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우리나라 복합운송주선업체의 전략적 발전 방안에 관한 연구

DC Field Value Language 배백식 - 2017-02-22T06:46:36Z - 2017-02-22T06:46:36Z - 2007 - 56850-05-15 -
dc.identifier.uri ko_KR
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.description.abstract The purpose of this paper is to suggest the strategic development plan of the freight forwarding industry in Korea Even through there have been a lot of researches and studies on the development plan of the freight forwarding industry in Korea, the strategic development plan with a specific priority has not been proposed in the field. In order to do this, some issues to tackle have been raised by reviewing the literatures on the freight forwarding industry. As far as methodology is concerned, as AHP technique combined with SWOT analysis was introduced to get some findings which are as follows: First, as WT strategy, it is creation of the legal, systemic arrangement and importing sources. As an alternative plan of the legal, systemic arrangement, it may be suggested that there are registry strengthening standard of the freight forwarding industry, and the legal systemic arrangement and unification related to the freight forwarding. And as an alternative plan of creation of the importing source, it may be suggested that it would be a diversification and formalization of the importing source and also suggested the systemization of indemnity of goods gathering. Second, as a strategy of WO, it would be structure for inducement of economic size and logistical special manpower. In order to get the petty nature and specialization of system for the freight forwarding companies, the drastic improvement of M&A and system between companies shall be carried out. In order to drive the logistical special manpower, it was suggested to be established the university and high school for specialization of logistics in the airline or port areas and consignment education for special authorities. Third, as a ST strategy, we can point the structure of logistical standardization and expansion of the logistical foundation facilities. In order to get the structure of logistical standardization, it is required the institution of standards of standardization facility related to standardization of the electronic document and the main freight facilities. And, in order to have institution of the logistical foundation facilities, it is the situation to be urgent to have the drastic investment to the logistical foundation facilities, such as the port, airport, road, ICD, by dimension of the government. Fourth, As a SO strategy, it is the foster strategy of structure of the global logistical system and foster strategy of the total logistical companies. In order to have structure of the global logistical system, it is required the sufficient hinterland development of connection for infra of the air, sea and land transportations, logistical complex area from the government and development of the logistical complex area facility and development of logistical foundation facility and the ports and airlines. And, in order to foster total logistical companies, in the fostering dimension of the companies through selection of the total logistical companies, it may become an important policy method, in the permission of the clearance business, tax reduction & exemption, preferential inmate right of facility, logistical standardization provided by the nation or local self-government and also may become an important policy method through financing of the necessary capital or support of land to have the oversea's market opening-up. Through the strategic development plan in each priority of the freight forwarding industry as mentioned in our country, it seems like to be settled the freight forwarding system to be filled up requisition of the freight owner by service of door to door with a good service required by users with a confirmation of the special condition of the company and national competitive power. However, since this essay was used the partial past data due to shortage of data for freight forwarding industry in our country, I dare say that it has a limit to analyze the actual situation of all freight forwarding industries. As a study subject in a future, the deep analysis in each class of the freight forwarding industry shall be carried out through the various types of analysis detailed in each from the users of the small and large type of company and freight forwarding industry. -
dc.description.tableofcontents 제1장 서론 = 1 제1절 연구의 배경 및 목적 = 1 제2절 연구의 방법 및 구성 = 2 제2장 복합운송주선업의 이론적 고찰 = 5 제1절 복합운송주선업의 개요 = 5 1. 복합운송주선업의 의의 = 5 2. 복합운송주선업의 기능 = 6 3. 복합운송주선업의 역할 = 7 4. 우리나라 복합운송주선업의 발전과정 = 10 제2절 복합운송주선업의 제도 = 13 1. 외국 복합운송주선업의 제도 = 13 2. 우리나라 복합운송주선업의 제도 = 21 제3절 복합운송주선업 관련 국제조약, 규칙 및 책임 = 26 1. 국제복합운송조약 = 26 2. 국제상업회의소 통일규칙 = 27 3. 복합운송증권 = 29 4. 국제복합운송인의 책임 = 34 제4절 복합운송주선업의 현황 = 38 1. 복합운송주선업체의 등록업체 수 = 38 2. 자본금 및 종업원 현황 = 40 3. 복합운송주선업의 영업실적 = 41 제5절 선행연구 및 문제 제기 = 46 제3장 복합운송주선업의 모형 구축 = 49 제1절 SWOT/AHP의 이론적 배경 = 49 1. AHP의 이론 = 49 2. SWOT의 이론 = 53 3. SWOT/AHP의 이론 = 55 제2절 계층분석구조의 모형 구축 = 56 1. SWOT 매트릭스 평가속성요인의 도출 = 56 2. SWOT/AHP 분석을 위한 계층분석구조의 모형 구축 = 58 제4장 실증 분석 = 61 제1절 설문의 목적과 구성 = 61 제2절 실증분석 결과 = 64 1. 우리나라 복합운송주선업의 실태 분석 = 64 2. 우리나라 복합운송주선업의 SWOT/AHP 분석 = 75 제3절 복합운송주선업의 전략적 발전 방안 = 93 1. 법적·제도적 정비와 수입원의 창출(WT 전략) = 94 2. 물류표준화 구축과 물류기반시설 확충(ST 전략) = 97 3. 규모의 경제화 유도와 물류전문 인력 구축(WO 전략) = 99 4. 글로벌 물류체제 구축과 종합물류기업 육성(SO 전략) = 101 제5장 요약 및 결론 = 104 참고문헌 = 107 부록 = 112 -
dc.language kor -
dc.publisher 한국해양대학교 대학원 -
dc.title 우리나라 복합운송주선업체의 전략적 발전 방안에 관한 연구 -
dc.title.alternative A Study on the Strategic Development Plan of the Freight Forwarding Industry in Korea -
dc.type Thesis - 2007-02 -
dc.contributor.alternativeName Bae -
dc.contributor.alternativeName Baeg-Sig -
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