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沿岸貨物船業體의 經營分析에 의한 經營改善方案에 관한 硏究

DC Field Value Language 文炯均 - 2017-02-22T06:43:25Z - 2017-02-22T06:43:25Z - 2002 - 56797-10-27 -
dc.identifier.uri ko_KR
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.description.abstract The purpose of this study is to examine a scheme for growth, management rationalization and reform measure of domestic coastal shipping companies, and Ihope that this will be of some help that coastal shipping companies get ready for a management improvement plan and decision-making For this study, I investigated not only a financial condition and forms of management of coastal shipping companies but also operating earnings and expenses which several kinds of vessel as well as by regional groups in domestic On the bases of this study I lay out the schemes how to develop domestic coastal shipping company and the fine parts are as follows -
dc.description.abstract The first, it is necessary to secure a steadying seamen supply plan. In order to make it more rational, the company have to guarantee seamen's real income and the government have to lighten the individual income tax and support medical insurance fee and employment insurance fee, in addition to establish a joint company for seamen's supply The second, the coastal shipping company has to make ready for measure devised to deal with an extension of electronic commercial transaction and high value added service. At present, the coastal shipping companies must cope effectively with the change of economic circumstance that is to say, epoch-making development of information technology, the change of economic based on a knowledge-intensive. So that the companies have to introduce the system of electronic commercial transaction as well as a exclusive berth for coastal shipping The third, it is necessary to establish a control policy for reasonable space of coasting vessel. Private corporations need to organize what is called "the committee for self-control an excess of bottoms" in order to judge what is reasonable space or not The fourth, this is the point to be specially considered that an old vessel is to be substitute for the latest economic vessel. Ithink this is an epoch-making device to improve coastal shipping system because nowadays the owner of goods wants high-level and various services. The first consideration is the government has to lend money to build a ship at low interest The fifth, coastal shipping companies have to grow larger and construct mutual aid system in order to cut down the cost and rise competitiveness against another transportation mode. The sixth, it is necessary that the government take measures to promote top-ranking coastal shipping company. If the government do it that way, management man will make every effort to make a top-ranking company, and so top-ranker will contribute greatly to developcoastal shipping and cut down transportation cost as well as safety voyage, the protection of environment, and so on. -
dc.description.tableofcontents 목차 Abstract 제1장 서론 = 1 제1절 연구필요성과 연구목적 = 1 제2절 자료수집과 연구방법 = 2 1. 자료수집 = 2 2. 분석방법 = 3 제2장 연안화물선업체의 성장배경과 현황분석 = 6 제1절 해방 후 연안화물선업체의 성장배경 = 6 제2절 연안화물선업의 현황분석 = 8 1. 선종별 및 선령별 선복량 현황 = 8 2. 연안화물선업의 소유구조 = 20 3. 연안화물선박 확보현황분석 = 21 제3절 연안화물선시장의 특성 = 26 1. 연안화물선시장의 구조적 특성 = 26 제4절 연안화물운송시장의 성장 = 32 1. 연안화물 수송물량의 성장추이 = 32 2. 연안화물의 구조변동 = 33 제3장 연안화물선업체의 경영분석과 경영진단 = 39 제1절 연안??물선업체의 재무제표구조분석 = 39 제2절 연안화물선업체의 재무비율분석 = 43 1. 재무구조비율분석 = 43 2. 수익성분석 = 50 3. 운항수지 분석과 진단 = 54 제3절 연안화물선업체의 경영분석결과와 진단 = 56 1. 대차대조표 구조분석결과와 진단 = 56 2. 손익계산서 구조분석결과와 진단 = 58 3. 연안화물선업체의 재무비율분석과 진단 = 58 4. 운항수지 분석결과와 진단 = 59 제4장 연안화물선업체의 경영문제점과 대응방안 = 62 제1절 연안화물운송의 주요현안과 경영문제점 = 62 1. 연안화물운송사업의 등록제 문제점과 보완 = 62 2. 연안화물운송사업의 수요 독점적 착취와 협업화 부진과 개선방안 = 66 3. 해운환경변화에 대응력강화를 위한 선박금융제도개선 = 70 4. Modal Shift의 추진 = 71 5. 선박안전관리체제의 법제화 = 72 제2절 연안화물선업체의 발전전략 = 74 1. 경영환경여건의 개선방안 = 74 2. 대화주 관계의 개선방안 = 75 3. Modal Shift 정책의 추진 = 76 4. 연안화물터미널의 종합물류기지화 = 77 5. 연안해운업의 집약화 = 78 6. 연안해운 수송시스템의 개선 = 78 7. 연안선박 ?횬喚桓?체제 구축방안 = 79 8. 우량해운기업제도 도입 = 80 9. 면세유 공급방안 = 81 제3절 연안화물선사업의 발전을 위한 정책건의 = 82 1. 연안해운의 21세기 장기발전의 기본방향 = 82 2. 연안해운업계의 정책건의 = 86 제5장 결론과 시사점 = 101 제1절 분석결과의 요약 및 시사점 = 101 1. 경영성과분석과 진단결과 = 101 2. 연안화물선업의 활성화를 위한 경영개선방안 = 103 제2절 연구의 한계 = 105 [참고문헌] = 106 -
dc.publisher 韓國海洋大學校 -
dc.title 沿岸貨物船業體의 經營分析에 의한 經營改善方案에 관한 硏究 -
dc.type Thesis -
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