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『세일즈맨의 죽음』에 나타난 공동체 해체위기

DC Field Value Language 송선옥 - 2017-02-22T06:23:58Z - 2017-02-22T06:23:58Z - 2005 - 56822-12-26 -
dc.identifier.uri ko_KR
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.description.abstract Arthur Miller was one of the most prominent American Social dramatists and was influenced by the economic depression in the 1930's. This Depression and the hardships he had experienced early in his life, helped him to discover the reality of being a common man. It was on this reality that he based his tragedy. This tragedy dealt mostly with the relationship between man and society. Miller compared the relationship between man and society to that of water and a fish. This meant that like a fish in water, man lives within society. Men have hopes and dreams in this society, which surrounds them. When their surrounding does not materialize these hopes and dreams, man, or 'fish', gets disappointed and frustrated. Miller was very conscious of his strong criticism of society, and of his interest in man's agony and alienation within that society. Miller discovered this systematic relationship between man and society. In 'Death of a Salesman', man endured tragedy because his absolute value was neglected by industrial society. Miller demonstrated in this play that the economic depression not only evolved an entire society into an accelerated industrialization, and forced it to change rapidly and immensely, but also drove the individual into mental depression, forced the traditional society to be disintegrated. According to Miller, there is a big difference concept of &#985168 -
dc.description.abstract pursued by industrial society when compared to the individual or family member. This difference made all parties concerned misunderstand the social agreement, and this destroyed traditional society. It also affected family values, finally bringing tragedy to the individual and their family. In conclusion, Miller's work teaches us the lesson that man should exist in society, and society should be a part of man. They can not be separate entities. Man shares sincerity and responsibility within society, thus our society respects the value of human beings instead of industrialization. -
dc.description.abstract family&#985169 -
dc.description.tableofcontents Ⅰ. 서론 1 Ⅱ. 전통사회공동체 붕괴 6 Ⅲ. 가족공동체 해체양상 24 1. 사회적 관계로서의 가족공동체 해체위기 26 2. 혈연관계로서의 가족공동체 해체위기 38 Ⅳ. 결 론 50 인용문헌 53 Abstract 57 -
dc.language kor -
dc.publisher 한국해양대학교 대학원 -
dc.title 『세일즈맨의 죽음』에 나타난 공동체 해체위기 -
dc.title.alternative The Crisis of Disintegrated Communities -
dc.type Thesis - 2005-02 -
dc.contributor.alternativeName Song -
dc.contributor.alternativeName Sun-Ok -
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영어영문학과 > Thesis
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