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釜山港 국제 크루즈 여객선 터미널 計劃에 관한 硏究

DC Field Value Language 김성수 - 2017-02-22T06:13:59Z - 2017-02-22T06:13:59Z - 2002 - 56797-10-27 -
dc.identifier.uri ko_KR
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.description.abstract The main thrust of architectural planning for international cruise ship terminal is intended to bring about environmental change which permits important economic activity to occur, and which improves opportunities for development of the cruise terminal area. Cruise ship terminal project has certain specific requirement. The most fundamental is a cruise terminal location, where enough quay space would be provided, and where adequate services and activities which facilitate and complement the main activity can be located. The study of Architectural plan for international cruise ship terminal indicates an important need for the regeneration and re-use of pier 1,2 areas, buildings and spaces at pusan port. The pier 1,2 area today have the capacity to accommodate some of state-of-the-art cruise vessels. Pusan would become a home port and provide fly/cruise holiday programmes. These goals can only be achieved through the development and management of state-of-the-art facilities for international cruise passenger handling. These facilities would have to be supported by other commercial activities and services which would support Pusan's attempt to cruise terminal development. Recent years have seen considerable investment in infrastructure, the appropriate international levels of passenger handling still needs to be improved in order to achieve the main goal of becoming a hub. International cruise ship terminal in pusan port is therefore needed, which facilities the handling of passengers, offers the required shelter, and incorporates excellent customer services. It is realised that it is very difficult to become a cruise hub by just offering passenger handling facilities. These are two reasons for this. The first is that the facility has to cater for the different requirements of its users, including accommodation, entertainment and recreational needs. Secondly, the financial feasibility of the project requires that supplementary facilities are provided to generate long term revenue needed to offset to the infrastructural costs which have to be spent up front. The concept of becoming a hub for cruise shipping entails having good connections with the airport. The existing level of access to the area can generally be described to be poor. The pier1,2 is not attractive, the road is dangerous, and most importantly, there is a lack of activities which appeal to the general public. The proximity of port related storage and industrial activities reinforce this negative impression given to anyone visiting the area for the first time. The architecture planning for international cruise ship terminal must therefore aim at changing this image of pusan through development plan which enhance the waterfront qualities in pusan. -
dc.description.tableofcontents 목차 1. 서론 = 1 1.1 연구배경 및 목적 = 1 1.1.1 연구배경 = 1 1.1.2 연구목적 = 2 1.2. 연구내용 및 방법 = 4 1.2.1 연구내용 = 4 1.2.2 연구방법 = 4 2. 국제 크루즈 터미널 현황 = 7 2.1. 북미 크루즈 터미널 개발 사례 = 7 2.1.1 커네버럴항(Port Canaveral)의 크루즈 터미널 = 7 2.1.2. 시애틀 벨스트리트 피어와 Pier9 = 13 2.1.3. 에버글래이드 크루즈터미널 개발 = 19 2.1.4. 샌프란시스코항 = 26 2.1.5. 샌디에고항 = 27 2.2. 벤쿠버 크루즈 터미널 개발사례 = 29 2.2.1. 벤쿠버 크루즈 터미널 = 29 2.2.2 벤쿠버 크루즈 터미널 확장계획 = 34 2.3. 유럽 크루즈 여객선 터미널 개발사례 = 35 2.3.1 벨레타(Valletta) 크루즈 터미널 = 35 2.3.2 도버(Dover) 크루즈 터미널 개발 = 40 2.4. 동남아시아 크루즈선 터미널의 = 42 2.4.1. 홍콩 오션 터미널(Hong Kong Ocean terminal) = 42 2.4.2. 싱가폴 터미널(Singapore Cruise Center) = 43 2.4.3 방콕 터미널 = 45 3. 크루즈 터미널 계획 기법분석 = 47 3.1 샌프란시스코 크루즈 터미널계획 = 47 3.1.1 샌프란 시스코 Pier 35 시설 분?? = 47 3.1.2 샌프란시스코 피어 27/29 계획 = 49 3.1.3 샌프란 시스코 Pier 30/32 터미널 계획 = 53 3.2. 오산바시(Osanbasi) 크루즈 터미널계획 기법 = 56 3.2.1 오산바시 크루즈 여객선 터미널 현황 = 57 3.2.2 터미널 평면 및 부두단면 = 61 3.2.3 여객 터미널의 기능분석 = 63 3.3. 벤쿠버 크루즈 터미널 계획기법 = 67 3.3.1. 크루즈 터미널 개발 현황 = 67 3.3.2 터미널 면적산정 = 69 3.3.3 크루즈 터미널 건물의 형태와 높이 = 70 3.3.4 공공 오픈 스페이스 = 71 3.4. 기타 크루즈 기항지의 터미널 계획 = 73 3.4.1 탐파(Tampa) 크루즈 터미널 = 73 3.4.2 웰링턴(Wellington)크루즈 터미널 = 74 3.4.3 스테이션(Station) 피어 = 75 3.4.4 쇼 피어(show pier) 여객선 터미널 = 78 4. 부산항 국제 크루즈선 터미널 건축계획 = 81 4.1. 부산항 터미널 개발현황 = 81 4.2 부산항 1,2 부두 현황 = 83 4.2.1 토지 이용체제 = 83 4.2.2 제한된 부두 공간 = 87 4.2.3 입출국 수속 = 87 4.3 부산항 국제 크루즈 터미널 계획방향 = 87 4.3.1 기본계획 방향 = 87 4.3.2 국제 크루즈항 인프라 구축 = 89 4.3.3 부산항 국제 크루즈 터미널 건축계획 방향 = 92 V. 결론 = 102 -
dc.publisher 韓國海洋大學校 -
dc.title 釜山港 국제 크루즈 여객선 터미널 計劃에 관한 硏究 -
dc.title.alternative A Study on Planning of International Cruise Ship Terminal at Busan port -
dc.type Thesis -
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