비전통적 해양안보관할권 강화를 위한 법제 연구
DC Field | Value | Language |
dc.contributor.author | 유재준 | - |
dc.date.accessioned | 2017-02-22T06:16:44Z | - |
dc.date.available | 2017-02-22T06:16:44Z | - |
dc.date.issued | 2013 | - |
dc.date.submitted | 57016-04-22 | - |
dc.identifier.uri | http://kmou.dcollection.net/jsp/common/DcLoOrgPer.jsp?sItemId=000002175107 | ko_KR |
dc.identifier.uri | http://repository.kmou.ac.kr/handle/2014.oak/9263 | - |
dc.description.abstract | A Study on Legal System for Reinforcement of Unconventional Maritime Security Jurisdiction by Ryu, jae-jun Major in Maritime Law Department of Maritime Law The Graduate School of Maritime Industrial Studies Korea Maritime University Busan, Korea Abstract With a new concept named comprehensive security from the 21st century, the unconventional maritime security threat became changing and complex. Especially, unconventional security threat to North-East countries including Korea, the world powers' hegemony struggle area, has been more complex. Moreover, most security events are recently shifting to unconventional security problems in the sea. However, it is doubtful that the present law system can effectively cover those complex and changing security threats. That is, the maritime security jurisdiction is absolutely not guaranteed in the cases of the emergency. This thesis classifies unconventional maritime security threats, and suggests some directions of improvement in it's law system for adjusting unconventional maritime security jurisdiction, based on the national interest and safety. Unconventional security threat can be classified as three groups : North Korea(N·K), neighboring countries, and superstate. Typical threatening elements from the first group will be terrorism on the sea, proliferation of WMD(Weapons of Mass Destruction), or various unlawful actions. Those from the second group will mostly be maritime territorial dispute such as the possession right on Dokdo or EEZ jurisdiction. And those from the last group will be the issues from the pirates, sea armed robbers, or terrorism on the sea. It is necessary to reform maritime security jurisdiction, since UNCLOS does not clearly express on the problems of the maritime security. In the case of SUA, it seems to be difficult to obtain its universality or effectiveness. One of the requisites will be to increase the number of the member nations, and making common law as quickly as possible. In the case of ISPS Code, the number of the ships related is limited. For example, defending on attacking by bomb suiciding of small fast boat is very difficult. Even though N·K alleged to nullify the Armistice Agreement recently, it cannot be abrogated by one side. Therefore, it is required for us to immediately repel and punish the N·K's invasion in accordance with the right of self-defense in Charter of the UN and the Armistice Agreement. Meanwhile, in the case of domestic laws related the maritime security jurisdiction, there are some laws such as Article 340 of the Criminal Law, Domestic laws for SUA and ISPS Code, Integrated defense Law, Maritime Policing Act, etc. Nevertheless, it is not easy to apply the rule into the various maritime security threats. In addition, the PSI, alongside with 2005 Protocol to the SUA Convention, UN Security Council Resolution should be actively carried out. At the same time, Domestic laws should be clearly made for the effective execution. For enforcement of unconventional maritime security jurisdiction, at last, a special Act should be made, since the old laws and regulations have not effectively reflected on the new concept of the maritime security, including a newly cooperated organization mixed with civil, government, military and police should be established for the defense of the unconventional maritime security threats. | - |
dc.description.tableofcontents | 目 次 표 차례 iv Abstract v 제1장 서 론 1 제1절 연구의 목적 1 제2절 연구의 범위와 방법 3 제2장 비전통적 해양안보의 일반적 고찰 5 제1절 해양안보의 일반이론 5 1. 안보의 개념과 변화 5 2. 비전통적 안보의 의의 8 3. 비전통적 해양안보 개념과 위협 형태 10 제2절 해양안보관할권의 이론적 고찰 12 1. 국가관할권 12 2. 해양에서의 국가관할권 16 3. 해양안보관할권 19 제3절 비전통적 해양안보관할권 적용 모형 20 1. 수역별 비전통적 해양안보관할권 적용 위협 유형 22 2. 수역별 비전통적 해양안보관할권 적용관련 법제 23 3. 관련 법제별 비전통적 해양안보관할권 행사 주체 26 제3장 비전통적 해양안보위협 실태 29 제1절 북한의 비전통적 해양안보위협 29 1. 해상테러리즘 30 2. 북한 선박에 의한 해양안보위협 36 제2절 주변국의 비전통적 해양안보위협 39 1. 독도 영유권 분쟁 40 2. 이어도 관할권 분쟁 42 3. 배타적 경제수역·대륙붕 관련 관할권 분쟁 44 제3절 국제사회의 초국가적 해양안보위협 45 1. 해적 및 해상무장강도 46 2. 해상테러리즘 47 제4장 비전통적 해양안보관할권 관련법 체계와 문제점 50 제1절 비전통적 해양안보관할권 관련 국제협약 50 1. UNCLOS 50 2. SUA협약 59 3. ISPS Code 63 4. UN헌장 65 5. 정전협정 68 제2절 비전통적 해양안보관할권 관련 국내법 70 1. 형법 70 2. 선박 및 해상구조물에 대한 위해행위의 처벌 등에 관한 법률 72 3. 통합방위법 73 4. 국제항해선박 및 항만시설의 보안에 관한 법률 77 5. 해양경비법 79 제3절 기타 관련 규정 80 1. PSI 81 2. UN안보리 결의 89 3. 국가대테러활동지침 92 4. 남북기본합의서 및 남북해운합의서 95 제5장 비전통적 해양안보관할권 강화를 위한 관련법제 개선방향 98 제1절 관련 국제법규 개선방향 98 1. UNCLOS 98 2. SUA협약 및 ISPS Code 101 3. UN헌장 및 정전협정 102 제2절 관련 국내법규 개선방향 103 1. 형법 103 2. 선박 및 해상구조물에 대한 위해행위의 처벌 등에 관한 법률 104 3. 통합방위법 104 4. 특별법 제정 105 제3절 기타 관련 규정 개선방향 111 1. PSI 111 2. 국가대테러활동지침 113 제6장 결 론 115 參考文獻 118 | - |
dc.language | kor | - |
dc.publisher | 한국해양대학교 | - |
dc.title | 비전통적 해양안보관할권 강화를 위한 법제 연구 | - |
dc.type | Thesis | - |
dc.date.awarded | 2013-08 | - |
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