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동북아 거점항만으로서의 문제점분석에 관한 연구

DC Field Value Language 고종국 - 2017-02-22T05:59:48Z - 2017-02-22T05:59:48Z - 2004 - 56823-11-10 -
dc.identifier.uri ko_KR
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.description.abstract This paper investigates about the corresponding device to the main factor of the problems, which our port will face when successfully being North-East Asia's central port. To achieve the main topic of this essay -
dc.description.abstract the decreasing of transshipment cargo, the growth possibilities of the competition ports surrounding North-East Asia, and the unsatisfactory service-facilities of our main port. Amongst these three factors, the most threatening factor for our port to aim at becoming the central port in North-East Asia is the competition port's (Shanghai, Qingdao, Kobe, etc) growth probability. Among the competition ports, the most threatening factor is Shanghai China port's variable volition of growth. The construction of a large scale of terminal, [Development plan of deep-draft container terminal at Yangsan], for 52 berth at a depth of 15m in Dansan Islands at Daeso Yangsan which is located at a marine of 30Km Eastwards from Shanghai harbor, is in process. In a definite way, Shanghai harbor is the most threatening barrier for our port to become the central harbor in North-East Asia because the construction of total length of 1,600m for 1st step construction of five berth is in process till 2005 and if in 2010, the construction is complete for 54 berth, it will furnish handling capacity of 20million TEU, thus making it the main intimidating factor for our port. Subsequently, it is possessed real grounds of port at Shanghai, Qingdao, Kobe, etc which our Busan port or Kwangyang port have no possession. The focus of the future harbor is not only loading/discharging function, but also substantially able to create a valuable construction of real grounds of port is urgent and an efficient and flexible management. Therefore, the construction of real grounds of port is urgent for Busan new port or Kwangyang port to become the central port in North-East Asia. Moreover, for competing country's central logistics, port development's accelerate and hub of logistics is in propulsion. Thus, for Japan's super central port policy and logistics industry's activation, special economic zone system's introduction and through Taiwan's Kaohsiung port main plan of development of 2020, developing additional 16 container berth and ensure total of 30million TEU handling capacity is a propulsion plan. Consequently, these competing country's central logistics propulsion plan is recognized as the main factor which causes a great amount of threat to our port to intend to become the central port in North-East Asia. Secondly, decreasing trend of transshipment cargo is the second main factor which is recognized as another intimidating factor to our port to become the central port in North-East Asia. After the year 2000, transshipment cargo mean was around 30% yearly. However, in 2003 Busan port, there were the effects of typhoon and serious disturbance of logistics but comparison of last year not even 8.8% and Kwangyang port is at around 9.7%. transshipment cargo is further increasing and these Trend of North-East Asia for the quantity of goods transported causes a problem to our port which has only a few domestic cargo and thus, it is a serious factor for our port to develop into the central port in North-East Asia. Thirdly, North-East Asia competing country's of central logistics competitions accelerate and unable to correspond to the logistic environmental changes are the fact that our port has lack of confrontation. Not only today's port facilities and services are inadequate compared to the competing harbors, but also the primary factor of failure of the developing plan is expected. Thus, for Busan new port, if consider the negotiation date for the southern ports 11 berth, it will be hard to complete within the planning date. Also, real road of Busan port and real grounds of port construction propulsion is expected to have a miscarriage in completing it within the expecting date. Consequently, according to option and concentration, focusing on the resources is considerate for our port to become the central port. we can sufficiently dispose to the threatening competing ports and resuscitate to become the central port. Fourthly, as the above statements, amongst the three main environment factors, the first reason why our port has an uncertainty of becoming the central port in North-East Asia is because our harbor facilities and services has a low quality of level and next is decreasing trend of transshipment cargo. Also, it appeared that North-East Asia competing ports growth possibility has no effect on the uncertainty. Moreover, it is also the fact that our port facility and service level is insufficient which effects to lower the reliability for our port to become the central port and next is decreasing trend of transshipment cargo and North-East Asia competing ports growth possibility is appeared that it is effecting on lowering the reliability. According to these results, if we strengthen the competitiveness of our harbor with no miscarriage in logistics environment of North-East Asia, we can sufficiently dispose to the threatening competing ports and resuscitate to become the central port. Lastly, the three main factors all effect the insufficient recognition of Kwangyang port. Needless to say this is because of the propulsion that is in process, which is to develop berth and rear grounds with no miscarriage and by connecting with Busan new port, port operating system is needed. -
dc.description.abstract survey was carried, verified a set experimental hypothesis by grasping the variety of relationships with human resource and applied the Multiple Regression Analysis to diagnose our port's problem according to North-East Asia's logistics environment change. Summarizing the result of the experiment, it come out as following. Firstly, concerning if the developing of Busan new port or Kwangyang port could become the North-East Asia's central port, the professionals of logistic pointed out that they have a high possibility of not becoming the central port and a low reliability. Especially for Kwangyang port, the recognition turns out to be insufficient for becoming a central port in North-East Asia. Abstracted these uncertainty and low reliability are mainly caused by -
dc.description.tableofcontents 제1장 서 론 1 제1절 연구필요성과 연구목적 1 1. 연구필요성 1 2. 연구목적 2 제2절 연구내용과 연구방법 3 제2장 동북아 항만환경변화와 항만경쟁력 4 제1절 동북아 항만 환경변화 4 1. 동북아 물류인프라 현황 4 2. 물류체계의 변화 6 3. 아시아 국제물류체계 발전 전망 6 제2절 물류중심지 개념과 주요 경쟁항만현황 11 1. 물류중심지 및 거점항만의 개념 및 역할 11 2. 동북아 주요 경쟁항만 시설현황 14 3. 동북아 주요국의 항만물류시설 확충계획 22 제3절 동북아 경쟁항만간의 물류거점 잠재력 비교분석 26 1. 경쟁항만간의 물류거점화를 위한 경쟁여건 26 2. 우리나라 항만의 물류거점기지화 잠재력 33 3. 동북아 거점항만화에 대한 불확실성과 신뢰성문제 35 제3장 동북아 거점항만으로서의 문제점분석과 진단 38 제1절 연구모형 설정과 변수측정 38 1. 연구모형 설정 38 2. 연구가설 설정 39 제2절 실증분석 43 1. 조사개요 43 2. 수집된 자료의 특성 44 3. 신뢰성 및 타당성 분석 47 4. 가설검증 51 제4장 결 론 60 제1절 연구결과의 요약과 시사점 60 제2절 연구의 공헌점과 한계 62 참 고 문 헌 64 -
dc.language kor -
dc.publisher 한국해양대학교 해사산업대학교 -
dc.title 동북아 거점항만으로서의 문제점분석에 관한 연구 -
dc.title.alternative A Study on the Problem Analysis as Hub-Port in the North-East Asia -
dc.type Thesis - 2004-08 -
dc.contributor.alternativeName Ko -
dc.contributor.alternativeName Jong-Kook -
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