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부산신항 VTS 서비스범위에 관한 연구

DC Field Value Language 손휘동 - 2017-02-22T06:08:55Z - 2017-02-22T06:08:55Z - 2004 - 56850-05-08 -
dc.identifier.uri ko_KR
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.description.abstract Marine traffic volume has been increased and ships have gotten larger and faster because of the lift of trade barrier through WTO and the development of shipbuilding technology. On the other hand, the number of crew has been reduced owing to advanced satellite communication technology and modernized navigational equipments. At present, Busan port suffers from serious lack of facilities and the accumulation of cargo and ships. As a result, new Busan port is under construction, which began at 1995 and aims at completing it by 2011. It will enlarge the role as the Hub Port of Northeast Asia of the 21st century and strengthen the competitiveness of Busan port. It is expected that the form of ship navigation will be very complex and various because the new port will be opened gradually from 2006, and the traffic density will be increased accordingly. Therefore, ship navigation situations should be monitored by radar sites and the traffic control center that will begin service from 2006. And the VTS service area of new Busan port should be established to protect human life and marine environment by offering marine traffic information needed for safe navigation. Accordingly, the author analyze the VTS situations, the service areas and the cases at leading harbors in developed countries. And the author study the traits of new Busan port, the volume of traffic, accident situations and the links with neighboring ports of Busan, Masan and Jinhae. In addition, this study examines several conditions and considerations about setting up VTS service areas. Consequently, the VTS service area is suggested considering the location of neighboring ports, the connections and the ship moving situations. The east boundary extents to the boundary of Busan VTS service area which is Mokdo ~ Molunmal line, northwest boundary extents to the boundary of Masan/Jinhae VTS are, which is Mangwado ~ Udo line, and the south boundary extents including Jangseungpo port and Jisimdo ~Mokdo line. -
dc.description.tableofcontents 표목차 ⅳ 그림목차 ⅵ Abstract ⅶ 제1장 서 론 1 1.1 연구의 배경 1 1.2 연구의 방법과 범위 2 제2장 VTS에 대한 개념적 고찰 4 2.1 VTS의 정의와 목적 4 2.1.1 VTS의 정의 4 2.1.2 VTS의 목적 5 2.2 VTS의 역할과 서비스 6 2.2.1 VTS의 역할 6 2.2.2 VTS의 서비스 8 2.3 선박자동식별장치(AIS) 11 2.4 VTS 서비스 구역 13 2.4.1 서비스구역의 설정배경 13 2.4.2 VTS 서비스구역의 설정 16 2.5 법적인 고찰과 책임 18 제3장 주요국 VTS 현황 및 서비스구역 분석 21 3.1 개 요 21 3.1.1 홍콩 21 3.1.2 싱가포르 23 3.1.3 호주 26 3.1.4 독일 29 3.1.5 스웨덴 30 3.1.6 미국 31 3.1.7 우리나라 35 3.2 발전추세 40 3.2.1 해양전자고속도로 40 3.2.2 장거리 선박 식별 및 추적시스템 43 3.2.3 해양안전종합정보망 44 3.2.4 기타 국제동향 46 제4장 부산신항의 VTS 서비스 구역 설정 48 4.1 부산신항 현황 48 4.1.1 기상현황 48 4.1.2 부산신항 개발계획 49 4.2 해양사고 실태 52 4.2.1 해양사고의 분석 53 4.2.2 해양사고의 위치 54 4.3 해상 교통량 57 4.3.1 해상 교통 조사 57 4.3.2 해상 교통량 추정 63 4.4 부산신항의 VTS 서비스구역 설정시 고려사항 68 4.4.1 현행 VTS 절차 69 4.4.2 부산신항 VTS 설치계획 70 4.4.3 인접 항만과의 연계 방안 72 4.5 부산신항 서비스구역의 설정 제안 75 제5장 결 론 79 참고문헌 81 -
dc.language kor -
dc.publisher 한국해양대학교 대학원 -
dc.title 부산신항 VTS 서비스범위에 관한 연구 -
dc.title.alternative A Study on the Establishment of New Busan Port VTS Service Area -
dc.type Thesis - 2004-08 -
dc.contributor.alternativeName Son -
dc.contributor.alternativeName Whi Dong -
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