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우리 나라 기업의 성공적인 연봉제 운영 방안에 관한 연구 : 사례분석을 중심으로

DC Field Value Language 姜甫京 - 2017-02-22T06:46:20Z - 2017-02-22T06:46:20Z - 2001 - 56797-10-27 -
dc.identifier.uri ko_KR
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.description.abstract The environment of business management is rapidly changing as the survival of the fittest is becoming a principle amid internationalization, globalization and openness. Under this circumstance of indefinite competition, businesses are absolutely needed to change wage payment system under the seniority rule to annual salary system. Recently more and more local companies have introduced annual system in which compensation is determined according to each worker's capability and accomplishment, becoming a greatly changing blow to the existing payment system under the seniority rule. Annual salary system intends to promote employees' desire for work, increase productivity and innovate organizational climate by adding a motivational factor to the traditional salary system of local businesses under which longer service is rewarded with more payment. Thus the purpose of this study is to offer effective ways of introducing annual salary system to domestic companies and build up annual salary system ideal to this nation's circumstances by providing a basic concept of the system and reviewing the current situation and cases of the system instruction in this nation. The current situation of introducing by domestic companies of annual salary system can be summarized as follows. First, many companies of Korea have already adapted annual salary system as an capability-oriented reward method to motivate workers. Second, many businesses have introduced annual salary system focusing on managerial positions, which have been found more effective. Third, annual salary system has raised workers' participatory motivation and made clear their perception of working objectives, ultimately positively influencing workers' motives for their duties. Fourth, in its initial stage, annual salary system has been found not having better effects of increasing the ability of individual performance and improving organizational climate. Desirable ways of introducing annual salary system can be suggested as follows. First, the capability, accomplishment and attitude of each worker should be evaluated objectively and fairly in advance to establish annual salary system. As a reward method based on capability, annual salary system should take the objective and fair evaluation as its precondition. In particular, conventional complaints about the existing merit rating system should be solved to achieve positive effects of the annual payment system. Second, in its initial stage, annual salary system should be applied to provoke competition among workers within the same level. In this case, payments under the system should be different one another only within 5 to 10 %. After annual salary system is established considerably, it is desirable to expand such difference and promote completion among different levels. Third, annual salary system should be introduced first focusing on managerial and expert positions. Fourth, payment under annual salary system should be divided into 16 segments. That is, a sixteenth of the total amount should be paid every month over a year, The remaining four sixteenths should be given to workers every quarter in the form of bonus. This can avoid adverse effects of the system introduction. Prior to the introduction of annual salary system, companies should determine whether they will pay a basic annual salary or add incentives to it. It is recommended to seriously consider the latter to maximize workers' motives. The original Western annual salary system is in fact far away from this nation's business climates and workers' emotions because it does not allow bonus and benefits as well as retirement grants. From the view of Korean people, annual salary system should be based on payment system under the seniority rule as long familiar to businesses and workers, and thereon partly added with the capability-based salary system in which workers are differently paid according to their capabilities and accomplishments. Then the latter system should be expanded ultimately toward the original Western system. In conclusion, annual salary system currently operated in Korea is sort of compromise between the existing payment system under the superiority rule and the original salary system. -
dc.description.tableofcontents Abstract = Ⅵ 제 1 장 서론 = 1 제 1 절 문제제기 = 1 제 2 절 연구목적 = 3 제 3 절 연구의 범위 및 방법 = 6 제 2 장 연봉제의 이론적 고찰 = 8 제 1 절 연봉제 = 8 1. 연봉제의 개념 = 8 2. 연봉제의 성격 = 10 3. 연봉제의 유형 = 11 제 2 절 연봉제의 도입배경 = 12 1. 국제적 요인 = 14 2. 국내적 요인 = 14 3. 도입유형 = 17 제 3 절 연봉제의 특징 및 장·단점 = 18 1. 특징 = 18 2. 연봉제의 장점 = 19 3. 연봉제의 단점 = 21 제 4 절 외국의 연봉제도 = 22 1. 미국의 연봉제도 = 22 2. 일본의 연봉제도 = 31 3. 독일의 연봉제도 = 40 ?? 3 장 연봉제 도입기업의 사례분석 = 47 제 1 절 연봉제의 국내 동향 = 47 1. 국내기업들의 연봉제 실시현황 = 47 2. 연봉제를 위한 평가제도의 현황 = 50 제 2 절 두산그룹의 능력급제 = 51 1. 능력급제의 도입배경 = 51 2. 능력급제의 운영 = 53 3. 두산그룹의 능력급제의 특징 = 56 4. 현행 능력급제의 과제와 개선방향 = 57 제 3 절 대상그룹의 연봉제 = 58 1. 신인사제도의 도입배경과 접근방법 = 58 2. 신인사제도의 체계와 운영방법 = 60 3. 연봉제의 운영 = 61 4. 대상그룹의 특징 = 61 5. 현행 연봉제의 과제와 향후 개선 방향 = 63 제 4 절 태평양의 연봉제도 = 63 1. 연봉제의 도입배경과 준비작업 = 63 2. 연봉제의 내용과 운영방안 = 64 3. 태평양 연봉제의 특징 = 66 4. 연봉제 실시의 효과와 향후 운영방안 = 67 제 5 절 삼양사의 연봉제 = 68 제 6 절 (주)한글과 컴퓨터 연봉제 = 68 1. (주)한글과 컴퓨터 연봉제실시 현황 = 69 2. 연봉제의 급여체계 = 69 제 7 절 LG 화재해상보험 = 71 1. 연봉제 도입의 배경 = 71 2. 연봉제의 ?乍㈒섟? = 73 제 8 절 연봉제 도입사례의 특징 = 74 제 9 절 연봉제 도입 전·후의 매출액 증감 = 76 제 4 장 연봉제의 성공적 운영방안 = 78 제 1 절 기본방향 = 78 제 2 절 합리적 연봉제 운영방안 = 79 1. 적용범위 결정 = 79 2. 현행 급여체계의 연봉액 조정방안 = 80 3. 연봉제의 임금지급방법 = 81 4. 연봉조정 방법 = 81 5. 연봉제를 위한 평가제도 확립 = 82 제 3 절 연봉제 운영에 따른 예상문제점 = 82 1. 근로계약기간에 따른 문제점 = 82 2. 연봉제 적용범위에 따른 문제점 = 83 3. 근로계약 체결상의 고려사항 = 84 4. 할증 임금의 지급유무 = 84 제 4 절 연봉제와 노동법의 조화방법 = 85 제 5 절 한국형 연봉제 = 87 제 5 장 결론 = 89 참고문헌 = 95 -
dc.publisher 한국해양대학교 대학원 -
dc.title 우리 나라 기업의 성공적인 연봉제 운영 방안에 관한 연구 : 사례분석을 중심으로 -
dc.title.alternative (A) Study on the Successful Operation of Annual Salary System in Korean Companies : Focus on Case Analysis -
dc.type Thesis -
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