 영향 = 33 (1) 현지기업의 주변화 = 34 (2) 무형자산유실 = 35 (3) 현지기업의 성장발전억제 = 36 제4장. 다국적기업의 M&A에 대한 대응방안 = 37 제1절. 정부에 의해 규범화된 환경설립 = 37 1. 관련 법률체제설립 = 37 2. 증권시장건설 = 38 3. 중개기구발전 = 38 4. 사회보장체제설립 = 39 5. 산업지도강화 = 39 6. 국유자산 유실통제 = 40 7. 불량자산처리 = 42 8. 교역조건확보 = 42 9. 기타 조치 규범화 = 42 제2절. 국유기업의 대응방안 = 43 1. 국유기업의 전략지위확정 = 44 2. 국유기업의 기초경로설립 = 46 3. 대응방안 = 51 (1) 다국적기업의 M&A중시 = 51 (2) 자체우위제고 = 52 (3) 기업관리구조개선 = 53 (4) 전략연맹이용 = 53 (5) 무형자산관리강화 = 54 (6) 전문인재양성가속화 = 55 (7) 참여능력제고 = 55 (8) 적대적 M&A대응준비 = 57 제5장. 결론 = 59 참고문헌 = 63 -
dc.language kor -
dc.publisher 한국해양대학교 대학원 -
dc.title 多國籍企業의 M&A問題點과 中國 國有企業의 對應方案에 관한 硏究 -
dc.type Thesis - 2006-08 -
dc.contributor.alternativeName Jin -
dc.contributor.alternativeName FengLan -
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