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수출입물품 품목분류 개선방안 연구

DC Field Value Language 윤인철 - 2017-02-22T06:26:43Z - 2017-02-22T06:26:43Z - 2013 - 57016-04-22 -
dc.identifier.uri ko_KR
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.description.abstract ABSTRACT Study on How to Improve Tariff Classification of Imports and Exports - Focusing on HS(Harmonized System) The world is now working under the dynamic circumstance that products are being changed continuously. Some products are newly launched while some are disappeared in a moment. Products are being innovated endlessly and products produced with newly developed material. The World Customs Organization (WCO) has established HS system and has provided standards of tariff classification for countries around the world because unified tariff classification contributes to promotion of international trade. WCO has revised its standard every five years in order to reflect new products from 1988, and made the fifth revision in 2012. Korea which joined the Convention also adopted 6-digit HS codes in annex of Customs Act without any modification and has operated and reflected in Customs Act whenever the HS system is revised. Products trading across borders are regulated by defining 6-digit HS codes of tariff rates per tariff nomenclature in tariff schedules under annex of Customs Act. Recently, under the circumstances that product life cycles have shortened due to technological innovation and a variety of state-of-the-art products keep appearing, tariff classification encounters physical limitation to revise HS every five years and reflect the revision. In this regard, tariff classification has fallen into bearing many potential problems not only at home but also abroad. This thesis aims to overview HS Convention, and laws and regulations related with tariff classification in Korea and to settle down problems caused by ambiguous standard of tariff classification and unclear legislation at home and abroad. For this, a variety of domestic and international contestation cases were explored and finally, several improvement policies were introduced to prepare legislation and legal and institutional tools. First, in terms of guaranteeing the standards to be stated in legislations, I suggest some resolutions such as reorganizing international standards for tariff classification, newly preparing domestic standards under Customs Act, and expanding standard notification on tariff classification. Second, in terms of supplementing the system and preparing alternatives, I seek some ways about tariff classification audit in advance, self-correction by Customs Valuation and Classification Institute, and introduction of improvement on how to make a decision by the Committee of Tariff Classification. Third, I suggest ways to improve the relevant system in order to provide more information in real time However, I regret that the previous is somewhat lack of reality as I cannot sufficiently propose various cases and process about ongoing argument on tariff classification legislation in contestation against the judicial authorities and interpretation on tariff classification standards. It is expected that frequency and cycle to launch a new product will keep increasing and being shortened. Under this circumstance, it will be impossible to contain all products in a single tariff code. Thus, I believe that the system should be revised to be a simple tariff code which include small and particular products rather than to be a complicated and diverse code system. And in this regards, research should be done on this issues more. -
dc.description.tableofcontents List of Table iv List of Fiqures vi Abstractⅶ 제1장 서 론 제1절 연구 배경과 목적 1 제2절 연구의 범위와 방법 3 제2장 품목분류제도의 이론적 고찰 제1절 품목분류제도 5 1. 품목분류(HS)의 기원 5 2. HS 품목분류표와 관세율표의 정의 6 3. HS 품목분류표의 기본구조 7 4. 품목번호 결정방법 10 5. 품목분류 분쟁해결 절차 15 제2절 HS 품목분류표와 관세율제도 16 1. 관세(율)의 개요 16 2. 우리나라의 관세율제도 운용현황 17 제3절 주요국의 품목분류제도 운용현황 19 1. 미국 19 2. 유럽연합(EU) 23 3. 일본 25 4. 중국 27 5. 주요국별 품목분류제도 비교 28 제4절 품목분류관련 선행 연구사례 31 제3장 품목분류 국내외분쟁 사례분석 제1절 품목분류 국내분쟁의 현황 34 1. 우리나라 품목분류 결정체계 34 2. 품목분류 불복 및 행정소송 현황 36 제2절 품목분류 국내분쟁 판례 분석 39 1. HS 협약 및 관세율표의 법규성 39 2. HS 해설서 및 의견서 법적 지위 43 3. 품목분류 적용기준에 관한 고시 법규성 46 4. 품목분류사전심사 및 변경고시의 법적효력 49 5. 관세협력이사회 품목분류 변경결의의 효력 52 6. 사법기관 해석 55 제3절 품목분류 국제분쟁의 현황 59 1. 품목분류 국제분쟁의 개념 59 2. 우리나라의 품목분류 국제분쟁 현황 60 제4절 품목분류 국제분쟁 사례분석 65 1. 對폴란드 국제분쟁 65 2. 對EU 국제분쟁 68 3. 對남아공 국제분쟁 77 4. 對중국 국제분쟁 81 제5절 품목분류 국내외 분쟁사례 시사점 86 1. 국내 분쟁사례 시사점 86 2. 국제 분쟁사례 시사점 87 제4장 품목분류 개선방안 모색 제1절 법적 측면 88 1. 국제 품목분류기준 정비 참여 88 2. 국내주(國內註) 추가신설 99 3. 품목분류 기준고시 확대 103 제2절 제도적 측면 106 1. 품목분류사전심사제도 106 2. 관세평가분류원 자기시정제도 111 3. 관세품목분류위원회 결정방식 개선 112 제3절 운영 시스템적 측면 114 1. 품목분류 시스템 개선 114 2. 세계 HS시스템 구축 116 제5장 요약 및 결론 118 참고문헌 121 1. 국내문헌 121 -
dc.language kor -
dc.publisher 한국해양대학교 -
dc.title 수출입물품 품목분류 개선방안 연구 -
dc.type Thesis - 2013-08 -
dc.contributor.alternativeName yoon in cheol -
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