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부산신항만 배후물류단지의 활성화 방안

DC Field Value Language 장현석 - 2017-02-22T06:08:57Z - 2017-02-22T06:08:57Z - 2007 - 56877-06-13 -
dc.identifier.uri ko_KR
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.description.abstract Abstract In 2003, Busan Port popped up the third container management port in the world under the situation of increasing the amount of materials caused by Kobe earthquake, economic growth of China, fall in the exchange rate etc. However, Busan Port doesn't cope with changing environment such as overheated port development competition of Northeast Asia, increase in exchange rate and etc. In particular, the change of major export goods decreased the amount of materials directly/indirectly, and industries in Busan area have also moved to China due to increase in wages and worsening of management situation, therefore, creation of the amount of materials around Busan Port has reached the limits. Under this situation, Busan New Port development and Busan-Jinhae Free Economic Zone specification promoted since the latter half of 1990 were recognized as an important part of Busan economy and Busan Port's competition. Among them, the major role of distribution support complex has been increasing in the area of Port's competition, it has been arising as an essential part of New Port Development. However, compared with competitive ports, various obstruction factors like infrastructure shortage, political conflicts and etc delayed development. For this reason, this study analyzed obstruction factors of distribution support complex of Busan New Port and suggested strategies for strengthening competitiveness. First, in order to solve the problem like insufficient infrastructure, this study suggested early construction of railroad to manage goods effectively, because current transportation network of Busan New Port is generally operated by public road transportation system. Also, this study suggested the conversion of the usage of northern container support complex to industrial/residential area and the expansion of Yongmang Mountain and Yongwon Dong site in order to improve service and cope with the demands of distribution companies at port by using railroad transportation. Second, policy improvement was suggested for integration of policy that is related with the current support complex in order to solve the conflicts between administration ministries and offices. Also, this study suggested the executive power of Busan New Port and support complex should be entrusted to Busan-Jinhae Free Economic Zone Authority to settle conflicts between Busan and Gyeongsangnamdo. As a result, it is expected to prevent social cost caused by conflicts between both local governments and the loss due to overlapping investment, and to promote unified development policy. Third, organization of economy research center was suggested in order to activate distribution support complex. This research center will provide support strategies for local distribution industries, and support not only New Port distribution support complex but also industrial complex in Free Economic Zone complex. In particular, this is suggested to promote transfer effect of the amount of materials through small and medium local distribution industries, after redevelopment of northern port of Busan port. Fourth, new strategic elements for competitiveness improvement through combined transport activation and industry cluster connection were suggested. In order to activate combined transport, this study suggested that a strategy for connecting Gaduckdo discussed as proposed site for new airport construction and railroad transport site in New Port. Also, competitiveness security was suggested through expansion facilities for Wing-In-Ground Ship, new transport. To maximize the effect of distribution support complex, the connection strategy between industrial complex in Busan-Jinhae Free Economic Zone and industry cluster in Gyseongsangnamdo area was also suggested. As mentioned above, this study identified the obstruction factors of competitiveness improvement strategy in port distribution support complex and suggested solutions - though only part of obstruction factors were mentioned. Busan New Port distribution support complex has still insecure latent factors, however, those latent factors may not appear through inducement of distribution companies or investment of foreign enterprises in the short run. In order to develop New Port and Busan-Jinhae Free Economic Zone in the long term, latent factors of distribution support complex should be analyzed continuously. -
dc.description.tableofcontents 목 차 제1장 서 론 1 제1절 연구배경 및 목적 1 제2절 연구동향 2 제3절 연구방법 5 제2장 부산 신항만 배후물류단지 현황 및 계획 6 제1절 시설 및 인프라 6 1. 배후수송망 현황 및 계획 6 2. 배후물류단지 8 3. 경제자유구역 12 4. 동남권 신공항 14 제2절 운영적 현황 15 1. 해공복합운송(Sea and Air) 15 2. 해외배후물류단지 개발 현황 17 제3장 부산 신항만 배후물류단지 활성화 저해요인 26 제1절 시설적 문제점 26 1. 배후수송망 문제 26 2. 배후물류단지 부지문제 26 제2절 운영적 문제 28 1. 행정부처간의 배후물류단지 둘러싼 갈등 28 제3절 정책적 문제 30 1. 북항 재래부두 물동량의 이전효과 상실 30 2. 지역물류산업의 기여도 미흡 31 3. 배후물류단지의 고부가가치 산업의 유치부족 32 제4장 부산 신항만 배후물류단지 활성화 방안 34 제1절 시설적 개선방안 34 1. 수송망 정비사업의 지원체계 강화 34 2. 배후부지 추가확보 34 제2절 운영적 개선방안 36 1. 항만 및 배후물류단지와 관련된 정책의 일원화 36 2. 부산진해 경제자유구역의 행정권 독립 37 제3절 정책적 개선방안 38 1. 지역 중소 물류업체의 지원 38 2. 고부가가치 제품의 유치 43 3. 처리물품의 다국적화 44 4. 경제자유구역내 경제연구기관 설립 45 제4절 추가적 개선방안 46 1. 복합운송 활성화 방안 46 2. 부산 신항만 배후물류단지와 산업클러스터 연계 48 제5장 결론 50 참고문헌 52 -
dc.language kor -
dc.publisher 한국 해양대학교 해사산업대학원 -
dc.title 부산신항만 배후물류단지의 활성화 방안 -
dc.title.alternative Suggestions to invigorate the hinterland logistics complex of Busan New Port -
dc.type Thesis - 2007-08 -
dc.contributor.alternativeName Jang hyun suk -
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항만물류학과 > Thesis
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