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소수주주보호제도에 관한 연구: 중국법의 개선방안을 중심으로

DC Field Value Language 강명재 - 2017-02-22T06:24:27Z - 2017-02-22T06:24:27Z - 2004 - 56823-11-10 -
dc.identifier.uri ko_KR
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.description.abstract With the development of society, there appears the phenomenon of the larger scale of corporation, the further decentralization of shares, the separation of ownership and management, the tendency of weaker corporation controlling requirement, and the formalization of assembly of shareholders. Additionally, because of the change of center from assembly of shareholders to board of directors, it is necessary to strengthen the supervising power of assembly of shareholders to protect the rights of minority shareholders. For this purpose, in corporation laws of many nations there are regulations of special protection of minority shareholders. But, in cases of misuse of regulations of protection of minority shareholders, other shareholders' rights may be damaged, so it is necessary to check this kind of misuse and at the same time to reasonably protect the rights of minority shareholders. The scope of study of this essay is the regulations of protection of minority shareholders in the present Korean Commercial Code, Korean Law of Securities Transactions, Chinese Corporations Law and other decrees. To achieve the above study goal, through the study and comparison of basic theories of minority shareholders' rights, with the relevant regulations of Korean Commercial Code as center and at the same time taking consideration of the legislations of the protection of minority shareholders in the corporation laws of USA, UK, Japan, Taiwan district, I suggest the reasonable legislative programs for the specific regime of protection of minority shareholders. The specific contents of this essay are as follows:Chapter one is the introduction which explains the goal, scope and method of the study. Chapter two is the general description of the regime of protection of minority shareholders. In this chapter, starting from the concept of minority shareholders' rights, I explain the limitation of theoretical basis of original rights theory and decision-by-majority theory, comment on the phenomenon of separation of ownership and management, the tendency of weaker corporation controlling requirement, and the formalization of assembly of shareholders existing in modern corporations, and argue the necessity of regime of protection of minority shareholders by explaining the importance of protection of minority shareholders. Chapter three describes individually the rights in the present regime of protection of minority shareholders. Firstly, I raise and comment on the existing issues through explaining the contents of Korean Law and through comparing the relevant legislations of many nations. These issues are mainly the followings: the issue of access to information of corporation which concerns the right of reading and copying financial records and board of directors meeting records, the right of reading the accountant books, the right of electing the inspector -
dc.description.abstract the issue of protection of minority shareholders in the reorganization of corporation which concerns the protection of minority shareholders in cases of merger and separation of corporation, and the important rights such as shareholder's cash-out right, the right of petition to starting the corporate reorganization, and the right of petition of corporate dissolution judgment of law court. Chapter four firstly explains the shareholders' right of petition of explanation and the loyalty obligation of controlling shareholders when discussing the Korean legislation concerning minority shareholders' protection regime, then, in discussing the present Chinese legal regime of protection of minority shareholders, reviews the right of access to information, the right of petition of holding provisional assembly of shareholders, shareholders' proposal raising right, accumulate voting regime, the agency of right of resolution, outside auditor regime, outside directors regime, the cash-out right of the shareholders who oppose the corporation merger and the remedies to defects of resolutions of assembly of shareholders, and then raises the problem issues and suggests improving programs. Additionally, as