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우리나라 국제특송업체의 글로벌전략에 관한 연구

DC Field Value Language 권오성 - 2017-02-22T06:46:12Z - 2017-02-22T06:46:12Z - 2010 - 56933-11-30 -
dc.identifier.uri ko_KR
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.description.abstract This study is carried out to suggest empirical global strategies for domestic International Express Companies (IEC). To achieve the goal of the study, several issues and methodology were considered. Firstly the matters of “what is the International Express Companies (IEC) or what factors bring it to emerge?” are considered. Study on the International Express Companies has not still attracted academically so that the International Express Companies (IEC) has been used generally the terms such as Door to Door Service, Desk to Desk, Express, Courier Service in business world. Therefore we need to look up general issues and features of the International Express Companies (IEC). Secondly theoretical background of global strategies such as Integration Responsiveness, Total Global Strategy, Global Alliance, Merger & Acquisition was conducted to analyze global strategies of the International Express Companies (IEC) (these will be considered in the next section) Thirdly the case study on both Korean express companies and foreign global express companies were conducted and the implications of their strategy were also analyzed. Lastly, the following statistics analytical methods were used for analyzing the responses which were collected by questionnaire survey. - Cronbach's alpha verification method and factor analysis were used to analyze the validity and internal reliability, - Structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to test and estimate causal relations using a combination of statistical data and qualitative causal assumptions. - Kendall's ranking verification method was used to identify the ranking among factors. To suggest empirical global strategies for domestic International Express Companies (IEC) we consider how we can establish factor for global strategy and its sub-factors. Namely, the issues were regarding “which factors are most proper for establishment of successful global strategies for the domestic International Express Companies (IEC), which we define as characteristics of Express Industry and its globalization factors” and then “which factors are most proper to enrich (both quality and quantity) for the domestic International Express Companies (IEC), which we define as market entry strategy based on market size or company’s size factors”. The following factors are driven with our deep consideration. Establishment of successful global strategies for the domestic International Express Companies (IEC): characteristics of Express Industry and its globalization factor (five riogenous factors) - market aspects, industry aspects, globalization effect, competition level and the technological level. Enrich (both quality and quantity) for the domestic International Express Companies (IEC): market entry strategy based on market size or company’s size factor and differentiation strategy factor (7 parameter variables) - M&A strategy (market entry strategy based on market size or company’s size factor), integrated logistics enterprise strategy (market entry strategy based on market size or company’s size factor), phased market entry strategy (market entry strategy based on market size or company’s size factor), SCM strategy (differentiation strategy factor), the third party operating strategy (differentiation strategy factor), total logistic operating system strategy (differentiation strategy factor), and differentiation strategy on product and delivery service (differentiation strategy factor). The results of the study are summarized as below. Firstly, in the ranking test of the characteristics of the international express industry and globalization, the construction of advantageous logistics networks (competition level) encompasses others such as the economy of scale effect by globalization, standardization and compatibility of the delivery tech-system (globalization), and good relationship with subcontractor (industry). Secondly, the total logistics operating system strategy is more importantly considered then differentiation strategy, integrated logistics enterprise strategy. Thirdly, the market factor, globalization factor, and technology factor do not represent positive relation to the global strategy while the industry factor and competition factor are positively related to the global strategy. Fourthly, both the market entry strategy based on market size or company’s size factor and differentiation strategy factor work positively for the domestic International Express Companies (IEC) to strengthen their competitiveness. However, there are some limitations that this study has borne: This study is conducted based on both the case studies and the questionnaire survey from the local branch offices and agents of domestic and foreign global express companies which are located only in Busan. As considering most of the international express companies’ head quarters are located in Seoul, this study has some limits in representing the real perception of the head quarters. Therefore, in view of the importance of this area, it is necessary to conduct further study both level of the local branch offices / agents and headquarters of the international express companies later on. -
dc.description.tableofcontents 제1장 서 론 1 제1절 연구의 목적 1 제2절 연구의 방법과 내용 3 제2장 국제특송의 의의와 현황 4 제1절 국제특송의 정의와 특징 4 제2절 국제특송의 발전 배경 5 제3절 국제특송의 환경 변화 6 1. 정보네트워크와 연결의 경제성 6 2. 전자상거래에서 국제특송시장의 중요성 6 3. 공항의 거점화 7 제4절 국제특송업의 현황 7 1. 국제특송업의 현황과 전망 7 2. 국제특송업체의 국내 현황 8 제3장 글로벌 전략에 관한 이론적 고찰 10 제1절 글로벌 전략의 개념 10 제2절 글로벌 경영전략 모델 11 1. Prahalad and Doz 모델 12 2. Yip (Total Global Strategy) 모델 13 제3절 글로벌 전략 수단 17 1. 글로벌 전략적 제휴 17 2. 기업 인수&#8228 -
dc.description.tableofcontents 합병(Merger & Acquisition: M&A) 20 제4장 국제특송업체의 사례 분석 25 제1절 해외 국제특송업체의 전략 25 1. DHL 26 2. FedEx 28 3. UPS 32 4. TNT 35 제2절 우리나라 국제특송업체의 전략 38 1. (주)한진 39 2. 현대택배 42 3. 대한통운 44 4. CJ GLS 46 5. SWOT 분석 47 제3절 시사점 51 제5장 글로벌전략에 관한 실증분석 54 제1절 연구가설과 연구모형 54 1. 연구가설 54 2. 연구모형 55 제2절 변수의 정의와 측정방법 56 1. 독립변수의 정의와 측정방법 56 2. 매개변수의 정의와 측정방법 57 3. 종속변수의 정의와 측정방법 58 4. 자료수집과 연구대상 58 제4절 실증분석 결과 61 1. 타당성분석 61 2. 신뢰성분석과 순위검정 64 3. 구조방정식에 의한 가설검정 67 제6장 결 론 73 제1절 연구결과의 요약 73 제2절 연구결과의 시사점 74 제3절 연구의 한계점과 향후 연구과제 76 참고 문헌 77 설 문 지 80 -
dc.language kor -
dc.publisher 한국해양대학교 대학원 -
dc.title 우리나라 국제특송업체의 글로벌전략에 관한 연구 -
dc.title.alternative A Study on Global Strategy for Korean International Express Companies -
dc.type Thesis - 2010-08 -
dc.contributor.alternativeName Kwon Oh Sung -
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