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부산광역시의 다문화정책 거버넌스 현황과 개선방안

DC Field Value Language 성은혜 - 2017-02-22T06:08:24Z - 2017-02-22T06:08:24Z - 2011 - 56959-08-17 -
dc.identifier.uri ko_KR
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.description.abstract Abstract The aim of this study is to grasp the current status of the multi-cultures in order to cope actively with the multi-cultural society which is growing and to avoid conflicts that could be generated by transition into the multi-cultural society, thus making contribution to prepare the successful multi-cultural society in Busan. There are many migrant workers and marriage immigrants typically due to a global trend which is incoming variety cultures through multiple paths. The multi-cultural policies are being implement since Participatory Government advocated multi-cultural society in Korea, because the multi-culturalism can serve as new ideology of national unity in the pluralistic societies. The main target of the multi-cultural policy has been female marriage immigrants, because 'culture' in context of the multi-cultures premise settlement and persistence as life style. Today's administration needs to strongly efficiency internally and democratization externally. If the 'Governance System' is efficient supply of administration through network for variety participants on policy process, it can satisfy efficiency and democratization at the same time, so the governance system is required in field of multi-cultural policies. Especially it is important that the local governance of local government level is operated because it is closely connected with life of the local residents. This study consists of five parts. Except for introduction(chapter 1) and conclusion(chapter 5), there are theoretical consideration about the multi-culturalism and the governance in chapter 2, the current status of the multi-culture of Busan in chapter 3, and empirical analysis of the multi-cultural policy governance in chapter 4. The research method carried out studying literature at first, searching the data at second, surveying for female marriage immigrants and staffs of multi-cultural support organization(including public institutions and NGOs) at third and statistical analysis of that surveys at last. The variables of the multi-cultural policy governance that derived from precedent studies on the governance and the multi-culturalism are ‘accessibility’, ‘representative’, ‘reciprocity’, ‘correspondence’, ‘satisfaction’, and ‘governance level’. On the basis of selected variables, it is expected that there exist perception gaps between the marriage immigrants and the staffs. And also the perception gaps among the marriage immigrants classified by personal characteristics are expected. Personal characteristics are residence region, native country, Korean citizenship acquisition, residence time in Busan, age, educational background, presence of children. The results of the study, excepting for participation that made problems on analysis process, don't exist perception gaps between the marriage immigrants and the staffs. It can be a precondition that is operated for the governance system profitably. And perception gaps are existed among the marriage immigrants classified by residence time, educational background, and presence of children. It means that they need different policies depending on above-mentioned characters. Each characteristic variables are the conceptual components of multi-cultural policy governance, they need to identify mutual correlation. The results of correlation analysis shows that high correlation between correspondence and reciprocity, between correspondence and satisfaction, and between correspondence and governance level. Therefore the core variable was correspondence. On the basis of the results, I suggest the improvement alternatives in aspect of accessibility, representative, reciprocity, and correspondence. Above all, I suggest in terms of accessibility first, quantity growth aid for multi-cultural support organizations second, publicity of multi-cultural support organizations by multiple media third, making friendly atmosphere of multi-cultural support organizations. Next for improvement in terms of representative I suggest that make the marriage immigrants who adapted in new society and could stand on their feet work for other immigrants. For improvement In terms of reciprocity I urge to supply translation system of variety languages. Last, in terms of correspondence I suggest that investigate the policy preference of the marriage immigrants per cycle and make the policy direction which reflect on the results. -
dc.description.tableofcontents 제 1 장 서 론 1 제 1 절 연구의 목적 1 제 2 절 연구의 범위와 방법 4 1. 연구의 범위와 내용 4 2. 연구의 방법 6 제 2 장 다문화주의와 거버넌스에 대한 이론적 고찰 7 제 1 절 다문화주의의 개념과 연구경향 7 1. 다문화주의의 개념 7 2. 다문화주의의 연구경향 14 제 2 절 거버넌스의 개념과 연구경향 19 1. 거버넌스의 개념 19 2. 거버넌스의 연구경향 23 제 3 절 다문화정책 거버넌스의 개념 및 구성요소 27 1. 다문화주의와 거버넌스의 관련성 27 2. 다문화정책 거버넌스의 개념 및 구성요소 31 제 4 절 변수의 설정과 설문지의 구성 33 1. 변수의 설정 33 2. 설문지의 구성 44 제 3 장 부산의 다문화 실태와 정책현황 49 제 1 절 부산의 다문화 실태 49 1. 국제결혼 현황 50 2. 결혼이민자 현황 51 3. 다문화가정 자녀 현황 52 제 2 절 부산광역시 다문화정책의 현황과 문제점 54 1. 부산광역시 다문화정책의 현황 54 2. 부산광역시 다문화정책의 문제점 62 제 4 장 부산의 다문화정책 거버넌스의 현황분석 및 개선방안 모색 64 제 1 절 연구모형과 검증내용 64 1. 연구의 모형 64 2. 검증 내용 65 제 2 절 다문화정책 거버넌스의 현황분석 67 1. 표본의 특성과 신뢰도분석 67 2. 다문화 지원서비스의 실태분석 73 3. 거버넌스 변수에 대한 인식차이 분석 82 제 3 절 부산광역시 다문화정책의 개선방안 90 1. 접근성 측면의 개선방안 90 2. 대표성 측면의 개선방안 92 3. 상호의존성 측면의 개선방안 92 4. 부합도 측면의 개선방안 93 제 5 장 결 론 95 제 1 절 연구결과의 요약 95 제 2 절 연구의 시사점 및 한계점 97 참고문헌 99 부 록 108 -
dc.language kor -
dc.publisher 한국해양대학교 대학원 -
dc.title 부산광역시의 다문화정책 거버넌스 현황과 개선방안 -
dc.title.alternative The Current Status and Improvement Alternatives of Multi-Cultural Policy Governance in Busan -
dc.type Thesis - 2011-02 -
dc.contributor.alternativeName Seong -
dc.contributor.alternativeName Eun Hye -
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