for regimes which do not exist in present Chinese law, such as right of dismissing directors, right of petition of stay of illegal acts, shareholders' representative litigations, litigations on the invalidity of new shares issuing, litigations on the invalidity of corporation merger and separation, right of petition of corporate dissolution judgment of law court, I suggest improving programs combining the reality of Chinese corporation law. Chapter five is conclusion. In this chapter, I summarize the chapters two, three and four, consider the existing issues concerning the protection of minority shareholders in Korean Incorporation Law, and suggest legislative programs in the improvement of Chinese corporations Law. -
dc.description.abstract the issue of checking the controlling shareholders which concerns the right of petition of stay of illegal acts, the right of raising representative litigations, the right of dismissing directors, and the regime of outside auditor, outside director regime -
dc.description.abstract the issue of new shares issuing which concerns the protection of minority shareholders, the defects of resolutions of assembly of shareholders and their remedies -
dc.description.abstract the issue of the participation by minority shareholders of the management which concerns the right of petition of holding the provisional assembly of shareholders, shareholders' proposal raising right, the accumulative voting regime, the agency of right of resolution, the proxy solicitation, voting in written form -
dc.description.tableofcontents 제 1 장 序 論 1 제 1 절 硏究의 目的 1 제 2 절 硏究의 範圍와 方法 4 제 2 장 少數株主保護制度의 槪觀 7 제 1 절 少數株主權의 一般理論 8 Ⅰ. 少數株主權과 單獨株主權 8 1. 少數株主權의 意義와 性質 8 2. 單獨株主權의 意義 10 3. 少數株主權의 機能 10 4. 少數株主權의 導入過程 12 Ⅱ. 多數決原理의 限界 16 1. 固有權理論 16 2. 株主平等의 原則 17 제 2 절 少數株主保護의 必要性 21 Ⅰ. 所有와 經營의 分離現象 21 Ⅱ. 支配要件의 緩和傾向 22 Ⅲ. 企業의 結合現象 23 Ⅳ. 株主總會의 形骸化 25 Ⅴ. 少數株主의 地位와 權利保護의 重要性 28 제 3 장 現行韓國法上 少數株主保護制度 32 제 1 절 會社情報公示에 있어서의 少數株主保護 33 Ⅰ. 各種의 閱覽·謄寫請求權 33 1. 理事會의 議事錄의 閱覽·謄寫請求權 33 2. 財務諸表의 閱覽·謄寫請求權 34 3. 會計帳簿閱覽·謄寫請求權 35 Ⅱ. 檢査人의 選任請求權 39 1. 意義 39 2. 檢査人 選任請求 40 3. 株主總會召集命令 41 제 2 절 少數株主의 經營參與와 少數株主保護 42 Ⅰ. 臨時株主總會召集請求權 42 1. 意義 42 2. 立法例 42 3. 株主總會의 召集要件 43 4. 株主總會의 召集節次 44 Ⅱ. 株主提案權 45 1. 意義 45 2. 立法例 45 3. 株主提案權의 行使要件과 範圍 47 4. 提案權의 行使方法과 節次 49 5. 提案權行使의 效果 50 6. 株主提案의 不當拒絶 51 Ⅲ. 累積投票制度 52 1. 意義 52 2. 單純投票制와의 比較 53 3. 立法例 54 4. 累積投票制度의 法的 性質 56 5. 累積投票의 要件 및 節次 57 Ⅳ. 株主의 議決權의 保障制度 58 1. 議決權의 代理行使 58 2. 委任狀勸誘制度 63 3. 書面投票制度 66 Ⅴ. 新株發行과 少數株主保護 71 1. 新株發行과 株主의 關係 71 2. 株主의 新株引受權의 制限 72 3. 違法·不公正한 新株發行에 대한 救濟 75 Ⅵ. 株主總會決議의 瑕疵에 대한 救濟 79 1. 意義 79 2. 訴의 原因 80 3. 訴의 性質 82 4. 判決의 效力 84 제 3 절 理事 등 任員들에 대한 牽制策 85 Ⅰ. 違法行爲留止請求權 85 1. 意義 85 2. 立法例 85 3. 留止請求權의 當事者 86 4. 留止請求權行使의 要件 87 5. 留止請求의 方法 89 6. 留止請求의 效果 89 Ⅱ. 株主의 代表訴訟 90 1. 意義 90 2. 立法例 91 3. 代表訴訟의 性質 94 4. 代表訴訟의 當事者 96 5. 訴訟節次 96 6. 判決의 效果 98 Ⅲ. 理事解任請求權 99 1. 意義 99 2. 立法例 100 3. 理事解任의 訴의 要件 101 4. 理事解任 訴의 當事者 102 Ⅳ. 社外理事制度 104 1. 社外理事의 意義와 效用 104 2. 立法例 106 3. 社外理事의 法的地位 106 4. 社外理事의 資格과 人數 107 5. 社外理事의 選任과 解任 108 Ⅴ. 外部監査制度 108 1. 意義 108 2. 立法例 109 3. 對象企業 110 4. 監査人의 資格과 選任 111 5. 監査人의 權限과 義務 113 6. 監査人의 損害賠償責任 114 제 4 절 會社의 組織變更과 少數株主保護 116 Ⅰ. 會社의 合倂과 分割 116 1. 會社의 合倂 116 2. 會社의 分割 117 3. 會社合倂 및 分割에 있어서의 少數株主保護의 必要性 118 Ⅱ. 株式買受請求權 119 1. 株式買受請求權의 意義 및 性質 119 2. 立法例 120 3. 株式買受請求權의 成立要件 121 4. 買受請求權의 行使節次 124 5. 株式買受請求權의 效果 128 6. 株式買受請求權의 制限 130 Ⅲ. 會社의 解散·整理節次와 少數株主保護 132 1. 會社의 解散判決請求權 132 2. 會社整理節次開始請求權 135 제 4 장 少數株主保護制度를 위한 改善方案 139 제 1 절 韓國商法의 改善方案 139 Ⅰ. 株主의 說明請求權 139 1. 說明請求權의 意義 139 2. 說明請求權의 根據 및 性格 140 3. 說明請求權과 會計帳簿閱覽請求權과의 關係 142 4. 立法例 142 5. 說明請求權의 當事者 146 6. 說明請求權의 行使範圍와 說明義務의 限界 148 7. 說明請求權侵害의 救濟 149 8. 改善方案 151 Ⅱ. 支配株主의 忠實義務 152 1. 意義 152 2. 立法例 155 3. 支配株主 忠實義務의 이론적 根據 158 4. 忠實義務의 內容과 忠實義務違反에 대한 規制 158 5. 改善方案 159 제 2 절 中國法의 關聯規定과 改善方案 159 Ⅰ. 現行關聯法令의 問題點과 改善方案 159 1. 會社情報接近請求權 160 2. 臨時株主總會召集請求權 161 3. 株主提案權 163 4. 累積投票制度 165 5. 株主의 議決權代理行使 167 6. 外部監査制度 170 7. 社外理事制度 171 8. 株式買受請求權 178 9. 株主總會決議瑕疵에 대한 救濟 180 Ⅱ. 會社法과 立法論的 改善方案 181 1. 理事解任請求權 181 2. 違法行爲留止請求權 182 3. 株主代表訴訟 183 4. 新株發行無效의 訴 185 5. 會社合倂·分割無效의 訴 186 6. 會社解散判決請求權 188 제 5 장 結 論 191 參 考 文 獻 197 ABSTRACT ⅰ -
dc.language kor -
dc.publisher 한국해양대학교 대학원 -
dc.title 소수주주보호제도에 관한 연구: 중국법의 개선방안을 중심으로 -
dc.title.alternative A Study on the Protection of Minority Shareholders -
dc.type Thesis - 2004-02 -
dc.contributor.alternativeName Jiang Ming-cai -
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