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대행검사기관 코드의 입법론적 연구

DC Field Value Language 최은진 - 2017-02-22T05:58:18Z - 2017-02-22T05:58:18Z - 2011 - 56959-08-17 -
dc.identifier.uri ko_KR
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.description.abstract "RO" means a Recognized Organization(here in after "RO") or other private body carrying out surveys and issuing or endorsing Statutory Certificates of ships on behalf of a flag State. The inspection and survey of ships shall be carried out by officers of the State whose flag the ship is registered, provided that the Government of each country may entrust the inspection and survey either to surveyors nominated for the purpose or to organizations recognized by it. The administration apply the existing IMO regulations for RO in order to meet their responsibilities in recognizing, authorizing and monitoring their RO. But these requirements are presently scattered in different IMO instruments, some of which are mandatory, whereas others remain recommendatory and at present no audit scheme exists to verify that these requirements are effectively and uniformly implemented. Accordingly, MSC 84 had considered a proposal submitted by Austria et al.(MSC 84/22/13) to develop a Code for RO and agreed to include a high-priority item on "Development of a Code for RO" in the work programme of the FSI Sub-Committee, and instructed the Sub-Committee to include the item in the provisional agenda for FSI 17. Development of a Code for RO suggested by Austria et al.(MSC 84/22/13) should have the objective to assist administrations for meeting their responsibilities in recognizing, authorizing and monitoring their RO, gather all the applicable RO requirements in a single IMO mandatory instrument and amend the existing and applicable legal framework to ensure that the ROs are correctly audited by qualified and independent auditors with respect to the Code. FSI 17 and 18 considered opinions on "Development of a Code for RO" submitted by many delegations. But many of them are expressed concerns relate to the legal framework for audit that will remove the power of Administrations to audit their ROs. This study is to arrange the background of discussion, progress of discussion and the necessity of legislation of RO Code. And this is to understand the requirements for RO based on the IMO instruments to identify areas that are not or not adequately covered by the existing requirements and recommendations of IMO instruments regarding RO. And this is to describe the administration and RO's rights, duties, responsibilities and settlements of a dispute when legislating the RO code. Finally this is to identify a suggestion for further developments of RO code expressed by IMO member states and to present methods to securing the effectiveness of the RO Code through the audit scheme. -
dc.description.tableofcontents Abstract 제1장 서 론 1 제1절 연구의 목적 1 제2절 연구의 내용 및 방법 3 제2장 대행검사기관 코드 개발 논의 및 필요성 5 제1절 논의 배경 5 제2절 논의 경과 11 1. 대행검사기관 코드 개발에 대한 의견 11 2. 대행검사기관 코드의 개발 방향에 대한 의견 14 제3절 대행검사기관 코드의 제정 필요성 18 제3장 IMO 규정에서의 대행검사기관 관련 요건 19 제1절 IMO 협약 및 코드에 규정된 대행검사기관 관련 요건 19 1. 해상인명안전협약 19 2. 선박으로부터의 오염방지를 위한 협약 22 3. 국제만재흘수선협약 25 4. 선박의 톤수측정에 관한 협약 25 5. 선박유해방오시스템의 규제에 관한 협약 26 6. 기타 코드 27 제2절 IMO 결의서에 규정된 대행검사기관 관련 요건 33 1. 주관청을 대행하는 단체의 위임과 검사&#65381 -
dc.description.tableofcontents 증서발급을 위한 지침 33 2. IMO 강제협약 이행 코드 35 제3절 IMO 회람문서에 규정된 대행검사기관 관련 요건 36 제4장 대행검사기관 코드 제정을 위한 입법론적 제언 38 제1절 협약 당사국의 권한, 의무 및 분쟁해결 38 1. 권한 38 2. 의무 40 3. 분쟁해결 41 제2절 대행검사기관의 권한, 의무, 분쟁해결 42 1. 권한 42 2. 의무 43 3. 분쟁해결 44 제5장 대행검사기관 코드의 향후 발전방향 49 제1절 대행검사기관 코드의 향후 발전방향에 대한 각국의 의견 49 제2절 자발적 IMO 회원국 감사제도 53 제3절 해기품질평가제도 56 제4절 평가제도를 통한 실효성 확보 60 제6장 요약 및 결론 64 참고문헌 69 -
dc.language kor -
dc.publisher 한국해양대학교 대학원 -
dc.title 대행검사기관 코드의 입법론적 연구 -
dc.title.alternative A Study on the Legislation of the Recognized Organization Code -
dc.type Thesis - 2011-02 -
dc.contributor.alternativeName Choi Eun Jin -
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해상교통정보학과 > Thesis
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