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先進國 再工業化가 中國製造業에 미친 影响과 中國의 應對方案

DC Field Value Language 장굉박 - 2017-02-22T06:23:20Z - 2017-02-22T06:23:20Z - 2014 - 57044-06-27 -
dc.identifier.uri ko_KR
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.description.abstract Since the financial crisis erupted in 2008, the US-led of developed countries proposed reindustrialization policy measures which is emphasized on implementation. The goal is to deal with the financial crisis, promote economic recovery, and focus on long-term competitive advantage and strategic plan, which will have a profound impact on world economic structure. From the historical situation of reindustrialization in the developed country, reindustrialization is policy means that adapt to the change of economic conditions and social development, improve the international competitiveness of the industrial sector. It‘s not necessary to deindustrializatior or reindustrialization for China which is at the stage of mid-industrialization. Most China’s economy that traditional industry occupies a considerable proportion is the real economy which has a huge improvement, innovation space. In order to realize the dream from made in China to created in China, China has to upgrade traditional industries with modern technology ,solve the traditional industry backward technology problems with the technological progress, guide more investment to promote the upgrading of traditional industry adjustment, promote industrial technology renewal and innovation, and speed up the depth of the adjustment of industrial structure, that will determine the China’s manufacturing to be the advantageous position in the new round of international competition depending on product innovation and industrial innovation. Fast lifting the country's science and technology innovation ability, gradually narrowing gap of the level of scientific research with developed countries is the priority among priorities for Chinese manufacturing to reshape the competitive advantage. -
dc.description.tableofcontents <목 차> Abstract 제1장 서 론······················1 제1절 연구의 배경과 목적··············1 제2절 연구의 방법과 구성··············3 제2장 재공업화에 대한 고찰···············5 제1절 공업화에 대한 정의··············5 1. 공업화란····················5 2. 탈공업화란···················5 3. 재공업화란···················7 제2절 선진국 재공업화의 초기배경··········9 1. 금융위기로 선진국 경제성장의 둔화·······10 2. 선진국 제조업의 산업공동화··········11 3. 선진국 화물무역의 지속 적자··········12 4. 신흥 경제국의 빠른 성장············13 제3절 재공업화의 본질···············14 1. 선진국 경제패턴의 전환············14 2. 선진국의 전통우위 제조업으로 전환·······15 3. 선진국의 신흥 산업으로 산업구조의 조정····15 4. 선진국의 지속적 혁신·············16 제4절 선진국의 재공업화 사례············17 1. 제조업의 회귀·················17 2. 신흥 산업의 지원···············18 3. 저탄소비 경제·················18 4. 정보화건설의 수준을 향상시킴·········19 5. 과학기술 혁신능력의 향상···········15 제5절 재공업화의 효과···············20 제3장 선진국 재공업화가 중국제조업에 미친 영향····24 제1절 중국 제조업의 현황··············24 1. 제조업의 GDP점유율··············24 2. 제조업의 취업현황···············26 3. 제조업의 연구 개발(R&D)현황··········26 4. 제조업 수출의 현황··············27 5. 경제구조 기여율의 현황············28 6. 중국 제조업 경쟁력의 현황···········30 제2절 중국과 선진국의 제조업 비교·········35 1. 중국 제조업의 장점··············35 2. 중국 제조업의 단점··············39 제3절 재공업화가 세계경제와 중국제조업에 미친 영향·44 1. 재공업화가 세계경제에 미친 영향········44 2. 중국제조업 우위산업에 대한 영향········47 3. 선진국 재공업화가 중국제조업 산업전환에 미친 영 향··························49 4. 중국제조업의 기회와 도전···········50 제4장 중국 제조업의 대응방안·············57 1. 제조업 합병구조조정 및 제조업 집중도 증가 추진··57 2. 제조업 클러스터 발전 추진···········57 3. 지역 균형 발전 촉진··············58 4. 양화융합 추진과 제조업 정보화 수준 향상····59 5. 정부의 제조업 산업 환경 개선·········60 6. 과학연구교육 투입의 확대와 혁신국가 건설의 추진60 제5장 결론······················63 참고 문헌·······················65 -
dc.language kor -
dc.publisher 한국해양대학교 -
dc.title 先進國 再工業化가 中國製造業에 미친 影响과 中國의 應對方案 -
dc.title.alternative The effects of re-industrialization of developed countries on Chinese manufacturing industry and Chinese counter strategies -
dc.type Thesis - 2014-08 -
dc.contributor.alternativeName ZHANG HONGBO -
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